>head bobbing intensifies
Head bobbing intensifies
Brayden Torres
Daniel Nguyen
did anyone actually care about this?
Adam Nelson
I liked the music.
Brandon Campbell
I mean did anyone actually give a shit about the characters and stuff?
James Green
The music is pretty bad.
Carson Lopez
>animation is pretty and fluid
>music is good
>character design is prudy gud
I can't figure out why I kind of dislike it as a whole
Michael Rogers
Ho Ho yeah, you have no idea dude
Ethan Johnson
>did anyone actually care about this?
Yeah, I thought it was surprisingly well developed for a music video.
Jacob Adams
well tumblr did
any sane person, no
it was just a neat lil video
except that part with that stupid fox dog thing, that was always retarded
James Wood
For about a week.
Then it only crops up when the people who made it come to Sup Forums and try and recapture that week