What's her back story, Sup Forums?

What's her back story, Sup Forums?

She was hit with lethal amounts of Panda radiation.

A truck carrying a load of highly toxic Panda chemicals over turned and she was splashed by it. Now she has heightened panda senses.

Her home planet of Panda-ton was destroying itself. She was launched to Earth in a Panda-Pod, and raised by a panda on a farm.

She was injected with Panda serum to become the ultimate Panda warrior.

They covered her bones with Panda-mantium.

She went to a weird shop owned by a mysterious old chinese man where she bought some super comfy panda pajamas. But what she didn't know was that the jammies, while exquisitely soft and fluffy, where stricken by an ancient panda curse. Although the PJs give her amazing pandabilites she is filled with all the hatred and evil of all pandas throughout history; of which there is apparently a lot.

Porn actress hired to make a panda porn video to help the species breed in zoos. She liked the costume and just so happened to have super strength

An experiment conducted ehich was meant to kill all life except leave the pandas alone, Kaitlin Banner saw her friend in the firing zone. She got stuck in the blast,mand whenever she is angry she turns into a Panda.

The T-bomb gave her super strength. She bought the panda outfit at walmart.