WTF... Why is this allowed?
WTF... Why is this allowed?
technically aquaman isn't white, he's not even human, so..
wait a tic, is this a crossover?
Nigga Aquaman is half human and white as fuck.
He is white, white is a phenotype, not a race. obnoxious millennial talks obnoxious Fox News we got a real ess jay dubya on our hands
Good job with your terrible crop my dude
holy god, falcon and cap have some ugly-as-sin costumes
Yeah Steve's new outfit has too much blue and New Falcon's has too much green
Why did Captain America allow some racist guy who hates America to be the new Falcon?
Because hating white people and America is heroic according to Marvel.
Why can't they just use normal falcon colors? White and brown and yellow could work well.