ITT: Pleb Filters

If you dislike the movies posted on this thread, you simply don't belong on Sup Forums.



Doesn't everyone like Unfrogiven?



op make a chart

this two and only god forgives



lol. stop embarrassing yourself and watch more film

i haven't watched the serie but im gonna watch this


Is that Anya?


Please don't, Evangelion is a very special series if you watch it correctly.

End of Evangelion is basically the final episodes of the show.


any good movie doesn't require previous knowledge. retarded idiots from Sup Forums can't comprehend that.

Didn't knew she had such a nice figure

Im fucking leaving then. That is steaming dog shit pressed into Celluloid.

Hi rettid
Please do

For a Fistful of Dollars



you can't stop it bro, it's done


whats with all the entry level pleb trash

only good posts so far

fucking retard, by that logic i should be able to completely enjoy lord of the rings: return of the king even if I haven't seen the first two, even though I won't understand the plot or the characters


correct. otherwise the problem is probably with the movie.

>come in "good films" thread
>no Korean films
it's hard for me to take you guys seriously now

this is really good bait OP
seriously refn is a hack and this movie was trash

please leave

Guess I'm a pleb. Good atmosphere and decent visuals, but lacking otherwise.



This is not good.


Sprang brekas!!

>good movie
>return of the king


this is a pleb film actually
shitty film


this movie was fucking awful

>The Last Detail
>Killer of Sheep
>The Beaver Trilogy
>Prince of Darkness
>The Driver
>The Thief Who Came to Dinner
>The Getaway
>Electra Glide in Blue
>Star 80 (major plebbit filter)
>Two Lane Blacktop

Still makes me sad that Sheryl Lee didn't go on to become a star. Her performance in FWWM is insanely good.


Good cinematography
Shit premise

Fellowship is the only good LOTR flick m8

I don't think I've seen a more convincing performance that conveys that sense of dread. Just her screaming alone is the best I've heard in a horror movie. I'm surprised Lynch never used her again outside of the new Twin Peaks season.