Is it bad that it's coming out as early as the 7th? I've seen websites talk about how this is the fastest Disney home release ever and even the ads say they're doing this because of the demand, but really this shouldn't be so special; there's always demand for Disney movies and even bad ones should have fast home releases before someone sees it on the store shelf and thinks, "Oh, Meet the Robinsons, I forgot that was a thing. Guess it's not anything special."
it just Disney's B movie, they already had it planned months ahead. it's a filler before their next big feature: Moana.
sure it earned alot but it doesnt mean much for them, it's just pocket change, they only released Zootopia to remind people that disney is still making other movies than marvel superheroes
Andrew Jenkins
Geez, I don't remember morning Tuesday threads be this dead
For a B movie, it did it pretty well, it almost reach a billon without be a A movie with literally zero advertising, no sequels nor previous instances. It's a sucess for its own
Daniel Perry
Doubt they could rush something through the supply chain just because of "demand." It was always planned to be released this early since the movie wasn't expected to do so well and already be out of theaters.
Jacob Parker
It did well, but that doesn't mean they weren't treating it like a B movie
Kayden Thomas
well, fun cant last forever, plus OP chose meh subject to talk about.
i'd rather talk about favorite and least favorite side characters.