Being Wade Wilson is suffering
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic 001 Storytime
Yayy Benjamin!!
Yup, as dead as Uncle Ben dead
So, getting cloned by Jackal in a month?
RIP Michael
Goodnight sweet prince
Well that's a bummer. I liked Michael.
>hail satan - Marvel,2016
RIP Ghost of Ben Franklin
I said it at the start an I'll say it again: being Wade Wilson is suffering
And that's it folks, hope you all enjoyed the storytime
Jeez this ended horribly. I'm just bummed out now. This was a good storytime. Thanks OP.
I wasn't expecting thoses feels.
Thanks user
Deadpool just needs to become the new sorcerer supreme and bring his buddy back. Just go get Doom's cheat sheets.
I haven't read DugganPool since the roast issue and Shiklah and the commandos mini
Where does his run go next? Book wise
Where has Doom been for all these "science must kill magic" shenanigans, anyway?
Besides being stuck in a Bendis book.
It's alright. Basically he became famous, fund the Avengers, has his own merc team and shit from his past is starting to get back at him in more or less sad ways. Bit of a loss of pacing in the recents issues but still alright.
I bet he's spending most of his time just sitting in his castle and looking into a mirror.
That Bachalo variant should have been the main cover, not the lol randum monster kitty one.
I was more asking what Deadpool books Duggan has done since then
Wait, shouldn't the mother be undead?
She died in one of the extra stories in Deadpool 250.
That curse on Deadpool is like one of the most redundant things ever.
Ok, I'm not a fan of this last days off magic stuff, but I do like hos there is finally some payoff since this moment was set up around 2 years ago.
This book has foreshadowed the end of Ben and killed Michael.
They could have just not used their characters and let future writers have them as supporting cast members, but instead they are just killed off.
I now feel depressed.
>They could have just not used their characters and let future writers have them as supporting cast members, but instead they are just killed off.
Honestly I like it this way. Duggan created the characters, and I think it's nice that he got to finish off their development. Besides, it's not like a future writer can't bring them back if they really want to anyways
Hay lady, do you also want to curse him with bad skin while you're at it?
I guess, but it is still a shame for them to be killed instead of phased out.
Not praising Satan?
It's like you don't even understand how nice he is!
couldnt have waited til after the storytime to share this valuable contribution huh?
The postSW continuation starts rocky, but gets back in the swing of things quickly.
Duggan's Uncanny Acengers picks up in issue 2.
All of Wade's series are really high quality right now.
I just retread his run last week, and was impressed by the number of payoffs Duggan does.
The memory of Wade killing his folks obscured by Dr. strange in the most recent issue is in the background of Wade's mindscape in issue 24
Bump of magic
Fuck me man wasn't expecting these feels.
I wonder if this plays into the deadpool 2099 thing going on with shiklah missing?
I mean, Duggan lampshaded the possibility here >If my story shall continue, it will be in a new and different volume.
All-New, All-Different Ben Frank when?