Agents of Shield season 4 moving to 10pm

ABC setting it up to die. Press F to pay respects.

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>paying respects to AoS

Good. Fake ass mcu tie in. Hurr durr season one ending. Season two spy shit with barely any marvel. Inhumans wee not even the real Inhumans. Season three rebrand skype to diary barely interesting. Woah special space episode. Eh. Only good character they killed off and turned into hive. Pls cancel it during the mid-season.

When was the last time you were fisted?


Should ask your mom she knows.

so from 3 to 0


Doesn't airing the show later allow certain things the earlier airtimes don't? The show got a lot better the last time it was bumped later.

What time zone?

>Good. Fake ass mcu tie in.
It's Extended Universe.

Never been a Star Wars Fan?

Does it means it will get even more bloody?

What was the rating for season 3?

may not be the case on the big networks but for most channels after a certain point you're allowed to say "shit" uncensored

That's what the president alluded to.
>Daisy buttstuff when

It will get at least a half-order season 5. Season 4 will give it 88 episodes total, only 12 more to hit the magic syndication number.

Yes, the theory being kiddies go to bed sooner so the later it is the darker shows can be. Not saying it will be, just that it's possible.

TV-PG, yet Squidward is melting people left and right.

>magic fish pills

Extended universe actually used characters from movie canon. That aren't forgotten in their own movies. Ie Thors girl.

>That one guy who got his head crushed

Agent Sitwells
Nick Fury
Agent Coulson
Agent Mary Hills
They all appeared in Agent of Shield.

I mean, the audience for Season 3.

I thought it was the best so far, no?

What the fuck are they referencing Ghost Rider now

>inb4 b-but it's not the other way around so it doesnt count
Christ people, if one comic character never shows up in other comicbooks does that mean he's in a different universe?

In season one.


No, the comic character had a chain too.


>I-It doesn't c-count!

LOL nick fury has been back since season one.
Agent sitwell side character and dead
Maria Hill in the show grand total of like thirty minutes
Sif isn't even used in the movies. Just eye candy with cool sword. Did nothing in this 2 got cucked in thor one.
Agent coulson still dead in movie cannon cause no one knows who he is alive.

>Brutal murders are a-ok
>Saying "shit" is no-no
>Human skin is the devil

American television, everyone.

Is Syndication even relevant anymore?

>It's Extended Universe.

I always likened it to comic book universes like Marvel and DC. You have the "core" books (Avengers, JLA, Detective Comics, Amazing Spider-Man, etc) which are the movies, then you have the books off to the side (Omega Men, Howard the Duck, Bat-Mite, etc) which are the tv shows. They all take place in the same universe, but the big books aren't effected much if at all by the smaller ones. It's the smaller books that have to warp themselves around whatever event is going down.

The comic character that the actor in the gif is playing has a connection to Ghost Rider, Hi grandfather being Carter Slade. He inherited his magic chain or something, though in the show it's just a chain he found in an alley

Who is this I haven't watched since the start of S3

Gideon Malick. appear in Season 3.
President Elllis too as well as in season 2.
Mary Hills appear in season 2 too.
Sif appear in season 2.
Agent Coulson is in all 3 seasons.

That still counts, you fucking moron. Okay then, Season 2 had Dr List who appeared AoU and TWS, Maria Hill appeared as well. Season 3 has Malick who appeared in The Avengers and the President who appeared in Iron Man 3.

So you're saying season one is canon?

>i-it doesnt count guys, i'm serious!

Hellfire. You can read about him in Secret Warriors.

>Dr List who appeared AoU and TWS
I forgot about that guy, he was with Strucker right?

Ghost Rider Netflix show when

>A bunch of extras with literally less than 5 minutes of screen time in the movies
>And Coulson, who is dead in the movies

WOW, Agents of Shield really makes good use of the MCU property!

>LOL nick fury has been back since season one.
>Agent sitwell side character and dead
>Maria Hill in the show grand total of like thirty minutes
>Sif isn't even used in the movies. Just eye candy with cool sword. Did nothing in this 2 got cucked in thor one.
Sif fought alongside Thor
>Agent coulson still dead in movie cannon cause no one knows who he is alive.
AoS is part of the MCU canon. Coulson is not dead.

Holy lol, Marvel is finished. That's two failures within a month. They couldn't make good TV if you paid them.

Someday I hope. Though the guy in the gif is just another filthy inhuman.

>he was with Strucker right?
Yeh. One of a couple of examples of a character from the movies being on the show, and then being in the movies again.

>WOW, Agents of Shield really makes good use of the MCU property!
Actually, it makes really good use of what the movies aren't using.

But it's all beside the point.

AoS is canon and work as Extended universe . Same goes for the Netflix shows.

Yeah, he was.

Still counts, man.


>i-if they don't get more than 40 minutes of screentime it doesnt count!1!

>Friend watches this show
>Tells me there are Inhumans in it
>"Oh shit, really?"
>"Is there Black Bolt in this? That'd be sick."
>"No. No Black Bolt yet."
>Lose interest immediately

God damn it. They're god damn Inhumans. Let them have their crazy moon city. For fucks sake.

He is dead until Sif opens her mouth and tells thor he is alive. Hasn't appeared in a single movie since avengers.

It's a TV program, what do you want, Robert Downey Jr. himself to come down to ABC studios, just to do one episode that will cost them ridiculous amounts of money?

Of course it's relevant. That's where nearly all the money American shows make internationally comes from. Plus syndication = cable network cash.

Joss stop shitting on your brothers show

Only the inhumans that don't matter are in the show. The "WE'RE TOTALLY NOT THE X-MEN GUISE" kind, they're saving the Royal Family for canon material

They all got more lines than Superman did.

Agent of Shield have been slowly building the inhumans.

We might get to have Black Bolt, but I think first the Marvel Exec have to figure out if they want an Inhuman movie or not.

Even Joss has stated that AoS is canon.

I can totally still see it working
>filthy inhumas running around on earth causing a big stink
>the royal family anounces their presence to the world, claiming them as citizens
>treated as celebries on one end, a dangerous force that must be destroyed on the other end
>Maximus schemeing

>He is dead until Sif opens her mouth and tells thor he is alive.
Not, how it work, bru. MCU Coulson is alive. whether you like it or not.

Pretty sure that's meant to be Hellfire, a character from Secret Warriors.

I don't know why this is even a question.

Until the movies say something that directly contradicts the show, it's canon.

It's just retards repeating the same shit because they know it'll get responses.

Coulson gave Fury the Helicarrier that he has in Age of Ultron and he even says in the movie that it came from an old friend.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Vision say in Civil War that enhanced humans have been popping up recently? That could be a reference to Inhumans.

>and he even says in the movie that it came from an old friend.
He did? Missed that part.

>Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Vision say in Civil War that enhanced humans have been popping up recently? That could be a reference to Inhumans.
He says the number of "enhanced persons" has grown exponentially in the 8 years since Tony declared himself Iron Man. That statement doesn't seem to be explained by the Avengers, like Hulk, who was Hulk before Iron Man, or Black Widow and Hawkeye, who aren't really "enhanced" in any appreciable way. Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver fit, but that's hardly exponential growth. He must be talking about a larger trend.

Please, even then it's a retcon at best

>He must be talking about a larger trend.
Mind you, there is Spidey too.

That's not how retcon work, bru.

the council has spoken

>tries to prove canon status
>with non canon survey

The only real thing I can think of is the Extremis soldiers but that was an isolated incident.

It has to be Inhumans.

who are you quoting

Why do liberals think sex and violence are the same thing?

To whom it may concern

>"It's very important to me that the show stands on its own, that people who never saw any of the movies can tune in and enjoy it," Whedon revealed. "We like being a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we like having all of the mythos to play off of. But if the show was 'You just missed Tony Stark, wow, he was just here!' it would be the most unsatisfying show ever."

>"part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe"

>Agent Carter cancelled.
>Most Wanted not wanted
>Agents of Shield moved to 10pm to die since it's close to syndication numbers.
Goodbye Marvel TV. Marvel Netflix will hopefully die within two years or so.

Still got Damage Control and Cloak & Dagger.

its Hellfire

Well, both pleases us.

>Marvel Netflix will hopefully die within two years or so.
Punisher just got his own spin off, while multiple Characters from the original 5 series deal have gotten confirmed second seasons not originally planned. Marvel Netflix is in a period of positive growth that is showing no signs of slowing.

>>Agent Carter cancelled.
Not confirmed, and I have the feeling the people at marvel one to close the gap between Season 2 and the Agent Carter One-shot.
>>Most Wanted not wanted
>>Agents of Shield moved to 10pm to die since it's close to syndication numbers.
The audience is quite good for this show. unlikely to be closed, but 10 PM might be a way to get a darker tone.

>AoS moving to 10PM
>No Most Wanted
>Agent Carter cancelled
>Ward probably out the door tonight


AoS is as canon to the MCU as the Sonic is a toilet fetish deviantart is to Sonic.


>Still got Damage Control
Do we? The last update I heard about it was from ABC president Paul Lee, who's been fired now. And that was January.

>Not confirmed

They were completely missing from the ABC Upfront last week. Here's a source for both:

>Cloak and Dagger
>Damage Control
>The Punisher
>unknown comedy show
>Luke Cage later this year
>Jessica Jones


I never get to use this reaction pic

>Not confirmed
Been confirmed, man.


>The audience is quite good for this show.
AoS has been declining in ratings steadily with each season. This past one dropped by 1/4th.

The only reason it's getting a 4th season is because it's on the threshold of syndication, where they could sell the rights.

>>Cloak and Dagger

>>Damage Control
ABC president pushing this has been fired.

>>The Punisher

>>unknown comedy show
ABC president pushing this has been fired.

>>Luke Cage later this year


>>Jessica Jones



Network Marvel is pretty much dead at this point.

That's a lot work, man.

>ABC president pushing this has been fired.

Literally this. This FUCKING CUNT has destroyed the Network before she could even sit her gigantic black ass down.


Funny, if you actually do a little more research it's easy to see the new female president of ABC is all about comedy shows. AoS got bumped to continue to try expanding ABC's Tuesday night comedy line-up. Very few dramas come on before 10PM now across the network's lineup.

Plus ABC and cw are canbalizing their single audience. Flash watchers to small extent. izombie and aos Were competing for the same cape watcher audiences

>Funny, if you actually do a little more research it's easy to see the new female president of ABC
I know I am going to be That Guy, but how often do you say "new male president", my dear of unspecified gender user?

>Another inhumans platform is destroyed


His mom fists you?

Netflix is losing its library at an alarming rate, there's no reason they’d eliminate one of their biggest draws.

In the words of a great poet, you must always write with a pen. To think that the engineers of the bell towers, all the Chinese cobblers, followers of Falstaff all have to look upon the sullen and depressive ways of the godless harpies that parade our world in their weary ways. We should unite against our fallen brother, live in peace, not hate. You are not cattle, you are human. Nature will root thyself upon your hearts' merry content and we'll find a way to say, "Banish plump Jack and banish all the world".

When we think that our days are numbered, let us think about our lives and how much wonder we've spread to others. When we look towards the seas and think of Cthulhu, we listen to the wails and pains, we shouldn't do that...

When we are saddened, it is our duty to make right. Falstaff would not want us sullen, he brought wisdom to his peers and that of the youth. He was the Plato of that Republic.

When we look at the seasons through their unravished ways. Their silence, their peace. The Spring gives us hope, the Summer lets us be free, Autumn lets us reflect, Winter lets us rest.

Our seas are sapphires, the greens of our planet are emeralds, our mountaintops glisten like the diamonds of old...

If you could truly see how much you are loved, by at least someone, how much joy you can bring to one person's life... then you'd never raise a hand in rage again...

Come, friends. We only live once, let us not waste the most precious gift we have.