What happens here?
What happens here?
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BLACK is happening
Fucking traitors. Fuck them.
Having the same corrupt man in power since the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
But it's ok because he's a Western cocksucker so they tolerate him.
You get bored
Pls Kuroyama-san, post pics
They were technically at war with Japan for almost a hundred years because they joined the Russo Japanese war on the side of Russia but never contributed and didn't sign the peace treaty. It was also part of Serbia after Yugoslavia collapsed.
Why does Albania's flag violate the rule of tincture?
it's one of the oldest flags in the world, it's from the 1400s
Right, so unlike new world countries, it doesn't have the excuse of having been designed after the traditions of heraldic design were obsoleted.
aren't they basically serbians in denial? why did they split up?
It kind of sucks for Serbia because they wouldn't be landlocked if they still had Montenegro.
Hello world.
>someone actually from Montenegro
Sorry for (You)
Why is Montenegro independent from Serbia?
is monteNEGRO BLACK or are you just another pathetic white KKKrackers?
Albanian subhumans roleplaying as Serbs
Saviour of the white race
Tax haven for poker players
*posts IQ map*
Very low income tax for people who are self employed
Evil supervillains playing poker with British spies
They have 9% personal income tax.
best post itt
nista lose u tome
because he will translate russian better than serbian