What is with Synder's obsession with adding really obvious christian imagery into his DCEU movies? Yes...

What is with Synder's obsession with adding really obvious christian imagery into his DCEU movies? Yes, Superman can be thought of as sort of a Christ-like figure in some respect but the complete lack of subtlety in MoS and BvS is silly at best and pretentious at worst.

I couldn't keep a straight face during the seen in MoS when Clark was in the church; it was somehow funnier then the Big Black Kryptonian penis rockets

Because Snyder wants to make his movies deep, but has no idea how to actually go about that.

Because makes it work, I can watch MoS and BvS in black and white or on mute and appreciate the visual prowess that Snyder can muster.

Why people have problem with Christian imagery or Christianity in general?

Movies back then was full of Christian values and imagery.

Hello Synder

Supes is more like Moses than Jesus anyways

>What is with Synder's obsession with adding really obvious christian imagery into his DCEU movies?
Because he doesn't like superheroes, and feel that superheroes are false gods. So he needed a superhero to actually BE Jesus. This is very common, with many "Christian Reviewers" judge the morality of a film by how Christ-like the hero is, and the less the hero resemble Jesus the less they like the Hero.

There was a review of the film "Kongfu Hustle", where the reviewer complained that the hero spared the life of the villain because "the villain is the devil, and you are suppose to kill the devil."

The eyes of a Christian is a strange one. Everything is either a reference to the Bible or heresy.

Well he's not on script entirely for DC stuff so how much of it is his directing I can't say, but given the end result of his directing I take it like Sucker Punch he wants to feel he's doing something clever when it's really just a distraction from the lacking elsewhere.

It makes for nice Trailer material after all.

*tips fedora*

>*tips fedora*
Are you denying it? Go check out one of those "Christian Review" sites.

Or are you one of them?

you think christian movie review websites represent all Christians?

No he's not.

>The eyes of a Christian is a strange one. Everything is either a reference to the Bible or heresy.

Except I'm pretty damn Christian and I think Superman deserves to be represented as his own character because he's strong enough to carry stories without being compared to Christ.
I always saw him more like Moses anyway

>you think christian movie review websites represent all Christians?
No, but I am directly referencing Christian Reviewers and their target audiences. Once again, are you denying their existence? Are you denying that Snyder is directly catering to their needs?

Funny that, because there is a slight issue with the complete absence of Jewish slavery in Egypt... Can't have a Moses if there was never Jewish Slaves to liberate.

I dunno, I think that user and the camp in general might have a point.

Moses was who God specifically gave powers to in order to do some superheroing, Jesus was to correct a mistake Noah and Adam couldn't. He had abilities and used them to help people but he wasn't really there for that.

>What is with Synder's obsession with adding really obvious christian imagery into his DCEU movies?

Because it's Baby's First Film Student Imagery and plebs think it will make their shallow film feel deep.

you know plenty of historical figures have had their actual lives conflated with myth and legend, right?

like, they still teach that Betty Ross made the first American flag and that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree in elementary schools. like, what's your point?

>Zack Snyder
There's the problem.

>Except I'm pretty damn Christian
>damn Christian
I wonder who could be behind this post?
It's Satan.

He is a SUN GOD. One of many, you dumbass burgers see christ since is the only guy you know.

>Amerilards only complain about yezus
>amerilards missed the Übermensch and Prometheus arcs

I love how dumb this board is. It makes average as fuck people feel smart.

He's a hack who was raised as a christian and never improved after getting out of film school.
Most of these ''biblical reference'' shots are fucking embarassing.

>are you one of them

>he's a sun god



Oh boy it's this forced meme again.

>Jesus is a sun god

Because it's easy cinematic shorthand...

Want to endear a character to the Middle American audience quickly without establishing them? Put him through the Stations of the Cross... It's a trick as old as time. Hell, Robocop's done it.

Thing is... You have to be subtle with the Christ allusions and "SUBTLE" is not in Hack Snyder's lexicon...

Sure, the guy powered by the sun that flies on the sky isnt a sun god.

I'm pretty sure jesus isn't a sun god though

That's what Superman fans want him.
They want the superior moral hero that can solve everything with love and caring and that cares and love about everyone but at the same time is more human than humans and has all the best qualities humanity has to offer.

>solves everything with love and caring
>BvS supes

This. BvS Supes is a demonic destroyer. Everything he touches turns to ash.

He is. Do americans don't have philosophy classes on school?

>sacrificing yourself to save a planet of monkeys is not an act of love and care

No major religion where Jesus is an important figure ever treats him as the embodiment of the sun nor do they worship the sun

you mean sacrificing yourself to save just one monkey

Similar to how Yahweh borrows a lot of imagery and personality from Zeus, Jesus bears many similarities to Apollo.

He's not literally a sun god, but the influence is there.

you mean theology or mythology

Yeah why is he making god alleghories to the guy whose power it is to hear the entire world, be there in an istsnt and right wrongs

And Easter and Christmas aren't pagan holidays either huh buddy? Jesus may not be worshipped as sun god but he has sun god baggage.
>being associated with light
>crosses are solar symbols

When you muddy the waters of narrative, you give it the illusion of depth

>he's not literally a sun god
>jesus may not be worshipped as a sun god
so we all agree that he's not a sun god

He's a sun god in everything but name

see: NGE

It's not his fault that DC doesn't really have any iconic imagery of its own. The stuff they came up with, Marvel and other competitors - Fawcett spring to mind, but lately even Dark Horse and Image and goddamn Valiant - do better; the rest of it is the same derivative crap that blights every publisher's catalog.

I thought the cross looking fall he does backwards out of the ship in MoS was worse

I dont follow

He is a pleb claming that Neon Genesis Evangelion lacks depth and is just murky water

I liked when he was in the church talking to a priest and looking up at a stainglass of jesus

Yeah that was terrible.

It was in Superman Returns too at one point and it was just as bad

But neither MoS or BvS had a "muddy" narrative.

Except Snyder isn't a Christian.

Even the creators said they only liked the christian imagery cause it was "cool"

That makes the movie even worse

I like how completely overblown you guy make these scenes out to be.


What? There was no reason for him to leave the ship like this except for the visual

Wat? He didn't even say religion is bad.

Because why would a non-christian use christian imagery for a savior?

Do you think the Batman solo movie will be full of muslim imaginery?

He's falling backwards user.

Huh... Batman kills people in BvS, often with suicidal intent which Irons consistently refers to.

Was BvS just christian propaganda the whole time?

Because Jesus is a well known savior?

So Snyder, not believing in jesus as his own savior, just wanted to use jesus just cause people would recognize him?

Seems like he's appealing to the largest demographic for a shallow reason

I'm not saying the imagery isn't there but isn't as heavy handed as Sup Forums like to make it out to be.

he was also obsessed with a space rock

Christian culture is super pervasive in modern society. Just like how non-Christians can celebrate Christmas, non-Christians can also easily recognize and understand the imagery of a Christ-like savior.

Synder may not be a Christian but Jesus is kinda big in western society. Even non-Christians recognize the savior.

>only Christians can use Jesus in their stories
I seriously hope you don't believe this user.

Just saying it would be dumb for me to use a bunch of hindu imagery if im not a hindu but just so indian people watch my movie especially since I probably don't understand the imagery that much

Except in this case it would be like basing your religion on events like George Washington chopping down a cherry tree and then later finding no historical facts to support it

You do know that Sybder has study art history and that a lot of the masters did patron work for the church. There's a good chance that Synder understand more about the Imagery of Jesus in art than all of Sup Forums combined.

>BvS is a masterpiece, a movie with integrity!
>four ads for other movies in the middle of the movie
>kills off a main character illogically for cheap emotional impact only to show a really obvious 'hint' that he's going to come back
>has a random character with no background join the final conflict, so meaningless that two of the titular characters don't even know who she is
>director uses christian imagery even though he's not a christian just so people understand the heavy-handed symbolism

It's almost like Religion requires faith.

Christianity isn't really hard to figure out though, once you get past the trinity you're pretty much at the hime stretch.

>like, what's your point?
The point? It directly contradicts the entire Abrahamic position of being the "Chosen People, freed from slavery and given the holy land". The entire religion depends on it.

>It's almost like Religion requires faith.
It isn't faith when it is an outright lie. Faith requires ambiguity.

Jesus christ, you do know you that you don't have to be part of that religion to understand it right?

Maybe he just like Jesus. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

People (especially Jews) are triggered by Jesus for the same reason they're triggered by Superman. Jesus is a good person, and they are not good people. They know that they are not good people, so it hurts them to see people who are.

>Just like how non-Christians can celebrate Christmas, non-Christians can also easily recognize and understand the imagery of a Christ-like savior.
How stupid, it is the other way around, Christians celebrate Winter Solstice. It was never a Christian holiday to begin with. Another lie. It was never yours.

Abraham probably never existed either so I guess all judeo religion are false. Hell if the judaism is a lie than the prophecy of their messoah is a lie which means Jesus wasn't the savior.


You should at least be part of the religion if you're going to paint a character as a savior

It would be like me saying "you know, I don't believe in God at all" and then making a movie about the good and greatness of God

>Abraham probably never existed either so I guess all judeo religion are false.
Abraham existed. I have no need to claim everything is a lie, I just need to show what I CAN prove. And what we know as a fact is that there was no Exodus, the entire chapter was fanfiction. And even Jews know it, that's why they had to have the Passover every year because there was no other way to reinforce a lie that never happened.

Of course the Abraham religion existed. It's just that the entire foundation was built on the Jews being freed by their god from slavery in Egypt, which was made up to make themselves the chosen people.

Well aren't you smart, giving us some mindblowing facts that everybody's already known for years?
Maybe take a break from browsing /r/atheism so you can realize that doesn't change my point, and I wasn't even wrong. Whether or not it was the solstice in the past, it's christmas now.

>Whether or not it was the solstice in the past, it's christmas now.
Actually now it is just a commercial holiday in America, and an extra Valentines day in Japan where couples can fuck like rabbits. What was once changed can change again, you don't get to keep your Christmas the way you like.

Well Synder wasn't making a movie about Jesus.

>Sure, the guy powered by the sun that flies on the sky isnt a sun god.
Plants aren't sun gods.

Jesus was a jew


He was raised as a Christian Scientist.

Even his birthday is the birthday of the sun god. This is the problem, a dumbass like snyder is literally too depth for people like you.

But he was

so you mean Snyder confused paganism with christianity?

wow, this is becoming worse and worse

>Do you think the Batman solo movie will be full of muslim imaginery?

For fucks sake i know this is a shitty joke but Batman was filled with Übermensch stuff, that was the whole point of the character and the "bats lifting" escene.

don't try to argue with people if you're retarded, user.

Wow a dumbass gets confused by a simple action movie? This is terrible

so you agree that snyder confused paganism with christianity? because neither of you guys seem to contest it

This thread is really stupid.