Marvel Cancels Darth Vader

Despite its position as one of Marvel’s
best selling titles, the publisher has decided
to cancel their Darth Vader ongoing series
with August’s issue #25.

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That sucks. It's like the only good Star Wars comic at the moment.

It's not cancelled. The team wanted to end the story there, as they felt they told it all.

>star wars comic


not that user, but wasted trips

Against all odds, it was somehow a good read. The art was awful but the story and handling of the Vader character/dialogue really worked.

Yeah, just to have a All New Darth Vader # 1 the very same month.

Why not timeskip into the post ESB, preROTJ time.

Plus it had quirky waifu. You can't go wrong if you have quirkies.

>All New All Darth Vader

Yeah there's gonna be a relaunch by the end of the year