>DC is to Star Trek as Marvel is to Star Wars
would you agree?
>DC is to Star Trek as Marvel is to Star Wars
would you agree?
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Shitty franchises of the same that nerds sperg over when in reality they were never good in the first place? Checks out.
People who conflate Star Trek, the TV series, with Star Wars, the film series, just because they both have the word Star in them are almost as bad as people who conflate either with Stargate and Starship.
And Starfuck You if you're among them.
Which Trek? Which Wars? Both have been reduced to mindless noise by that hack Abrams.
Star Wars was always mindless noise
I like ST better now that I'm an adult, so yeah.
Not at all.
Mcdonals = Marvel
Subway = DC
Both are shit, and one loves kids in tight clothes, but is still better than the most popular one. But if you are loyal to it you are a braindead retard.
In very superficial ways, maybe.
I mean I prefer Star Wars to Trek but I like DC more than Marvel, so I don't know how useful a comparison it is.
Let's spice this thread up.
Marvel = the right wing
DC = the left wing
DC is noble but flawed, Marvel is evil and successful. So there.
you can always spot the indieans