Would Korgoth of Barbaria been a good series?

Would Korgoth of Barbaria been a good series?

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For people who never saw the pilot:

>here's your beer korgoth last freebie for the month okay

>Korgoth of Barbaria
It was worth a shot.

I always thought the artstyle looked like a darker version of Flapjack.

It reminds me of a mix between Flapjack and Superjail.

Loved the pilot. Might have made a great mini-series. I think sustaining multiple seasons might have been a tough order to deliver.

I wanted this show to get picked up so bad.


Really depends on their approach for story. If it was nothing but disconnected episodes (think ATHF) then I don't believe it would work. If they had an overarching story, with each episode being satirizing some aspect of "Heavy Hetal" style fantasy - that would work. Maybe that wizard would be a recurring antagonist similar to the Monarch but slightly more competent.