Sup Forums
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Comics #828
SM/WW #29
X-Men: Apocalypse
Rosianna Rabbit
Robin - son of Batman #12
Godzilla Rage AcrossTime
I just realized he was saved by Bucky both times
Flash vs Quicksilver deathbattle
Best Spider-Man writer
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
So, everyone in this show is an asshole?
Is Legend of Korra as good as The Last Airbender? /tg/ sent me
What's her back story, Sup Forums?
Valiant announces 7 new series debuts
Was anyone edgier then 90's Aquaman?
DC Universe Warner Lot Tour
ITT: The episode where the show went uphill
Why is she so uninteresting?
Astro City 35 storytime
Spider-Woman 07 storytime
SJWs defending real pedophiles
Does anyone remember Robotomy?
Blade, Ghost Rider, and Moon Knight Rumored for Netflix Pickups
Post your favorite comic book character
ITT: Comics and Cartoons that are 100% pure
Gravity Falls
ITT: Things that exist
What does your comics folder look like?
Why was he always chasing the animaniacs?
Real talk, why do you hate this show so much? Why are you so desperate for it not to be canon?
Why won't they just make Carol a man already?
Team Parsley Storytime
Le non-canon SHIT SHIT SHIT XD
Who is right?
Remeber us co/
Transformers General - The Last Knight Edition
Why was this """controversial""" back in the day?
Is there a worst writer than Sam Humphries? Man...
An Open Letter to Nerd Culture: Wolverine as Toxic Masculinity
Lolirock/French Cartoon Thread
Manifest Destiny returns after
Oh snap, Sup Forums! Chaddseid, the dark god of getting mad pussy, has taken interest in your waifu...
Zoom is planning to trick Barry into racing him so Barry unwittingly powers the machine that'll destroy Earth-2 so...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
You are Captain America, on the run from the government with your small band of rogue heroes
So now that Geoff Johns (and and other guy we dont care about) is in charge of the DCEU...
Did Lex Luthor Rape Superman?
Hey remember when Disney Villains had actual character and weren't sentient plot devices?
Here's your first look at Rebirth Joker, courtesy of Rafael Albuquerque
Sokovia Accords
Bebop and Rocksteady
So what exactly is MCU canon?
Gave him an actual backstory and sympathetic motivations
Was there ever an explanation as to what the fuck is up with his hair...
ENDTOWN - 2016-05-18 Quit Badgering me!
Why Cap couldn't lift Mjolnir
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic 001 Storytime
Dethlok Storytime
About 30 seconds of screentime
Why, I do believe it's time for Gil Kane!
Deadpool & The Mercs For Money 004 Storytime
Why does zen pencils portrays an unrrealistic conception of the real life?
Titans Hunt #8
Watched the movies recently, after putting off on it during their release dates. The first one is surprisingly good...
Why is she so perfect?
"Batman: Return to Arkham" comes to Xbox1/PS4 in July
Rate him on the MCU villain scale
ITT : we suggest a children's animated/comic series that could actually be successful
The leaked Homecoming plot has me hyped, lets do this!
Can we ban discussion of this Shitty, Horrible, Idiotic Trash like we did with the horse show?
Story time
Invincible #128 storytime
Future Quest #01 Storytime
Why do the new female Ghostbusters threaten your masculinity, Sup Forums...
Legion of Super-Heroes
So, am I the only one who likes Zoom? He's not as good as Eobard (no one will ever be)...
Wynonna Earp #4
Aquaman #52 Storytime
Create your own kryptonite
Uncanny Avengers #9 Storytime
Post any image
Story time
ITT: Top tier Sup Forumssplay only
Is practically a god
DC Comics Advertises Its Adverts For DC Rebirth To Hipsters
Gunnerkrigg Court fix attempt
Spider-Man #4 Storytime
Civil War II storytime?
What's the point of two characters with the same powers?
Superman did nothing wrong
So, how was it?
Warner Bros...
It's almost been a year since season 2 aired
All right. That one worked on me
Bojack thread. Favourite episodes/moments/characters? Expectations for season 3? Is life really worth living?
PKNA: Paperinik New Adventures in English from IDW
/DOAG/ Dumbing of Age General
Take the last cartoon you watched explain what you think it would be like without censorship in the way
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
How the fuck does one woman drag a franchise down so much? And to put salt in the wounds...
What went right?
Are there any comics where Reed Richards is actually a hero?
Hello Sup Forums
Let's Speak English #124 - Not Covered In Training
Superman: American Alien #7 Storytime
What is this thread?
Is this show any good? How does it hold up to The New Batman Adventures, The Batman and Brave & the Bold?
Gunnerkrigg Court why didn't Sup Forums like black Wally? He was a little punk when he was first introduced...
Tell the truth, Sup Forums
I am cum
This show any good?
Marvel is acting like AoS isn't MCU canon
Demon Finale
Pun pun kill chan thread
Will Homestuck become more culturally relevant than Sbahj?
Blaster Nation 499
Kate Leth is tired of comics
Quick question
Adventure Time
What would you do if you woke up in a Marvel Universe DC Universe what would you do in that universe
Rocko's Modern Revival Thread
Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD K6BD
Dave Sim-Not Hitler
WTF... Why is this allowed?
What cartoon would you like to see be turned into a Japanese anime adaptation?
I'm at the end of season 1 senpai, it's killing me. I don't want to watch on, knowing it was cancelled early
Spider-man: Homecoming
Sup Sup Forums, this is professor Fury.Choose your starter for your lecherous adventures
/sug/-steven universe general
What in-universe reason does DC/Marvel have for not executing their mass murdering supervillains?
Last Morrison story of the night
Are there any good comics that are:
Are you prepared for a genderbend episode in season 3?
Will it be shit?
Who is the worst live action marvel character
Angel Dust thread
What's his name again?
'Batman v Superman' Fallout: Warner Bros. Shakes Up Executive Roles (Exclusive)
Agents of SHIELD Live Talkback Thread 2
You must take the last R-rated movie you watched and make a family-friendly Saturday morning cartoon version/spinoff...
Why is the New Batman Adventures so ugly and why did they use it as the base for the DCAU?
Gravity Falls
I seriously don't get it guys. Why are the Guardians a part of this...
ABC and ESPN in 1995
That face when they pump the female protagonist so full of air that she inflates like a balloon and explodes
I have this huge obsession with Jinx
When I read this it just feels like Dr Manhattan with a family
If you could have any super power what would it be?
Is the Superman powerset the most boring powerset you can possible give someone?
Cartoon Network
What are you waiting for? I told you to bark for me, dog
The Imperium has invaded the last show you watched
Don't steal comics, kids
ITT: Sup Forums MILFs
Did it age well?
/SUG/ - Steven Universe General
Who doesn't read comics?
Mary sue wayne
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Toonami Ratings for 5/14/16
JSA Storytime: Captain Atom
Agents of SHIELD Live Talkback
Avengers Storytime: Under Siege Saga
MCU Thread
This would taste good with sprinkles on it
Iron man VS The Joker
Teacher thread:because Why Not
Why is nedroid so pure?
The Flash Talkback Thread - Gettin' Peaceful Edition
Camp WWE
So is this possibly one of the worst ways to get a character out of the picture...
Don't bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?
Let's talk about mediocre webcomics Sup Forums
Is it worth buying?
We did it, Sup Forums
Taking a break from PAD's Hulk to do Morrison's Zoids
ITT: Planet Nameks in Sup Forums
New DC Logo Thread
DC is to Star Trek as Marvel is to Star Wars
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Drawn by Lupa
Can we have a Morrison thread? that all, anons?
Is pic related any good? I'm interested in getting into Deathlok
Why do they keep getting scared when they've experienced hundreds of hoaxes?
Why couldn't I save her?
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 17
Is this the best cartoon of all time? I really cant think of any flaws
Describe the last time you had sex with a Spongebob quote
Looks like fucking shit
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 3: New Mutants (Part 9)
Indie comic
Agents of SHIT
Let´s play a game Sup Forums I've seen the movie and I really enjoyed it...
That episode where it was revealed that the reason Jimmy wears a retainer is because the Eds sold him a bowling pin...
Robert Kirkman's Heroes And Villains: The History Of Comic Books Heading To AMC
Agents of SHIT (and non-canonicity) most likely canceled after Season 4
I have a question, All these mail superheroes wearing spandex how are they not copping boners all the time...
Is this the best fight scene in a cartoon?
Why hasn't Laura hooked up with Cyclops yet?
What's the best elseworlds story and why is it Batman year 100?
So I was expecting Spidey to feel written in at the last moment, because he pretty much was, but it wasn't too bad
Image Comics August 2016 Solicitations
Sup guys, I don't know much about comics
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
We find out his "true name" in a few days
Would a "manga" made in Spain be Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Why, I do believe it's time for Gil Kane!
She is HOT, Sup Forums
Hey, Sup Forums, back when the decision to cast Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm was announced...
Why do "popular" people feel the need to take nerdy things as their own?
Alright /co say something nice about Tim Drake
Agents of Shield season 4 moving to 10pm
Valiant Summit 2016
What is your favorite Sup Forums crossover?
Why do black people love spongebob so damn much?
Marvel Solicitations August 2016
What's some good comics to cater to my preggo fetish?
DC Comics Unveils New Logo to Debut w/ Rebirth #1
When will a good writer come along and reinstate them as mutants with Magneto as their father?
Do you think Bruce considers Clark his "best friend" or just an ally with similar goals?
Do you think 2016 will ultimately be a great year for animated films?
Hey Sup Forums comic book sales for April are out
INJUSTICE STORYTIME NERDS, in which Harley and Billy break up...
That episode where Arthur gets diabetes
ITT: Your Perfect Casting Choice
Has all the power of hell
Did you watch it Sup Forums?
How to improve Sup Forums?
I love Elizabeth Olsen but damn you could feel the internal laughter while she was telling Scarlet Witch story
Spider-Man's rogues
All gems are gay Edition
Why didn't the Joker ever have Harley sit down with Batman (she might be batshit insane...
X-Men Apocalypse starts showing tomorrow in my country Sup Forums but i have a feeling it's gonna be trash
Does Marvel have an Earth-3?
Post the best pic of a character
Menage a 3
WOLVERINE 3 (2017)
Airport battle or Siberian outpost fight?
Who was in the wrong here?
How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #273
Are you ready to see Apocalypse and Magneto destroy the Twin Towers during the latest X-Men movie?
Is Lex Luthor the Ubermensch?
ITT: GOAT villains
Post and rate your OTPs
Why are people like Snyder so in love with Superman as a Christ allegory when he was invented by two Jews and inspired...
This wasn't that great of a performance
Waifu/Husband Thread
Why do people like Catwoman?
Does Garrison win if Trump wins?
Are shitty fan art threads still allowed on here? We used to have a blast with these
And then they all died of food poisoning
They're going to kill off Cap & replace Evans with Stan's bland ass
Wait hol up, isn't SW as responsible for Ultron as Tony is? In AoU, the Avengers try to steal the scepter back...
ITT: Feels
Are memes ruining cartoons?
Loud house conspiracy
Who has the second best rogues gallery?
Donald Trump vs The Red Hood
Gay LGBT Queer Comics
Storytime of Pain
Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
Would Korgoth of Barbaria been a good series?
Why is she so perfect?
Old Thread:
Monster Buster Club
Episode titles are named after songs
ITT:Dumb Sup Forums related theories
/SUG/ - Steven Universe General
Who is the worst Lantern and why is it Kyle?
American Dad
This would be a very different group dynamics from Sora, Donald, and Goofy
Old Thread
Justice League
Camp WWE
Can someone explain to me what they're doing?
Super Mansion
The art is still a little weird but it's noticeably better than before. I mean right...
Scalie Schoolie 5/16/16
Death Battle
Who would you cast as Cheetah for the Wonder-Woman movie?
Miraculous Fandom unite!
Lets have a Disney Parks thread
So she's got SOME sort of mental illness, right?
X-23 thread
Why does CN have such mediocore animation quality nowadays compared to the 2000's era?
Please tell me that's who I think it is on the cover!
This is all your fault, Sup Forums
How come old comic art looks so bad compared to today? Art has been around for thousands of years...
Poppy O'Possum
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #830
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 3: New Mutants (Part 8)
What the hell, Sup Forums
Adventures of Supergirl #9 storytime
Why does Disney hate the Muppets? They fucking bought them, and now won't do anything with them
They Said It Couldn't Happen!
At last! I've arrived at Sup Forums. Now to find that scum Ranma
You are now the protagonist of the show you last watched. What do you do in this world?
So this guy's entire motivation to become evil was because his daughter was seemingly killed, and thus wanted revenge
ITT: Sup Forums kids who will probably end up growing up gay
So we all pretty much agree that Gotham is the best of the current cape shows, right?
Lol marvel
Worst animated movie sequels?
Marvel producer admits its plots are 'interchangeable and disposable'
Bed, twerp
Comic relaunch uses the original team, except for Songbird and Zemo that got graduated to Avenger and event villain
The last Sup Forums thing you read/watched is crossing over with the last video game you played. What happens?
Man this comic was fucking rediculously awesome
Who's the worse parent?
I like miles
GOTHAM Live Talkback Thread 2
Is it going to fail or at least lose a lot of potential viewers because of the casting controversy?
Science Fiction Comics
ITT: Violent / Awesome fight scenes from Children's shows
So what is Sup Forums's opinion on the newest Overwatch animated short "Dragons"
JSA Storytime: Captain Atom
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 16
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Great characters stuck in mediocre shows
Call me an Es Jay Dubleyew. Tell me to go back to Dumblr or Plebbet
Peter David's Hulk Run Part 5
Why is Marvel Comics an SJW shithole? How did this happen?
GOTHAM Live Talkback
Transformers 5: The last knight
Dat Sam
Powerless Trailer Description
So the MCU is getting bigger on Netflix
Remove a character from a cartoon
Name a better newspaper comic
Rebirth Pull list (updated)
Son of Zorn trailer
What is your favorite Batman story of all time?
Would Civil War have been better and more believable if Bucky was a girl?
ITT: Post the best moments of your favorite character(s)
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 15
Perry Bible Fellowship
Toy Companies Once Again Proven to be Cancer
So this happened
Prev: >>82573046
Go to
Sup Sup Forums. I haven't kept up with western animation in a few years. What are some newer 'toons worth watching?
So me and my girlfriend are going to big super hero costume meet up at a con this weekend
What's your opinion on Comic Book Bucky? I'm reading Brubaker's cap run and I've become fascinated with him
ITT: Jokes we didn't get at first
Should comic books have trigger warnings?
Harley Quin Solo Movie In Works
DC Comics August 2016 Solicitations
Peter David's Hulk Run Part 4
Why can't DC just accept the fact that Captain Marvel...
What's your meta human power?
Moe's Tavern
Overwatch Animated Short: Dragons
Capeshit is dumb
Kevin Feige really wanted Captain Marvel and Black Widow movies
Dover Boys Thread
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Guys I'm really sorry to have to do this, but I didn't see a sticky I could read like on /fit/ or on /o/
I'm confused
Despite them being corrupted by Vanko...
The Antman trilogy
Buy my book!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Why are The Loud House threads dying so fast?
Miracle Monday Storytime
Adventure Time Thread
So apparently black twitter is blowing up with excitement about the Black Panther movie:
Ok, who fucked this movie up?
Harley Quinn Movie In the Works at Warner Bros. With Margot Robbie (Exclusive)
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 14
Where the fuck was SHIELD during civil war?
Was this one of the low points of superman?
Why haven't the Gotham organized crime gotten together and just kill the Joker...
The Classic Spider-Man
Who the hell was this? I liked Civil War but didn't even know who this was. He was annoying and goofy as fuck
Peter David's Hulk Run Part 3
What if Steve was a woman? And Japanese?
Captain America...
Have people started saying that CACW is a tense political thriller yet?
I would like an explanation as to why you guys are so obsessed with spanking it to Susie from Oblongs...
What would you choose?
Same VA thread
Tfw you will never be this comfy and have such good clean fun
Marvel Cancels Darth Vader
God tier 2010's cartoons
Hey, I've got a question about Black Panther's lore. So in the logic of the Marvel Universe...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Is there ANYONE who has a realistic chance gainst the flash?
Octopus Pie
What the fuck even is this review?
Three way fight, who wins
Killian was originally a woman
Why, I do believe it's time for Gil Kane!
God damn fucking parents ruin everything
182 minutes and 29 seconds directors cut version
Say one thing you liked about this movie
I know I'm late to the party, but the new Mickey Cartoon was cute! And genuinely funny too!
Shenzhen - A Travelogue from China
Post any image
Why is he still alive?
What character would you like to see get a symbiote? not restricted to Marvel
What happend to the last tomboy thread?
Will this show ever get popular?
Is dc capable of making a hero who's parents aren't dead?
Whomp thread
Canonization when?
The Silver a Surfer is such a cool character
When its going to be leaked?
Wanna make beautifull music together?
Agents of SHIT confirmed non-canon
Which one do you want Sup Forums
The "trial board episode", where new characters keep showing up trying to be involved in the main story
Peter David's Hulk Run Part 2
2 would give their lives to protect you, the others will do anything to kill you
ITT: Worst characters in their respective shows
Is Dipper truly the best character?
Parody v. Tribute
Are there any translated franco belgian comics?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Totally unrelated guys, but have any of you seen Dr. Banner recently?
Hey Sup Forums, is there a character you can even TOUCH Clark Kent let alone defeat him...
What was your favorite gag?
1. Your favorite Sup Forums character
Sup Forums, i know you hate tumblr-style comics, but can you say, why? Is it the certain primitivism, red noses...
‘Gambit’ Is Still Happening, With Some ‘Deadpool’ Influence
Let's say Wesley Snipes gets another shot at Blade
Now that Ben Affleck and Ryan Reynolds redeemed themselves...
What did Sup Forums think about Dude, That's my ghost?
Why loud house
Korrsami hate thread
ITT: Bullshit
That moment when a hero who's adventures you grew up following is left as a pathetic wreck
Why doesn't he have to answer for the crimes he committed during The Avengers?
How do you feel about overseas production companies making film adaptations of western comic book heroes...
Shit you dont understand
Gunnerkrigg Court
Western webcomics
Kilgrave aka Purple Man
ITT last 5 comics you read and rate them
ITT: we post cartoon conspiracys. You can either have come up with them yourself...
This series desperately needs a reboot
How do you think Marvel will go about de-aging Aunt May in the comics?
What's the essential Thor-core?
Justice League Part One Thread
Can we get a cute MCU thread going on?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Who would win a fight, Sup Forums?
Cartoons vs Anime
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 13
How bad will the next Batman movie will be /co? and will it be bad enough to kill the franchise for a while?
Let's talk about the woman that redefined animation wiht her work
Head bobbing intensifies
It Hurts!!
Bendis' Scarlet Witch
Ive got 6 episodes left
DC Rebirth
Tom King about damian
Is batman the brave and the bold worth watching?
Remember when we thought that Disney would do this to Marvel?
Mike Tyson Mysteries
Template Thread
Star Wars Rebels
Does DC have a guy cameo like this in every movie?
Go to local con
Is he coming back, Sup Forums?
I defy you to tell me exactly what's wrong with this
What's the most useless mutant power to have?
ITT: CUTE Sup Forums girls
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 12
Take two of your favorite Sup Forums characters and combine them
What went wrong?
Which one?
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #829
Why didn't they make Reed Richards black?
Is he an Inhuman?
That intern did us a service by perfectly illustrating how far western art has fallen in recent years...
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Who do you think is going to be added in MVC4?
Lets save Cap's best girl Sup Forums!!!!
What is with Synder's obsession with adding really obvious christian imagery into his DCEU movies? Yes...
Could have been better if it was made today instead of the 2000s?
These shows aired in 2010, and are still running to this day. What were your initial thoughts on them at first...
Why do so many people on Sup Forums call The Incredible Hulk (2008) not canon to the MCU?
Why do cliche characters like "the mean rich girl who is only there to make things harder" still exist?
Valiant Comics
Sup Forums says a cartoon is bad
I must succeed at what even Batman himself could not do
Is this worth reading if I'm interested in webcomics right now, or is it outdated as fuck?
How about a Animated music video thread
What if they had adapted Mark Milliars ultimates and ultimates 2 as the avengers films instead of what we got?
Why can't some people accept that she is best girl?
Name a single villain eviler than Zoom
So, Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on The Loud House?
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 11
Within the next few days...
Omg. My Tumblr friends said that you guys love arrow so I just want to say I love felicity smoak...
Sup ForumsCo/'s Bizarre Adventure: Raging Duck Edition
Bad guy becomes popular amongst fans
JSA Storytime: Captain Atom
Which Sup Forums mom has the biggest booty?
Since /cgl/ are oversensitive babies, what is the worst kind of cosplay? Post the worse offenders of
Daily loli thread
Scalie Schoolie
Is Teen Titans Go! good?
This show would've been better if Jane were the main characters
Katie said she researched for the drug addict storyline to make it real #arrow #coh2
It's Bubbline Time!
Superman: Confidential storytime
Civil War
ITT: 'Iconic' quotes that you hate
ITT we discuss webcomics from days past, dead or otherwise
I want to do what I want, when I want, where ever I want
Is he the strongest regular human?
Why is movie Cap so goddam serious all the time?
Dan Slott reveals Red Hood's identity in Batman Adventures
Why was the absolute most popular guy among the female fanbase?
Is it too little too late?
Richard Stark's The Hunter by Darwyn Cooke
Gwen thread
Peter David's Hulk Run Part 1
Where can i find some lady death scans?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Are Robin Hood-type stories just liberal wish fulfillment? Being serious, not baiting
Reverse Flash/Zoom Storytime Pt 10
Tony was right in movie Civil War
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...