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Television and Film #832
Television and Film
Are you comfy or fucked?
Can we have a Malcolm thread?
What went wrong?
Just turn off your brain, bro!
Fox is fucking stupid
Lord forgive me for what I'm bout to do
So apparently YouTube is mass banning accounts
If Liam Neeson literally pissed himself every time he went out in public, he'd be Liam Peeson
Somebody wake up Hicks
Whoa, user. Movie's been over for a while now. Don't you have friends or a girl to go to now? Haha
She's just as related as >>83296384 even if she doesn't pay you behind hiros back like they do
Riverdale--no Cherlfags allowed
When did it stop being kino?
Find a flaw
Who will play him in the latest MGS adaption?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Wonder Woman continues to impress as its final marketing stage hits...
Having sex for the first time
What do you guys think of the original script for Prometheus (called Alien: Engineers)...
Why was early carlin so much better than late carlin?
This movie was surprisingly violent, crude, and dark for a Disney/Marvel film
What's he the god of?
Tfw putin is into kino
Why was it so comfy?
Is this show finished?
Only reaction images from Kino are allowed in this thread
That scene where Peter Parker literally removes the blackness from his skin so he can become richer and more intelligent
Who is the cannon strongest wrestler in WWE history?
Which Alien film was scarier, Alien:Covenant or Prometheus?
Who was in the wrong here?
Mark Kermode: 50 films every film fan should watch
But I'm not racist
Could this guy be Joker?
ITT: movies you'd wish were made
Has there ever been a worse decline in quality?
Salem was turned into a cat as punishment for enacting a bloody war to take over the world and subjugate all mortals...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Alien: Covenant is getting BTFO by Pirates, Baywatch and GOTG2
Ever wonder what Peter and Brian would look like together? Well, here you go!
ITT: Pleb filters
Welcome to the Kino Spitoon, how patrician are ya?
Trannykino - Red Wedding editon
Why do they use gopro cameras in the year 2104??
Be Titty George Bush
Post your best essays/analysis about this. Links appreciated
Why is it so hard for celebrity couples have trouble staying together?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Wow so progressive
How would you save the MCU?
Star Wars takes place in our universe and in our timeline, according to the fact that it happened "A long time ago"
Was this the most disappointing and rushed ending ever made?
I said some pretty nasty...hey stop laughing it's not funny.*snickers* Alright it's actually really funny
Is she kino?
Rose the riveter
If he wants to be remembered, why does he play jazz??
It's over, Ridley Scott BTFO
Wait i dont get it, i thought he did the impossible mission on his own right? Hence why he was allowed out...
Was this the final nail in the coffin for apolitical television?
How can they not make another movie as good as this after more than 10 years later and 4 movies later?
Perhaps you can answer the one question that has plagued thinkers for all time
What are some good show about college life?
ITT: Post a picture and anons recommend a movie based off of it
Austin Powers
Tfw westworld isn't coming back until 2018
What went wrong?
We have to turn him back into Krupp
Liv And Maddie
War For The Planet Of The Apes
Hey, my name is Louis CK. I like to lure girls to my hotel room after the show...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Examples of self-inserts in televlision or film?
Cannes Winner
Anyone seen this? Is it really that bad?
What did you think of Billy boy apologizing for being white in his last podcast?
What went wrong?
The Leftovers thread
"well, at least things couldn't POSSIBLY get any worse"
Ooh, you're a big guy <3
Is spinning a good trick?
Handmaid's tale
Films that made you hate women
ITT: Movies plebs think are deep af
Name a more hateable character
How do you feel about how Red handled Erics engagement. While yet getting engaged that young is stupid...
Look Ross is doing his pretend to watch TV bit
Movie was fantastic! Wow, critics got it wrong again. This was R-rated summer FUN through and through...
Why was this entertaining fuck stuck in that shit show iron fist
Why wasn't this a bigger hit?
These guys are coming to have sex with your gf
Why are there so many foreigners working in Hollywood?
Americans don't have to be your audience
Has Joe Rogan ever been wrong about anything?
What happened to the Body Horror genre...
Why do british shows cast ugly actors?
Pshhhh *static*
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The Girl with All the Gifts
Admit it:
What is the scariest scene-o in all of kino?
Explain why you like this show
How did we go from this
Be honest. Harry Potter is a pretty damn good series
I'm going to the theater in an hour. What should I order?
What does Sup Forums think of Deliverance?
TGWTG: Episode 2
Was it kino?
/got/ general
What movies are your fitness inspiration?
Winds of Winter postponed yet again thanks for Game of Thrones show spoiling the books
Rock's been in a ton of shit movies in his career and he usually just rolls with it...
Why are Romeo and Juliet black?
I get why American media would put this out while Trump is president and on Memorial Day no less...
How the FUCK was this allowed?
What does this board think of movie reviewers Korey and Martin from Double Toasted?
Is he a professional contrarian or a true purveyor of kinography?
ITT: Lengthy movies
Why were movies in the 70's so much better than movies today (With few exceptions like Sicario or Prisoners)
NAME SOMETHING you do at a movie theatre!
Does anyone miss 2d animation films?
Why is this unfunny cunt on every British panel show?
One Billion in the non-stupid part of the world
Comfy films from 80s-90s
What does Sup Forums think of Batman The Animated Series?
Riverdale--Blossomfags pls
Best sites for streaming shows, movies, etc?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Are this guy's opinions worth taking seriously, Sup Forums?
ITT: /womancan'tunderstandcore/
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Dooper Edition
Star Wars Prequels and RLM
Name your favorite movie of each year of the 2000s and talk about how others have shit taste
Armond White: “Baywatch is idiotic escapism”
Movie ends
Hahaha, can you imagine?
They might as well be swimming in an ocean of URINE. This FUN RAUNCHY comedy is just for the FANS
How did Xena work when other "strong" females failed?
What does Sup Forums think of the universally praised movie get out?
The Force Awakens was everything I dreamed of
“Early on, I had to do a scene where I had to flirt with Zac Efron and touch his waist...
Do you think this movie will do poorly because they cast an African American as the lead?
ITT: Movies you initially didn't want to watch because of CRITICS but then watched anyway and had a lot of FUN
Tfw Bill Burr on Conan is way fucking funnier than any of his specials
Are there any movies that ruin themselves by having misplaced comic relief as much as this movie...
Positive Wonder Woman reviews
Likes big dicks
What was renting from Blockbuster like?
What is the best trilogy?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What are some DVD/Blu-Rays with great features?
What are some good show about college life?
If you owned Jurassic Park, what food would you serve to your guests?
Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
Ridley Scott explained the motives behind the Engineer race and why David bombed them
Does Sup Forums prefer the Alien or the Predators?
We need someone to play the Russian guy
What is the most attractive star wars race?
I said NO donations lower than a dollar
ITT films that made you angry
People peeing themselves from laughing has been reported in theaters across the country...
Men of the world, put the video games down, man up, suit up, and wine and dine the fuck out of a beautiful girl
Doctor Who General - /WHO/
1299 days until Avatar 2
Be me
New Star Trek (The Orville)
DC Animated Kino?
Thanks for your support fans, ignore the critics, people DO want R-rated summer and fun
Did he beat him with the water jugg?
Daddy's home!
Films about dreams that come true?
Empty inside <3
Pitch me your tv show
Why are Hacking scenes in movies always so fucking cringy?
If this thing is the new Yoda
Wonder Woman users reviews
Put on the suit, let's go a few rounds
Name a movie
Just finished this, can anyone explain how the bullets worked? How could guests kill hosts and not vice versa?
Last Day Edition
The Time Traveler's Wife
American Gods
The black character lacks formal education but is sassy and street-wise
My 600-lb Life
No nigs
Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, and Elle Fanning Made an 1860s ‘Girls Gone Wild’ Video
Wonder Woman Spoilers
Why did Alien: Covenant seem more entertaining than Prometheus? I feel like the editing has made a big improvement...
Should we watch Wonder Woman?
What's your favorite kaiju movie?
/lbg/ - General of Letterbozd
ITT: favourite scenes
Star Trek: Discovery
Color grading thread
Asian film thread
Movie set in New York
Anybody else really miss the message boards...
Wonder Woman continues to impress as its final marketing stage hits...
Was he our guy?
This was maybe one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm serious. And I've seen a lot of really good movies...
2 episodes left
What is the best "I'll hold them back" self sacrifice in kino history?
When the established order is called the "Resistance" and the empire is stronger than when it was overthrown in Episode...
/got/ general
So now this is happening
Who was worse? Jez or Mark
Movies and abortions
When did you first discover Sup Forums?
Netflix, the jewish devils that they are, couldn't time the Witcher series better
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Scenes where if the genders were reversed there would be a whole shitload of problems
Where did the hype go?
Characters you relate to
The Rock commiting career suicide
No 2+ season show has ever remained consistently good throughout the entire length of its ru-
Why wasn't the Disney trilogy about him ?
Why is she so perfect, lads
I thought you guys were just memeing about nothing happening on this show, but you were actually right...
Could THIS be any more of a sopranos thread?
Cast it
ITT: Pleb filters
What the fuck is Fincher up to lately?
How and when did cinema transition from art and entertainment to existing purely as a vessel of leftist propaganda...
Reminder that
Alright user pick out a movie that we can snuggle to
Hi bros im gonna go in a 4 month sea phase with no internet...
Wtf fans hated it
Neon Demon 2 when?
Let's talk about Snoke for a moment...
Was it kino?
What the fuck did he do all those years?
The JUST Jedi
RLM was right
What does Sup Forums think of the fresh prince?
What's this fighting stance called?
Is eating ice-cream at the cinema red-pilled?
Live in UK
On a scale of "the office" to "community," how reddit is this show?
Fun fact: jacks waifu is also bubbles
Lol is this what passes as a penis to white boys?
Is this any good
Is Ancient Aliens kino?
It's that time of the week on Sup Forums
It's a video essay
Dinners almost ready!
Movies where dumb sluts get exactly what they deserve?
Is Logan worth watching if I don't like capeshit?
Actresses who could have played Wonder Woman
Based Milana
Science: Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be AROUSED By Children’
Who are some actresses you would assfuck raw without warning?
How did this happen?
Sell me this board
What's his name Sup Forums?
Mad Men > The Plebranos
How much more will it take?
Stop watching films and go out
Underrated Shows
Why did he crash the ship?
Recommend me good anime's to get started on for somebody who has never watched an anime before
Purposefully select the incorrect captchas
Okay, Sup Forums, time for your greatest challenge
Do I finish this movie?
Do you like Black Widow?
Sorry, the is a mens only thread. Ladies stay the fuck out
You're a lose cannon, McNutman, but goddammit you get results
Will she be in Twin Peaks again?
He uses the word "kino" unironically
Cast her in a kino
Holy shit. This is the most liberal movie of 2017
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What the fuck did Ridley Scott mean by this
Has veronica gained weight?
Thanks for the rec, Sup Forums...
Watching film with a woman
He has officially become to the left what Dennis Miller is to the right
Lmao. Can we stop making these fucking awful movies now?
Why the fuck is this shit praised?
Anyone else going to BaneCon?
New Mister Metokur: Spoony Episode
Whats the verdict on his acting career and movies?
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
What are some FUN movies?
Why do different races feel so forced in movies today when it use to be so natural?
The next marlon brando
I haven't talked to another person in 3 months
Any other TV shows where the bad guy wins?
What's the best/most iconic weapon in film?
/got/ general
Gf makes me watch Ru Paul's Drag Race
You Don't Put Pineapple on a Fuking Pizza!
Is this movie worth checking out? The story about his final days seemed potentially kino
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What are your thoughts on Madonna's acting skills?
Sicario is easily one of the best films of the past five years
Are there any films about how "Select all squares with" captchas don't work?
Cloud Atlas was criminally underrated
Family wants to watch this fucking movie
David created the aliens, not the engineers
Twin Peaks General /tpg/
Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?
No point in watching Dredd anymore. Judge Anderson is supposed to be pure
You can't go over the trench! That's no-man's-land!
Jessica Jones
Pitch me your original series
What happened
785 million
Name a better movie
Rita aint done with Tommy yet
ITT animationkino
How much more will it take?
This movie is fucking garbage
Worst member of the gang
ITT: Moments you've reacted or felt like reacting in this way to a show or movie you've watched
Saturday night
Alone again? Well I hope you enjoy Baywatch
So we can all agree this movie is shite right
ITT: Evil Occult-Tier
This movie sucks
Post almost kino but just off the mark sci-fi movies
TV shows you just know will be utter shite
Any good movies with strong female leads that arent capeshit?
ITT: Best Sci-Fi Waifus
Damn. So glad I held out for that lesbian sex scene. I think I understand why David Lynch is so popular...
Drag Race
When that cop dude said "bonpensiero, he's wired for sound" was he hinting that big pussy had a wire...
Is anyone else excited for the first good videogame movie
Don't mind me, i'm just pirating this pizza
Is Tom secretly a conservative?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General:
Remember when you could have this in Marvel movies?
Actors you are tired of seeing
Heroic white computer tech blasts Mexican
When you think it's a fart but you accidentally shit yourself
What are some fat kino?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What's a woman?
What are popular movies or shows that aged terribly?
Why was he kicked off Silicon Valley?
It's a James Bond is Japanese episode
Why would Chloe make a movie like this?!?
Leave capekino to me
Sup Forums meta thread
Why does he have an N on his shirt?
Pretty good movie, but WHERE DID THE LAST ALIEN COME FROM?!
Just saw pic related. Almost cried at the end. did you?
Do any of you faggots watch movies that aren't jew-shilled capeshit, weeaboo garbage, or "muh wide release indie"?
The Wolverine > Logan > Wolverine Origins
What TV series has the best soundtrack?
Your friend while you're watching your favorite movie
When will ourgirl get her own television show lads?
How did David manage to infiltrate a civilizations home planet with bio-weapons so easily?
Blood Meridian
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What are some movies about being irrationally in love with a computer generated character from a video game?
Explain this meme to me
What was the most gratuitous scene in cinematic history?
International horror movies
So, have you guys been watching this shit, or having an autistic fit over it?
What are the rules?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
So, did the post-credits scene imply that he's alive? How? and Why?
Has there been a good gangster movie since Goodfellas?
Lynch's idea of a villian is a super edgelord
Saw this for the first time. I expected Arnie's performance to be the only thing to this movie...
Just got around to watching this finally... Why does this place hate it so much...
Are there any movies where Mexican girl pretends to be white, but is discovered because her nipples are brown?
Leave capekino to me
Does anyone else feel like the quality of mainstream television content has drastically declined in the last decade or...
There will never be a tv show as funny as this again
Lol look at that little thing
We pention for a men's only screening of a particular movie
Nitpicking Alien Covenant
The Jedi revolve their entire existence around defeating the Sith
Cannon Films
Captain Plastic
Why can't I cry during movies?
Talentless countries
If you do this at a movie theater, fuck you. There is a trash can on the way out the door. Sincerely...
MEW praises Wonder Woman
What's the moral of the story?
I just couldn't get into a film with such a ridiculous premise
The fans love it!
What did Jaden Smith mean by this?
WW2 movie
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Recently bought a new vape kit and im dying to test it out. What are some good movies to vape to?
What's some essential /chad/? I really enjoyed Everybody Wants Some and Dazed and Confused...
Sand Nigger Kino
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What the fuck happened to Jim Carey...
What are some kinos about strong women?
Is this Kino? Yeah, it is
3 days for house of kino
Is there any movie about a guy grooming a kid to be his wife?
/got/ general
It's a Lois episode
All pumped up for jaha to take the bunker back from the fucking savages
Worst film posters
What are some movies where one of the lead actors constantly shit on it before it was released?
Daily reminder
Aging thread
Name shows or movies that have the same setting as GOT and are also better
*blocks your path*
You faggots are a bunch of blind followers of Lynch who won't accept that "Twin Peaks: The Return" is a total disaster...
How the fuck do we save this place?
Why did they disliked the idea of letting harry go to hogwarts so much and insisted he stay home if they hated him so...
Childs is the thing
Good fathers in film
If David created the Xenomorph, then explain this, Ridley
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
God damn the prequel cg still holds up
Plot idea for Prometheus 3
The Pebble Is Cracking
What are some of the manliest movies out there?
"Yeah, and when United Airlines said they would have to remove him form the plane if he didn't comply...
Music Video Kino
Why does he even have to train her?
So what are your expectations for It?
When will she get her big break?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Remember Highlander. Remember your home. Another galaxy. You were chosen. Remember?
About to marathon this
What the fuck is this guys problem?
Welp, never drinking Heineken again
Hell yeah
How much more will it take?
Daily reminder that Olivia Munn was literally two weeks away from signing a porn deal...
Why does Sup Forums hate Wes Anderson?
Are there any movies that really capture Celtic mythology well?
Both of them are The Thing
Why woman suddenly like to watch James Bond films?
ITT: Pleb Filters
What's next for her career?
Bullying doesn't wor-
Sup Forums was right again!
Is this the most cringe scene in all of film?
The Truth Is In Here: X-Files Thread
When making Kino is too good so you begin to hate one another and break up the best thing either of you have ever and...
Harry Potter
ITT we cast and discuss potential Baldur's Gate movie
Its time to stop
Louie CK and a Bully
You're not brave
Is it good?
Why do you have such a hard time getting a girlfriend bro? It's easy, just have confidence and talk to them, haha
What's the most messed up Family Guy episode you think?
/got/ general
What's his name again?
Have any of you ever done any acting? Film, tv, stage, commercial, anything. Major or minor or extra roles, whatever
Those special effects
Wonder Woman will be the highest grossing DC film of all time
What is the "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" of film?
What did they mean by this
What I liked about Man of Steel and BvS is that there's a clear progression of Superman's character/arc throughout the...
How much more will it take?
Character is a chronic alcoholic
What movies defined the early 2000s
Just finished watching Dear White People...
What was the moral of this story?
Was this movie just a excuse to have 3 young actresses running around with tight underwear?
What was his fucking problem?
Most dysfunctional cast ever?
What would happen if they had to direct the Emoji movie?
Morgue scene
Why do actresses get fat?
Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
Doctor Who General /who/
It seems like a lot of John Wick's injuries and problems come from running out of bullets...
Just dropped some acid. anyone got any kino to watch under these circumstances...
Why are manlets so successful?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Webm thread
Is Blood Diamond GOAT? What are some other movies that portrait Africa accurately, beside Hotel Rwanda?
When did Fanily Guy become propaganda?
Anybody want a soda or something?
Make a movie related character
Science fiction shows
Why is British humor so shit?
Why did she do it Sup Forums?
Why I'm not going to see Spider-Man
Lynch JUST
Whackin Phoenix
L wanna ____ Dr. Shaw!
Who was in the wrong here?
Kristen Who?
I've seen things you hotheads wouldn't believe. Flight Plans crashing off the shoulder of Uzbekistan...
Recommend me some documentaries
Which one?
Thoughts on this?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Why did Silvio get a spinoff and not Paulie?
Literally pass users faces right now
It was good and strangely arousing
What are some good fantasy films? I've seen the main ones like Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Schindler's List...
We're back
Can someone explain the aliens at the end?
What are some good movies about women being used?
This is the Holy Trinity of television
Only pass users can post
So we just saw Alien: Covenant, uh, I like to call it Alien :COVE-inant because "Covenant" sounds like "oven", man. Uh...
Where were you when the quality of anime surpassed live action tv?
What are some movies about hot youtube subcelebrities?
Who was in the wrong here?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
Smokey And The Bandit
Are there any movies where person suddenly goes from biggest pop star of 21th century to a C-Lister with a nice butt?
Idk if you guys dropped this really shitty teen show or if theres still a handful of you guys that stuck with it BUT...
Is This Kino?
She will be 18 in 6 months
Like a billion fucking kurt cobain biopics
Pirates of the Carribean
Guys... we have something we need to talk about
All this xenoslut and thing love lately
I'm not asking you
Why the fuck haven't you seen it yet?
Why does diversity feel so forced in movies it was no problem back than
What are some movies with ironic plot twists?
What went wrog
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What were engineers inittially suppossed to be?
Police warns about a new phenomenon in Finland: 11-12 year old girls hanging out with adult men
Una vela
What did she mean by this?
Why do filmmakers still do the "black bar" meme?
Finally make a friend to get around the no singles policy
How much more will it take?
What are some kino skits?
Picked up for two more seasons
You gonna do something, or just stand there and bleed?
So Windu beat Sheev right?
Whats your favorite season?
Better call Saul Thread
Fuck y'all you should watch goldeneye tonight
Do you agree with Mike "multimillionaire show host" Rowe?
This thing used to female? Wtf
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Name a worse character. Protip: You can't
About to watch this for the first time. What should I expect?
Fuck. Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor are getting divorced
We could've saved her
What are some movies about loneliness
Is Pan's Labyrinth kino?
How are we supposed to compete?
Cast this peace of trash mudslime liberals are defending
What did the director mean in this shot?
Is Hasan Minhaj the great new stand up commedian? I have a feeling Sup Forums would like this guy
Ahhh, sweet liquor eases the pain
NAME your top anthology series. Pic related = God Tier
Name a better movie
Wonder Woman
Me on the very right
Metal Gear (2019)
How did this
I have just bought a suscription
Are you going to watch The Emoji Movie® ?
Mad Men
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
NEW Renner/Olsen KINO TRAILER : Wind River
What's Sup Forums's favorite Kung Fu movie?
American mainstream media
Cameron is a fucking hack
And they're always glad you came
What are your favorite films of comfy southern life?
Grossest thing you've ever seen at a theater?
A good death is its own reward
Wonder Woman reaction thread
Get in a debate with another user about film
What was his fucking problem?
ITT: Oh yeah that existed
Ha ha... how do they come up with these crazy ideas for movies?
Could this have been done correctly?
March 26th, 2021
War machine
Wonder Woman
Does anyone else really like Idris Elba?
Star Trek: Discovery, "because" apparenly
How will they ruin Luke?
Just one Sup Forums
I hated it
The Leftovers
NAME SOMETHING you would watch on a Friday night
God tier horror movies that nobody's heard of
Person of Interest
She posts a new video
Big budget adaptation of a TV show about big titties
Name 1 time he was wrong
Superior actress, superior looks, superior personality.... Superior Fanning
This is what's killing film
How would the DCEU handle Supegirl?
Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?
He still watches tv
It's 2017
Just finished watching this snorefest. How did anyone like this pile of shit...
Is there a bigger tryhard poser on the internet?
Why is smoking so cool in tv/film but trashy and disgusting in real life?
It's Friday night
/got/ general
John Wick/ Keanu Reeves hidden redpills
The Simpsons does it again!
ITT: Meme actors
Why didn't Hafthor play the engineer in Prometheus?
Rewatching FWWM rn. Sheryl Lee's is GOAT as fuck. The best performance of the entire series
Fun fact:
3D Recommendations
What movies are you looking forward to this year?
Just watched this movie for the first time and loved it. Let's talk about Starship Troopers
Why does this franchise keep devolving?
Natasha is a pretty decent actress. She deserved to have a better career
/lbg/ - letterboxd general
Pick a film
Well that was fucked up
Simpsons thread
UnBLACKED thread
Turn your favorite movie ending into a M Night Shyamalan twist
What are some good martial arts movies?
/tpg/ twin peaks general
Massive Star Wars The Last Jedi spoilers
Which actors have hit 'the wall'? On the flip side which actors do you think have only gotten better looking with age?
What were they thinking?
Which one do you prefer Sup Forums?
Is this the ultimate pleb filter?
I'll fuck you in your ass you punk white boy. You faggot. You can't touch me, you're not man enough...
Bitten by spider in a lab full of deadly spiders
What are the best films about masculinity?
I have this old Friends dvd that has a mad libs lyrics generator...
Perri Nemiroff
What's the point of this movie? Why couldn't they ended it after Apocalypse? Fuck this shit
Is there any war movies where the terrorists win?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The Rock committing career suicide
Webm Thread - Friday edition
How do i fight depression lads?
Early 2010s movie
Is there an actual appeal to this show or is it just the show nu-males watch to make themselves feel sophisticated?
Peter, im your gf
Where is it?
Times Sup Forums has been BTFO. I'll start
What do you call this stance?
Why was his death such a cultural phenomenon...
Was it drugs?
Why was Scrubs so good?
Cast Charlotte McKinney in the Baywatch movie
What are your favorite logo sequences to watch before the movie plays?
/got/ general
It's fucking over
How is the MCU going to adapt this iconic scene?
Q rip off her burka
Hello Sup Forums is there anything here like Sup Forumscore?
Justin Long, more like JUSTin Tiny
Guess what we watched in class today
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who will play xer in the inevitable biopic
Remember when he was going to be a big star?
Jungle Book - TIGER vs BEAR - fuckk off mod, seriously
What does the ending quote "We are still in the desert" mean?
Best characters of their respective shows
Morality of Rick and Morty
What's the best movie you ever watched on a plane?
Did you know Emma Stone still sucks her thumb? I just found out and I am shocked!
Why did her mother have a child with her rapist?
This probably isn't a surprise to anyone, but holy fucking shit what an unfunny waste of time this is...
Having a girl over tonight
Jungle Book - TIGER vs BEAR
It's OK I'm a scientist bro!
What are some films about helping a friend in need?
Sweet Jesus
These are considered 10/10 shows on Sup Forums
What is she staring at?
You can only choose one
Thoughts on The Shannara Chronicles?
What is the best Trilogy?
What kind of role would you like her to play?
Is The Sopranos a Series or an Exposition?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks Generalq
Could THIS be anymore of a Friends thread?
Why is this allowed?
BASED Jackie Chan
*blocks your what did she mean by this*
I-is he okay?
This thing is not cute
Holy shit. It finally released digitally. I'm actually incredibly disappointed I wasted any of my time watching this...
What happened to her career?
What went wrong?
Rock is having a twitter meltdown because critics are trashing his movie
*furious typing*
Alien Covenant
Name a more epic scene in cinematic history
Daily reminder if you dislike Phoebe you're really just scared of your own sexuality
Went to my local kiinoplex to watch The Lion King
Why is he stuck with interviewing C-list celebrities? Considering how popular his show is...
Top 20 Ranked TV Episodes from IMDb
HOLD THE FUCK UP your ship is filled with over 2000 people and you got a random signal from a planet you didnt even...
If they made a live action Zelda, which actor should be cast as Link?
Seriously though lads. MEW's ass is spectacular amirite?
/got/ general
How does seeing this face make you feel?
Where did it all go so wrong?
"This is a scientific expedition. No weapons"
What's next for her career-wise?
Five minutes into his new podcast and he mentions white privilege and white males
Itt post directors with mostly flawless records
Yfw Edward actually ended up becoming a respectable actor
NAME SOMETHING you always bring with you to the movie theatre!
ITT: Absolute Madmen!!
Watch a movie
Hehe. Thanks for taking me to the movies,user. What are we going to see?
Remember, Peter, your grandfather was a proud member of the SS
What was the point of Violet?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
4 minute standing ovation at Cannes
What are some great TV shows that are older than Twin Peaks?
Watch Voyager's Endgame when I was 17
Why are Lynch fans such pretentious retards that they can't even accept criticism?
Alien: Awakening
Bat's probably gonna beat the shit outta him
What do non-Germans think of Til Schweiger?
Now that we know Baywatch sucks, what will she do next?
Peter Jackson reveals first concept art for his upcoming "Mortal Engines" film adaption
Patrice is still dead
Who was in the wrong here? Serious question
Tony Scott > Ridley Scott
Batman and Harley Quinn final trailer
We all know Revolution is awful, but do you think Reloaded is a good movie...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...