>supernatural ability to find anything and anyone
>can fly(with wings, no less) and breathe in space
>can travel interstellar distances in hours or minutes under her own power
Anyone else think that Dawnstar is a little bit broken?
Legion of Super-Heroes
You forgot DEM boobs.
And you forgot to not be a complete horse's ass.
We all know who the most OP legionnaire is
And there is (was?) a whole planet of people just like her...
Yeah. We do.
Hobo Jan best Jan
It's a damn shame we don't have definitive collected editions for the entirety of Giffen's time on the Legion. I love the two Deluxes of Giffen/Levitz stuff we have, but it doesn't go far enough.
Also still not best Jan
>tfw your favorite Legionnaire is utterly terrifying
Bad enough she's a telepath with such a wide range of powers, but then she's known for being the pragmatic one. Mind control is immoral, but if it gets the job done, she won't lose any sleep.
Pretty sure Dawny's the only one on Starhaven who has the tracking powers. Everyone else does have built in hyperdrive though.
>It's a damn shame we don't have definitive collected editions for the entirety of Giffen's time on the Legion.
All we can hope for is that Johns really does have plans for the Legion, which will hopefully lead to the series being collected. Comixology has most of the series, but not all.