Mary sue wayne
Mary sue wayne
this is like starting a thread about the ocean and saying its wet
He died though, Mary Sues don't die.
He came back though, Mary Sues do that.
By the way, whatever happened to Talia's back ups of Damian she showed Dick that one time, did we ever find out who the Batman that traded his soul to the Devil was? Any of that even canon now besides Damian eventually becoming Batman.
Bitchass nigga Wayne
Mary Sues generally aren't hated when they're introduced either
>Mary Sue
>Constantly made mistakes
>Hated by Tim Drake
>Bruce and Dick had to do their best to keep him from making mistakes
>Annoyed everyone in the Batfamily
Damian was the exact opposite of a Mary Sue, his entire character was that he believed he was the best and the world telling him otherwise
>Son of a Mary Sue is a Mary Sue.
It's almost like genetics is a thing.
Guys are called Gary Stu.
How can Green Lantern just fly through space and breath? Doesn't that make him a Mary Sue? No human could do that.