I wonder where the lads are now edition
its not arrogant
living in other countries is very good for your development
Oscar Wilde said "travel broadens the mind".
I don't like 'banter'
I don't like gimmicks
I don't like slags
I'm not a racist
I am not a sexist
Dick widens the anus. - Oscar Wilde
Never realised how dysfunctional my family was until yesterday. An argument that would've been settled in a couple hours at home utterly obliterated a relationship I was in. While dealing with the fallout of my relationship dying, my family started arguing with each other over the most petty shit and they turned to me to try to help them. This morning everything's back to the way it was and the argument is now just a joke that they'll drop every now and then.
I really don't know how to feel about this. I think my family have fucked me up socially because I now explode at the tiniest thing with the "foresight" that it'll be considered dealt with and forgotten in a few hours, but then it turns out that it never actually is.
I think you're overthinking it lad.
You need to address these problems.
You should just go. Be the bold adventurer. It will change your life
love varrock
hate falador
simple as
Should I watch Interstellar?
if you're going to go to another country don't go to the UK. never understood japs obsession with the UK desu
latest star wars is actually wank
You didn't like The Matrix moment and the Superman moment and Luke being the exact opposite of his character?
umm... to be adult it is needed for me to make a certain deed...anyway I try to consult with my parents.
They necessarily agree to it.
Me? I'm an Edgeville kinda guy thanks.
is this a serious blogpost or are you just shitposting?
if it's real you need to just sit back and switch off around your family lad and address your own problems. Undo the bad wiring. Listen to Marcus
never realised how great my parents were until i went to uni
a solid 60% of my peers are basketcases, and the rest are probably just good at hiding it.
im by far the most emotionally stable person in my year and im a Sup Forums 'tismo
its a sad state of affairs and dont even get me started on the international students - most foreign family dynamics are just irrevocably fucked
the people who enjoy these movies are the most cretinous insects imaginable
Just wish that Britain and the Commonwealth still had a deep connection with eachother, still saw eachother as friends. Not as half forgotten distant relatives.
why do they all sound gay?
what is this?
yeah definitely
Anyone chimp out over Runescape as a young child here? I can still remember dying in the wild with my full rune and dragon sword to a level 30ish mage when I was like level 80. I don't know how I got that far without knowing anything about prayers or the best food.
I've been laughing all day over hobo Luke sucking dem titties
If you are a brainlet Scot or southern Irish gtfo out of this high iq thread
haha yeah and hamsters
when i was a child i had a fever
my hands felt just like tuba loons
Hey what do you say by that pic?plz tell me
just woke up lads
hate yanks
hate chinks
hate pajeets
simple as
is daddy's girls having fun?
let daddy take a picture
Anyone got any rural land to sell me?
Of course I'll pay £10,000 per acre for it, that is the going rate nowadays
Could give you directions to any town in Runescape but not me own town.
the yank accent makes you sound bent
yes but know if you end up considering it "deep" or "emotionally moving" you are a brainlet
It's a serious blogpost. That the thing, I only became of the bad wiring yesterday, when it was too late. I'm already working on undoing it, but the damage is done and I hate that.
Do you hate us?
they do
t. west indian
haven't seen TFA
won't be seeng TLJ
what goes on in ancoma
brown person alert
The picture is of a virgin man who got so angry about being a virgin that he killed several people.
was never much of an MMO fan
only played WoW a bit
Then go to the former colony and say "let me work for your farm" then you can finally be a slave.
complimenting you as a supreme gentleman. ignore the other poster he's trolling
never seen Star Wars and yes that does make me better than you
Ireland's low IQ is a result of brain drain. Dublin fucked that nation to hell and back.
nasally Y*nk voice combined with heavy Soy intake and tight ill fitting clothing
Fuck sakes
Fried if mine slept in my bed after a house party....kissed her this morning. Shouldn't have done that eek
Please don't tell me jokes which I cannot tell from the realities.
>Most modern phones are thinner than a RAZR
>They have a lot more features
But why do I miss when phones were like this?
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to toil I go (in 24 hours)
now you have herpes
That isn't a joke. His name is Elliott Roger.
black pudding in blankets is very nice. make some to go alongside your pigs.
who is this jap and what does he want lads
Me too, had a week off free from toilberg's schemes
had that phone. was great.
he's trolling you
>Elliott Roger
This one?
he is very famous around here friend
it's the truth
>brother in law asks if i'm going to see black panther at the cinema
Felt like he was testing me for racism
Fucking J*panese monkeys
Europeans/Mediterraneans have magaluf
Australia has Bali
America has Mexico(?)
What does Japan have?
any rodge man in?
he's joining in on this friendly british culture discussion thread no bully
I am just one of Japs, the dogs of your empire and latter betrayer, lol.
*raises wine glass*
i'm in a fair amount of pain right now
can't dodge the rodge
Your family has probably sussed you out and they're talking about it to each other behind your back.
>when you're a jap but you accidentally end up in the British international thread on Sup Forums
Skinny birds with no curves and an ape like appearance
he's here
watch this bro *grabs throat* *makes gurgling noises* *dies*
so was you're mam when we tried anal lmao
that's actually my cat
umm i think you're thinking of americans sweetie
That's not it my dad is openly racist and wouldn't care
Love pints
Hate japs
End of.
lol, but it's "the same same" that you fap by HENTAIs in which Japs fuck very beautiful girls whose figures pretend to be white.
this film was crazy
love everything about that photo. what a freak show.
Southern Japan?
Japanese people don't like things outside of Japan or extremely dissimilar to Japan
Genuinely depresses me knowing that the number of pakis and niggers in Britain will only increase.
things i like
>the internet
>yummy food
>my cat
things i dislike
>bad weather
>the winter
the more i read about British economic history the angrier I get
we would prefer to be a poor country with an overvalued currency than a wealthy nation with an undervalued currency.
this film went from thriller to horror in the last 20 minutes
Is this the same Japanese chap who likes trains?
alri rorke
PLEASE have sex
plz sell me weapons, ご主人様
He's right. The Japs were our allies but then they turned on us.