>Western webcomics >art is always amateurish, stories are naval gazing or pandering as fuck, community of self interested dilletantes, taken seriously by no one but social inept at obscure nerd conventions
>meanwhile, in asia, webcomics are done professionally on a large platform, it's a professional job with lots of big investors seriously interested in supporting it, made by many professional artists
>it's another EAST IS BETTER THAN WEST CAUSE I SAID SO thread can we ban these on sight please? Sup Forums does it, why don't we?
Andrew Davis
The difference is that in Asia, comics or cartoons etc are taken seriously as a storytelling medium, and it shows everywhere. The larger audience is ready to consume animated movies and ready to believe they can have serious storylines for adults, which creates a vast audience, which makes company execs and advertisers take comics/cartoons seriously, which brings money and respect into the field, which means that creators have the ambition and possibilities to create serious, ambitious storylines. All in all, the whole thing is larger, more professional, more mature, more everything.
Whereas in the west, the attitude "comics/cartoons are for kids and it's a bit weird for adults to be so into that" is still pervasive, and it cramps everything
Caleb Edwards
But watch the video, they're having a fucking giant ass press conference about fucking Korean webcomics, a conference held in an expo about nothing but webcomics.
Isn't it a legitimate question to ask how the hell western webcomics that came first can't even begin to compare with that? It's like if Americans had cars with block wheels and the rest of the world had fucking flying cars and if someone brings it up Americans just go "hurrrrr fly home, weeabooooo"
It just don't add up, is what I'm saying.
Jeremiah Miller
because "americans don't care about comics", so they don't invest money or effort in them and you have to pay american artists more for the same thing
Wyatt White
no i don't fucking care we always have this thread everyday it's annoying, no one cares leave
Tyler Diaz
You're the reason nobody in America takes comics seriously outside of supercomics.
Carson Cruz
Capefags, everyone.
Gavin Flores
Do you really not understand that cultures aren't always identical in the things they like, and that what works in one country might not work in another?
Julian Diaz
It doesn't matter why they're different. They just are, and nothing's going to change that. Either get over your sour grapes or learn Korean and stay on Webtoon.