/V4/ Punished edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping for dummies
>capital v
>edition in subject
>no '+ friends' in any form
>bumping your own thread after 1 (one) minute
jesus christ, i dont even know what to say
kapd be először csináltam
>the absolute state of /v4/
still better than america
also bump
thx for the bump im going to go soon
Mysteries of life
The cycle shall not be broken
honorary slovak
magyar fucking cigány
I'm watching you
to seee my oc posted so often
Good, good.
Should I play MGSV?
sure. the story is pretty weak but an open world metal gear is pretty damn fun for awhile
are you watching Zikmund lads?
commies must've been fucking livid
slow night?
(úředně ověřeno)
mmm milkers
saturday night is a perfect night to reflect upon your life failures while slowly poisoning your central nervous system with liquids made out of fermented fruits and vegetables
can someone suggest some good soundproofing for my windows? I just need 5 minutes without hearing basketballs.
Do you want to still be able to see anything through them afterwards? Because most sondproofing isn't transparent. I would rather suggest getting "european" windows.
hello friends
>"european" windows
why do even slavic countries have better housing? was I lied to about this country being number 1(I was told this every single day for 13 years in school)?
welcome, britburger
Hello friend
'member the good old times?
did literally nothing wrong
I am back
>tfw meet with friend who I havent seen in years
>drink a lot and banter
>he tells me that he has a fucking gf and leaves cuz he promised his gf to be home by midnight
That's good. He'll make his gf happy.
I always enjoy yours posts
winter has come, lads
have you made that Tinder account you virgin?
what tinder account? Im not that user
I see, some magyar was complaining yesterday about having no gf so I told him to install Tinder and get a date already
screw you all the snow that fell melted and there is no more falling
>some time ago
>get first in years message from a friend
>announces that his wife gave birth to a girl
>didn't even know he was married
>probably made a mistake when sent the message
yeah I saw that too but I get the feels too aswell as
>some roastie is more important than your friend
fucking whores
what sort of gf are you liable to get on tinder?
he should do what shogun Okamura did and use a catholic dating service to supply a waifu instead.
there's still time before Christmas for more, r-right user?
from my experience, there's mostly hoes there, but sometimes you can come across a real gem of a girl if you are lucky
still better than moping around at home crying about no gf
fucking hell user I can already see myself getting that while ill die alone
why don't you go hang out somewhere with girls and chat them up?
surely your local community center organizes some hobby events or something.
I hate snow and winter in general. I have to wake up earlier to showel to it, driving is more dangerous and takes longer. Road salt fucks up my car. Also I have to spend like 3k pln on coal to heat my house.
It doesnt exist
hell even when i was little kid all i had was all boys in class for some reason
Why don't you just heat with wood?
If you live in the countryside debris wood is plenty and often companies and people are glad if someones takes it.
If you live in a city and can afford a house there stop complaining you rich fuck.
What are hobbies and events that girls atrend? I'm asking seriously. Everything that I had been interested in, involved only guys.
Wood requires chopping and the chopped one is more expensive than coal. There's barely any debris wood here due to how forest are managed. Also good luck heating anything bigger than a single room with it.
Besides that, I have a modern automatic heating boiler and high grade coal is the most efficient fuel.
Hmm... Pottery? Painting? Music? Yoga? Cooking?
>modern women
>interested in cooking
Even better, the hobby naturally selects against pretentious feminists.
The tradeoff presumably being higher incidence of fags.
old memes
friendship between Germany and Poland
god i want to lick some pussy right now
unfaithful pussy
hello friends
where is horo?
right here
why do anime girls have to be so much better than real ones?
because they are imaginary creatures without any worries, problems or defects
are czech women better than western women?
Because real people can't be perfect without breaking causality
i don't know, I never met a western woman
>not all women
Hello britburger
this also the fact that they look perfect withouth any physical flaws
unless it's part of their design
even those ones look better than real life counterparts. 2d is truly the ultimate form
it's no wonder that so many people fall in love with anime characters
This is not a good question to ask, and it's not possible to answer in a way that would not be highly contentious. Nor would it necessarily be helpful to attribute such valuation to an entire population of individuals with such variety from one to another.
I suppose there may be some cultural differences, like czech ones are more likely to be nonbelievers, less opinionated on certain subjects that may be all the rage in the west and accustomed to lower standard of living, but I sincerely doubt you could rely on any of these tendencies when forming your opinion on any given specimen.
i made a hungarian friend and hes ok
>tfw irl everyone is ugly af while 2d is perfect form of a human (or other) being
Why? Why wasnt it the other way around?
don't be so pessimistic, user
its just the truth nothing else and it hurts
perhaps you'll change your mind about it once you meet a nice girl
>Muv Luv
Superior taste.
>me meeting a 3d girl
redbull me on tinder
will my tinder pics show up on my fb profile? will my fb friends be able to tell I'm using tinder without me actually being suggested to them in the app?
dont do it champ
desu I'm very reluctant since I don't have any pics of me doind exciting stuff or being in social situations and I detest the chic nihilistic post-irony that a lot of the userbase seems to enjoy
is /v4/ the only non-cucked part of europe?
v4 is the best part of europe
>guy leaves the bar
>bartender says "see ya tomorrow"
that's the life I want
>go to my usual pub
>bartender puts a pilsner in front of me before I take my coat off
Maybe this is the life I want?
Sounds really nice desu
good post
>even slavic countries
>we basically made German Prussia a thing ourselves
>Prussians were always the most hateful towards Poland
>Prussia was the main force behind partitions, even tzarina Katarina was raised there
>Prussians were the hatemongers that encouraged Hitler to go full autismung with his slavische untermensch theories
>tfw Polacks essentially created their own nemesis