Star Trek: Discovery


>netflix putting their shitty logo over any show whose distribution rights they secure but don't develop

Nobody likes it when Star Trek is about SAVING MUH WORLD and edgy war shit

Star Trek should be fun space hijinks and the occasional moral exploration. But I should expect Netflix to be too stupid for that

>pleb filtered

I can't believe they're still making Mass Effect games.

So this is set in JJ verse not the good one right?

Bryan Fuller has literally never made anything remotely good

I was so glad when Sasha died but now she's on something I actually anticipated. Just kill me.

So like MacFarlane's new show is allegedly going to be? If he can pull it off he'll be a hero. "If"...

*smacks lips*

apparently in the original timeline
though it seems to be retconning harder than the JJ movies

MacFarlane's sense of humor is absolute garbage but maybe he can rein himself in with this. I watched the trailer and it was mostly alright

There are already enough hours of television between TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, and all of the non-JJ movies, that you can by the time you get through all of it, you can start again and it will have been so long that it'll feel fresh again.

I'm not sure why Star Trek suddenly became this multi-billion dollar trading ball to pass around Hollywood, but as long as it's treated like that, it will never again be a low-budget, high-output episodic series again. To be exploratory, Trek needed long-run season, and dozens of episodes to try out new things. It can't do that with "galactic evil" metaplots, huge budget, and low episode counts.

Trek is over until nuTrek's soap opera strategy fails, loses a shitload of money, and Hollywood doesn't want to touch it again for a few decades. Then, MAYBE, we can get another standard low-budget series.


High stakes can be good, when they're part of a comfy overall show


Because it's a known property with a built in casual fan base. They don't have to appease Trekkies, they're going for the people who only watched TNG.

Star Trek is dead. Whatever this garbage is, Star Trek it ain't.

Even the most high stakes ds9 episodes is about the personal cost of lying your ass off to get someone to fight for you.

And the reason why BoBW works is that it was the break from the normal episode.

Star Trek has always been big money.

For example, Paramount back when it was just Paramount would put the Star Trek revenues on its own line item as it was a franchise before franchise was a thing.

Thing is, this doesn't look or feel like Star Trek.

Star trek is not about Vulcans, Klingons and Starfleet delta signs. Literally everybody could make their own Star Trek that's not Star Trek™® and if it's good everybody would watch it. So why is nobody stepping forward except McFarlane who is only doing a spoof.

It will be a strange world, when MacFarlane does a better Galaxy Quest than Fuller does Star Trek.

It is a odd world. In all seriousness the spoof looks like a good laugh.

the high stakes episodes of DS9 sucked compared to comfy quark/garak episodes.

The only "High stakes" episode that worked great was a Stealth Garak episode.

I wish they'd release the pilot already so i can see if I'll care about it or not.
