X-Men Apocalypse starts showing tomorrow in my country Sup Forums but i have a feeling it's gonna be trash.
Only watching it for Psylocke, but she's gonna be played but Olivia Munn so.. eh.
X-Men Apocalypse starts showing tomorrow in my country Sup Forums but i have a feeling it's gonna be trash
>Only watching it for Psylocke
Yeah mate, it's gonna be a little bit worse for you.
I saw a premiere of it yesterday. 6/10 at best
If you're only watching it for Psylocke then you're gonna be incredibly disappointed OP, sorry
Of course it's going to be trash all x-men movies are trash until Disney starts making them
So she isn't in the movie much? Weird, they advertised her a lot.
No she has a good bit of screentime, it's more that she doesn't fucking do much to begin with.
If you don't live in America, how do you know about Olivia Munn? Did you have AOTS in your country that you just so happen to not want to name?
Why so secretive on the internet?
>Weird, they advertised her a lot.
They advertised QS a lot too in DOFP. He only did one thing
>Only americans are aware of american shit
It's always funny how americans really don't know about the rest of the world much. You guys sell your shit for all the world to see, be it good or bad.