This would be a very different group dynamics from Sora, Donald, and Goofy

This would be a very different group dynamics from Sora, Donald, and Goofy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Porky giving exposition would be hell

>Osmosis Jones world where you work with the police nd fight viruses
> Space jam world where you play a basketball game and michael jordan's there
I like

shit wrong pic

I just wanna cut Porky Pig's eyes out and listen to him stutter. "Please st-st-st-st-lemme go!"


>A Dover Boys level where you steal a runabout

>Dover Boys world

i would actually play that

i couldn't get into kingdom hearts because i didn't like how the anime characters looked and i couldn't imagine disney character fighting eachother

but the looney tunes are crazy and have tons of potential for action games, it would be great as long as it doesn't go to edgy like Loonatics

>you have to make a heartless dan backslide unhand Dora Standpipe