So, have you guys been watching this shit, or having an autistic fit over it?

So, have you guys been watching this shit, or having an autistic fit over it?

Really the only complaint I have is the musical choices occasionally.

Why would I watch this though?

I watch it, it's pretty good.
Nice critique of Islam

The musical choices is one of the better things about the show.


I took the whole Christianity thing as a sham more than anything, honestly. Unless they're invoking the name of God to justify something, you really don't see anything religious and they tear down churches.
Reminds me of modern day 'Christian-in-name-only' Christians who appear to live an otherwise secular life until they need to get their way.

Post-clit snip was a little tone deaf, but the Blondie remix was nice.

More than anything, the world building.

Yeah, the religious aspects of it are more like set dressings then anything else. It's like it's there to justify the actions in the minds of the government but that's about it.

my wife doesn't allow me to watch it anymore since she caught me trying to unlock my chastity cage

The camera work bores me. One, two, three times are enough to see the suffering on the protagonist, but it kept showing her face and it started to bore me after seeing her cry for 10 minutes out of the 60.

Could do with a little less lensflare and out of focus too.

It annoys me that Hollywood keeps trying to convince people this broad is attractive.

I watch it. The last episode was shit. I just want more sexual tension between a 4/10 and every man she interracts with. I don't give a rat's ass about some literally whos and her miraculously alive husband who I assume's gonna die anyway because I don't think he survived in the book

What was so shit about the last episode?

It was entirely about her rather bland and uninteresting husband, and his predictable "adventures". It contributed literally nothing to the plot or world building

I disagree. Beyond the general backstory of our lead, you get a bit more of the 'escape' process fleshed out and see to more extent what the rest of the country is like.
One of the on-going questions is just how far this all goes. Is it the whole US? Do the colonies being described actually exist? Is no one fighting against this?

My feminist English teacher made me read this back in high school. I honestly think the more intense feminists get off on the idea of a very real and rapey patriarchy. There is a lot of dom sex and a strong pregnancy fetish throughout the book. I don't buy for a second that the author is a dyke. Bitch loves impregnation rape too much.

>we're supposed to believe this face made one man leave his wife, another man want to fuck her behind his wife's back at the risk of death and/or humiliation, and another man want to fuck her at the risk of death

Other than that the show is ok. I agree with OP that the sudden music videos are stupid.

>I don't buy for a second that the author is a dyke. Bitch loves impregnation rape too much.
Maybe she wants to be the man in this scenario.


It is very much a liberal fantasy and circle jerk.

"Oh, Republicans would have this be our country in x years."

>le writing words over a persons face meme

Jesus when will this dumb trend die? it's not clever and it's not artistic, it's just lazy shit.

The brain washing is starting to work on me. Her sex scene was pretty good.

I have episode 1 on my drive but have the whole season of westworld too, and the.100 and frank underwood's coming soon. how do you guys watch some much tv? i can't keep up

Mrs Waterford is hot though.
But this show seems to have gone over the top in the Misanrdy compared to the book. Every female in this is a victim including the wives of the elite and the aunts every male is a heartless monster or a uncaring idiot. Boys bad , Girls good.

They would, bootlicker. Looks at this fucking thread.

>i haven't watched the show