I've avoided any talk or spoilers for John Wick Chapter 2 over the last couple of months, but finally...

I've avoided any talk or spoilers for John Wick Chapter 2 over the last couple of months, but finally, it's been released in Australia and I've seen it.

So what was the consensus?
I personally thought it was great. The world building, or extensions, were fantastic.

It lost the grounded feeling that the first had.


nothing i will remember

subway scene kind of took a shit on the movie
still a good flick, not kino like first, definitely a flick

i liked it but not as much as the first one. first one was just balls to the wall action with expertly choreographed scenes. this one was a lot more about world building (which was admittedly good) but with a lot less action.

Typical sequel putting more crap and more crap and more crap and more crap and more crap in rather than understanding what made the first so good.


Good for pleasing plebs. But it's obvious to anyone worth a shit that it's worse than the first.

For fuck's sake someone in this thread literally thinks MORE world building is a good thing. Leave some shit to the imagination you fucking plebeian turd. It's fucking fundamental iceberg shit you learn about in fucking high school.

It was too stylish for its own good. Look at the murder of the Italian queen: it's a beautiful sequence but it's just too much, it's over-directed, it looks like a stage play or a music video.
The director just don't know when to stop, and this apply to everything.
If John Wick just took out 50 guys in that underground, do I need to see him taking out another 150 guys afterwards?
Same with the over-editing: Do I really need to see multiple timelines colluding in my action sequences. If I just saw John Wick fighting in the future, do I really need to see him fighting another guy one hour in the past?

are you kidding me?
that was the best part, where they were sneaking in shots against each other while walking in the crowd
perfect mix of creative, fantastical, humorous and suspenseful. I wish the whole movie was like that
also keanu reeves is top-tier gun wielder
the movie was 5/10 if I'm feeling generous

First one had an abysmal third act though, what with Wick having a hard time and getting his ass kicked by a 80 year-old, during a sequence looking like a 80's TV-movie?
At least the second one is consistent in tone and style throughout the whole thing.

Had me enertained through start to finish its really clever hpw it becomes a parody of itself with icing on the cake that they went as far as having john take out a million more men than in the first let alone being hunted by everyone
If anything it doesnt glorify violence but rather shows its stupidity. It just becomes absurd near three quarters in.
Unlike capeshit where violence is something the audience roots for and it's made look fancy this actually made it mind numbing poking fun it felt like to the modern braindead action movies while being able to pull it back when needed i.e. the drink / winston scene.
Was thinking about boondock saints and its shit sequal
Wick 2 did it far better loved the creativity in the action /settings and enemies etc

I enjoyed it but having everyone being a part of that fruity little club was stupid. Wick can't walk 10ft without bumping into a hitman.

I really liked it. Sometimes the action scenes looked really awkward and clumsy, but i guess that's what a real fight is supposed to look like. The final scene was great as well, it really made my blood pumping

I enjoyed it but to be very honest I thought it was a bit too edgy. I legitimately cringed a few times.

>The beggar king?
>Muh british Sommelier actually sells guns.
>Too many cool guy nods of recognition of mug secret assassin society

Also I thought the fight scenes were overly choreographed. The prime example of this is displayed in the fight scene with the big fat japanese assassin where he literally freezes for 2 seconds while john tries to disarm him,

>WTF is this shit, GUNFU in a movie which is not equilibrium?

It was meh, entertaining but meh

The problem with chapter 2 is that it started off at 10 levels of hype and by the end it was like an 8.

There was nowhere to go from that amazing intro sequence.

cringe post. how old are you? it was a sight gag. it fulfilled its 10 second intention as transition filler. any more and you make the jump from gushing fanboi to studio shill with zero trustworthy opinions.

classic case of sequilitis. no longer ashamed of pretending it is a videogame flick. new film catgeory: straight-to-videogame movie. 2hour expensive videobrochure for magpul dynamics.

ive already forgotten about it.

>gushing fanboi
>5/10, 4/10 realistically speaking

since when wasn't john wick a videogame flick? it should've been more like the subway. sight gags. gimmicky assassins going after him. taking advantage of more public spaces in creative ways.

It was good.
Some of the assassin/continental lore could've been a bit more understated, and the action scenes could get a bit too ridiculous at times. Both in terms of the body count, the scenes with less people were almost always more intense. Wick also does the "I shoot you once, then needlessly grapple you" one time too many. Still really liked it, might have to watch it one more time, but I feel like the last act was certainly stronger than the first.

I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was that the villains weren't as memorable as the father-son duo from the first one. Santino was just a smug asshole and ruby rose did barely anything after so much buildup with her character

i was super hyped for it, but in the end i thought it was pretty meh compared to the 1st one.

less is more for me atleast

its pretty good gun porn but there is never really any danger. no matter how many people come at john wick or shoot at him, he has no trouble killing them all.

idk i fell asleep when he was shooting people and shit, and woke up and hes neo in the matrix again or some dumb shit then it ended.