should comic books have trigger warnings?
Should comic books have trigger warnings?
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In legitimate cases I can see there being reason for a separate website or something that compiles content that could be legit triggering.
No, don't be a fucking pussy
Why not? It's the author's decision.
You realize that's basically what the rating system is right? I mean I know comics never uses it except for a FOR MATURE READERS banner but it's there.
If you think a comic book might trigger you, google it before you read it
>that image
Is that actually printed anywhere?
We already do, it's called a ratings system.
the series is digital only
for obvious reasons
People who actually have PTSD should get professional help. The world can't and shouldn't be censored to suit them. Especially when you consider that pretty much anything can trigger an episode. Far more people are triggered by the sound of typing than by reading something that offends them, and you don't see anyone rushing to ban keyboards.