Western webcomics

>Western webcomics
>art is always amateurish, stories are naval gazing or pandering as fuck, community of self interested dilletantes, taken seriously by no one but social inept at obscure nerd conventions

>meanwhile, in asia, webcomics are done professionally on a large platform, it's a professional job with lots of big investors seriously interested in supporting it, made by many professional artists


Where did it all go so wrong, bros

Other urls found in this thread:


can we ban these on sight please? Sup Forums does it, why don't we?

The difference is that in Asia, comics or cartoons etc are taken seriously as a storytelling medium, and it shows everywhere. The larger audience is ready to consume animated movies and ready to believe they can have serious storylines for adults, which creates a vast audience, which makes company execs and advertisers take comics/cartoons seriously, which brings money and respect into the field, which means that creators have the ambition and possibilities to create serious, ambitious storylines. All in all, the whole thing is larger, more professional, more mature, more everything.

Whereas in the west, the attitude "comics/cartoons are for kids and it's a bit weird for adults to be so into that" is still pervasive, and it cramps everything

But watch the video, they're having a fucking giant ass press conference about fucking Korean webcomics, a conference held in an expo about nothing but webcomics.

Isn't it a legitimate question to ask how the hell western webcomics that came first can't even begin to compare with that? It's like if Americans had cars with block wheels and the rest of the world had fucking flying cars and if someone brings it up Americans just go "hurrrrr fly home, weeabooooo"

It just don't add up, is what I'm saying.

because "americans don't care about comics", so they don't invest money or effort in them
and you have to pay american artists more for the same thing

i don't fucking care
we always have this thread everyday
it's annoying, no one cares leave

You're the reason nobody in America takes comics seriously outside of supercomics.


Capefags, everyone.

Do you really not understand that cultures aren't always identical in the things they like, and that what works in one country might not work in another?

It doesn't matter why they're different. They just are, and nothing's going to change that. Either get over your sour grapes or learn Korean and stay on Webtoon.

>an entire industry of a gigantic country doing the equivalent of sitting the bed while in other, smaller countries get the same thing done better is just cultural differences

No, no more of this fucking inexplicable mentality.
Even sHitt third world countries make movies and have tv, even if they're not hollywood, but somehow a gigantic continent of a country can't compete with literal island sized ones.

It's inexcusable, it's baffling, it's fucking barbaric

i don't even read comics that much dude
i'm just saying if we can't have these threads on Sup Forums talking about their problems, why can they come over and shit up ours with bait threads that last for days, i don't get this bullshit.

that's it.
if it doesn't make the money, it don't stick around
japan has this because one of their main industries is in manga/anime, so they put more care into it
what is it you can't get through your thick skull about it?

Because it's a different board culture, dude. It's too bad, you're just going to have to deal with it, Sup Forums and Sup Forums will always be different. So just shut up and swallow your sour grapes or go learn moonrunes.

That's just how it is.

Just accept it. Either enjoy what you have or learn an Asian language and just read their comics. There is no explanation, and nothing went wrong. They just evolved differently, with no identifiable turning point.

Just don't worry about it.

i don't want to
i want this bullshit to stop, don't give me that board culture shit, it's just the laziness of both the janitors and the mods to do shit, same shit with /vp/.

That's right, isn't it?

It's almost like this situation is comparable to another situation.

It's almost like you're getting the point.

There's no point to get, really. It's just two different scenes that took different paths. What works for one won't work for the other. Webcomics in the West pretty much got absorbed into the print comics scene while Webcomics in the East got caught up in the need for smartphone content. It's not a matter of work ethic or passion or who cares about what, it's just different. Just learn the right languages and it doesn't matter anymore.

Damn, hearing this almost makes me want to move to Asia.

When have we had this thread? I haven't seen it.

I think most of the best animated shows and comics and movies are subtitled and available online by fans anyway, you can just enjoy the fruit of their labours from afar

You literally answered your own question, Japan artists have money and big platforms behind them while western artists are forced to do everything themselves and turn a profit by hawking T-shirts.

The more money you have the more people can help you with your work and the less other shit you have to do.

You have to realize that "taken more seriously" just ends up meaning "wider demographics". Most of it's still the same power fantasies and cheap pandering, just to a larger variety of people. If there's anywhere close to that lofty depiction of "storytelling", it's in Europe, and even then not by much.

>Asian artists making a living
HAHA Good one family.

>Japan artists have money
No they don't.
It's much easier for an artist to make a living in the West. A few mangaka superstars don't represent the majority.

this and you have a thread like this on Sup Forums its just a bunch of retards spamming shit left and right

Name a good asian webcomic.

In English.

Also. WHICH part of Asia.

Really pussed wiyh how loosely people usevthe word Asia. India is also Asian. So is Malaysia


>No they don't.
Oh shit man!
Good argument!

Because in Western culture, until Patreon popped up making comics for the internet was considered a hobby. Something you don't get paid for, something that can't support a family.

No one was putting a team together or seriously devoting time to it because they couldn't do that and live their life at the same time.

He's sorta right. They don't get big money if they don't get popular, but that is only more incentive to work harder and be better.

I've never seen this thread before and I'm here nearly every day. There are plenty of cartoon vs animu threads, but this isn't as common.

>He's sorta right. They don't get big money
Don't talk shit.

No one's talking about big money, we're talking about NOT-HOMELESS money.

Which is something America can barely comprehend for artists.

Understand the difference?

Well you probably should have specified that instead of doing the text version of eye-rolling.

Just goes back to what I was saying about art being usually considered a 'hobby', not a profession - even by people who want art or design done for them

>art being usually considered a 'hobby'
Art should be considered a hobby when you don't want art to knock your socks off in any capacity.

If you're okay with garbage, yeah. Keep art a hobby. You'll never get a Katsuya Terada from that kind of biodome though.

Doujin artists and groups don't have money, and anime productions have three or over ten times less money than American productions.

This is self-published Touhou fan anime by different groups:

Touhou itself is a series of self-published PC shooting games made entirely by one person (coding, design, story, music, art).

Yeah the doujin scene doesn't exist in America and things work differently, but it's not just simply a matter of money. Thinking that you just need to throw money at a problem is probably part of the reason why there's so much shit quality in America and people running to Kickstarter and Patreon for every little thing.

holy fuck dude

Well that is complete bullshit, and it is painfully obvious you don't even know what you are talking about, you don't even know the most basic difference between a webcomic and a comic released on the web.

what's that last webcomic?

also im assuming the one right next to gunnerkrigg is para-ten? rip

>expo about nothing but webcomics

Oh my god, you just discovered webcomics like yesterday huh

Hey man, the guy who does broodhollow can actually draw.

I think he does it in a certain style for aesthetics.

Mediocre western webcomic artists make more money than mediocre Asian webcomic artists so I guess that makes up for it.

The "West" had its webcomic boom years ago. There were more stories told in more ways than your age multiplied by 3 could account for. Thing is people got got over the novelty.

Speaking of which there's nothing novel about "Asia" investing in itself.

I'll say it again - webcomics, American webcomics, are the biggest waste of creative freedom ever.

You have potential to tell any story, do anything you want - without boundaries, without censorship and the only limitations beings one's imagination.

What do we get though? Video games jokes and white guilt.

I'm depressed how right you are.

Please do your duty and raise attention to people defying these tropes.

They really need it. I know from experience.

You became a weeb. Weebs aren't even human anymore.

Reminder to report all weeb posts

>tfw want to make a webcomic but have encountered so few terrible webcomics that i have no idea who the fuck my audience actually is.

Don't forget recreating their lives and inserting their opinions into these "totally not me" characters.

not all of these are bad, but there's jsut too fucking much of them. They're literally Internet Newspaper Comics.

>Sup Forums makes up their own "rule" about crossboarding
>then immediately does it to other boards every day
>only WE get shit on for it

Fuck them.

but there IS hope

you just have to dig far and wide.

>until Patreon popped up making comics for the internet was considered a hobby
Even with Patreon it basically is.

People want to keep treating it like a hobby while being paid for it like it's a job.

>so few terrible
gotta stop drinking:
so few NOT terrible webcomics
as in, there are about 2 i actually enjoyed and thought were good, and maybe 2 more i enjoyd while knowing they were garbage.


> there were two emergency buttons, one on top and one on the bottom of the escalator. But neither button was pushed.
>button was pushed
>watching staff knew of the problem

Why is Broodhollow in that pic? Go fuck yourself

>asia, webcomics

an American artist doesn't own anything he draw for a company, unlike an Asian artist.

We'll, we're talking about Webcomics here, so most of them do own it. Presumably in Korea as well.

>neither button was pushed
my bad

> female staff members discovered the metal panel was loose about five minutes before
> failed to stop the machine
> one of them says to the other, “There is a problem, here. (We) almost fell down,”
> one testing the loose metal panel with her foot. Still, they do not stop off the escalator.

Comics, sure, but assuming we're talking about Glorious Nippon being into animation as an adult is still treated as kind of weird outside of Ghibli and such.

>art is always amateur
I wonder why?

Sanest response in this thread.

"More popular" does not automatically mean "better." Hell, OP used Broodhollow and Octopus Pie as "amateurish" examples, those both have distinct art styles that they do incredible things with.

I'd say this is probably a troll thread but I don't fucking know. I can't circlejerk about actual obnoxious webcomic authors in designated Dumbing of Age threads but this kind of weeaboo shitposting stays up? Kill me.

I would also say it's strange that this OP has such a strong cultural value put upon comics. Going so far as to call it barbaric.

About comics.

America does plenty of things, but there's always this one aspect of supreme dissatisfaction that people focus on. It's a bit silly.

You probably suck too, bro.

Maybe if you broadened your horizons beyond what Sup Forums shitposts about, you'd find more webcomics that aren't video game jokes and white guilt.

i certainly suck

but i can't infer anything about how to make those flaws less harmful towards a potential audience because i have no idea who they are because the comics i like aren't comparable and the ones i dislike are generally not useful for finding a potential audience.

so i'm left going "well, this is mediocre and i don't know what color to make the racing stripes to hide that fact."

Is it 2008?

Yeah, besides Penny Arcade, I can't think of any video game webcomic that's still relevant.

Though the people you posted also do a comic about nerd culture.

Blaster Nation's more about the nerds themselves than it is the culture, and it does a decent job of depicting how broken and horrible nerds can be.

Dad arc was best arc.

>what's that last webcomic?
Looks like Namesake, but I can't find that exact match.

what's the first comic, with the redhead? looks cute.


What comic is the top left from?

Oh it turns out i'm just retarded nevermind

OP image is from io9.gizmodo.com/51-awesome-webcomics-the-eisners-have-completely-failed-1563898141

Left to right:
Gunnerkrigg Court
Shi Long Pang
Intrepid Girlbot
Octopus Pie
Dresden Codak

It is but hey it is not different from here.

My Grenth

>that headline
Faggots are delusional as fuck.

>Dresden Codak
Why bring up dead webcomics that aren't updated anymore?

webcomics don't have a higher purpose or an ideal version of themselves on some higher plane that we just haven't reached jet. It's a matter of for what purposes a culture uses different mediums. Is korea missing out because there isn't a culture of hip hop like there is in usa?

>there isn't a culture of hip hop like there is in usa?
I don't know what rock you're living under if you don't think there isn't a hip hop culture in Korea, or in SE Asia in general.

Did you just associate Korea with SE Asia?

Yeah, Special Edition Asia.

I really don't care and I hope you actually tried thinking about the actual point i was trying to make.

I put in as much as you did in making your shit analogies and comparisons.

Western webcomics and indie comics are usually pretty short sighted projects without real direction because the author feels s/he has a story to tell. The thing is they usually don't and give up after one issue because they can't write.

It's almost always people complaining about their shitty, minimum wage, retail jobs

so korean hiphop navigates in the same value system and holds the same position in society as it does in the usa? it is not just an aesthetical connection, imitative of it's senpai in america?

ow, the edge

I tried drawing a webcomic. Its just a demoralizing experience when you want to tell an original story with original characters- but all people want is "videogames, homosexuality, transgenders, social justice, and nerd culture!" so I stopped drawing.

Like Western modern art, the webcomic scene feels like its either trying to parody something, or have shock value. Its what people have come too used to in the West, and I doubt that Westerners will ever appreciate different comics like Japanese and Koreans do.

You sound like a whiny hipster faggot.