*shot you for trying to pull your pants up*
*shot you for trying to pull your pants up*
Just another dead wh*Te, nothing of value was lost
we should kill this wh*Toids too and make that two
think smart
is this what policemen look like in the USA?
he looks like some 20yo edgy kid
He could have handled it much better than he did but i understand why he pulled the trigger.
Because he was a psycho who wanted to kill? Probably one of those dudes on CoD or BF that talks all tactical
He looks like a drug addict who is going to suicide himself with dseppuku before 27.
>kids become policemen in murrica
>murrigan police accept tattooed ppl
He was called out to handle someone who migth have been armed, during the arrest the drunk guy quickly reaches towards his waistband. How could the cop know that he was unarmed? How could he know that he wouldn't get killed himself during the moment that the drunken idiot tried to reach towards his waistband like a standofff in a scene in a fucking wild west movie?
Y O U ' R E
The guy did reach back but fuck me man what a waste of a life. Yanks are twisted in the head.
The only thing the man pictured in OP did was pull the trigger, a different cop was the one shouting the orders.
He looks like a guy who codes in Ruby and node.js.
Completely paranoid behavior. Anyone at any place could be armed. You can't just kill people because they hypothetically could be armed and could be wanting to kill you. It's insane.
>you listen, you obey
some people don't do well with power.
nah it's because he was responding to a call that someone was pointing a firearm out of the window, so he did have reason to suspect he was armed
he looks like the Linkin Park dude clad in tacticool gear
americans bring swat teams with assault rifles to hand one drunk possibly armed guy?
The root problem is civilian gun ownership in America.
If American civilians (and criminals) didn't have guns their cops wouldn't be so paranoid.
t. Danish cop
He was carrying a riffle in his pocket?
The root problem is police recruitment and training
a) not even a nigger will reach for a gun when two cops are aiming rifles at you
b) the cops could instantly see if he was grabbing a gun
c) it would take time for him to move his arm 180 degrees to aim at the cops
yanks have conealed carry laws so he could have a small handgun by his waist
Many Americans have handguns. As an American cop you have to assume they all have one.
Then why are European cops not shooting drunk people for pulling up their pants?
Anyone could have a concealed firearm. What was the guy guilty of? Having an airgun inside his room. It's not even a crime.
No, you don't. Police are supposed to protect people, not treat them like enemy combatants.
>several armed cops can't arrest a single potentially armed drunk guy without shooting him
If it's all about only protecting their own skin, what about calling drones strikes to kill suspects? No risk for the boys in blue
The guy was possibly armed and the cop was prioritizing his life over the drunk guys life.
They do that in alot of countries.
>a) not even a nigger will reach for a gun when two cops are aiming rifles at you
Yes, because he was drunk and when people are drunk they do stupid things.
>b) the cops could instantly see if he was grabbing a gun
And? Should they wait for him to get the chance to fire back?
c) it would take time for him to move his arm 180 degrees to aim at the cops
It wouldn't take more than a second considering how fast he reached back.
>b) the cops could instantly see if he was grabbing a gun
>c) it would take time for him to move his arm 180 degrees to aim at the cops
No cops will wait for the target to actually aim before shooting. Putting your hand on your weapon is enough for cops to shoot at you.
>justifying absolute nigger tier behavior by the cops
gas yourselves
And a pocket knife in his sock, an explosive belt under his t shirt...
Cops is the US are normally the kids who got bullied in high school and now lust for power. Some of them are alright, but, a lot of them are tools.
Happens every other week in America and virtually never in Europe and Americans still think everything is fine and dandy, God they're so fucking retarded.
You mean your police don't have a guy play twister when they arrest them, then shoot him when he pulls up his pants from the gymnastics?
If you feel you have to kill anyone who could be armed, maybe you shouldn't be a cop.
t. Sup Forumstard who is defending the victim because he was white.
The guy was reaching towards his waistband for fucks sake, how can people be so naive to expect a cop to take that risk.
Yes and in Europe people do that as well but they don't get shot, what's your point?
How many times in everyday life do people pull up their pants? How many of those times did they pull out a gun?
The guy was cooperating, sobbing and at an severe disatvantage to shoot, there would have been enough time to see what was pulled, a single shot from a rifle will knock him out even before he aims.
You're such a disgusting bootlicker. Get the hell out of my Europe
In Europe chances of someone other than criminals carrying guns is very low. Some places in America even the worst kinds of people can easily get their hands on a handgun.
The guy was sobbing saying "please don't kill me". Then you have crawl on the floor while you yell at him. Competent police work for sure.
I don't think he was even pulling his pants, he just lost balance because the dumbass cop told a drunk guy to crawl towards him with hands up high and legs crossed.
He was told several times to keep his hands where they could be seen then reaches towards his waistband, i know he was drunk but he seemed like he could follow orders.
Protocol is to have the guy put his hands in the air, turn around, then walk backwards with his hands still in the air, then they have him lay down, then they can grab his hands and arrest him.
This whole game of twister was fucking retarded.
the perp crawled over to the bag on the ground and looked like he was trying to get something. the cop is definitely an asshole but did the right thing
He was also told that they would shoot him if he didn't do what they told him.
So if a drunk homeless guy doesn't respond to your manlet rage induced commands you just execute him?
Very sad story, it is what it is. I think the police was trying to prevent another Las Vegas, tensions were running sky high, and accidents and misunderstandings happen. God have mercy on all of us.
Retard should've just listened to the cops' instructions.