So we just saw Alien: Covenant, uh, I like to call it Alien :COVE-inant because "Covenant" sounds like "oven", man. Uh...

>So we just saw Alien: Covenant, uh, I like to call it Alien :COVE-inant because "Covenant" sounds like "oven", man. Uh, um...

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I was watching this earlier but had to close it, it was just awful. They really didn't seem to know where they wanted to go at all.

he was a mistake

what went wrong?

I also like to build brown bricks in Minecrap.

Why do I no longer find him fun or funny or even interesting enough to watch anymore?

It feels like he's going through the motions at times. Although I liked the playlist video he put out this week. Short and straight to the point

when ur brain too smol to carry out ur work

I used to really enjoy his top ten videos where he spoke about things in a really heartfelt manner. James got really bad after he said he got burntout, everything since then feels so forced.

I think he just shoots too many takes of him trying to read his script so it comes out more and more forced instead of fluid. He's more animated too when he's going off the cuff. He probably gets too self conscious about his umms and ahhs that he feels the need to cut them completely

I actually really liked those ummms and uhhhs it felt real. I dunno I really loved James when I was younger but now I can't bring myself to watch anything he makes in fear of being disappointed.

AVGN was funny, but the shtick has grown tired, and he's also gotten less funny over the years. He's hit all games he wanted to make episodes of, so now he has to actively search out games to review, which gave us Sonic '06, probably the worst AVGN episode yet. Sonic '06 is a game that has been deconstructed by other people for 10 years before James made his video. Jekyll and Hyde was amazing because no one had ever heard of this game. He was introducing us to how bad it was. Now he has to piggyback off of trends to make money to support his family. I can't dislike him, if you're gonna sell out, that's the best reason.

But I don't enjoy most of his videos. AVGN is stale, Board James was his magnum opus, but it's over now. Mike and Ryan are at best boring, at worst annoying, but Mike knows how to play the YouTube game, and uploads a boring video every day of the week to keep views and ad money rolling. I used to think he was an expert on cinema, but my taste has matured, and his hasn't.

But he made me laugh so much when I was a teenager, and the old AVGN episodes still hold up. Board James is his best work, so there's still real talent in him deep down. Monster Madness introduced me to the old monster movies, and from there I branched out into Old Hollywood, and then the foreign classics, and now movies have become a true passion for me, and it likely wouldn't have happened without him. I may not enjoy his videos anymore, but he's enriched my life so much, and I'll always be grateful. If I ever run into him, I'll buy him a Rolling Rock.

I really do appreciate this reply user, it's very heartfelt. I also thank him for the joys he gave me for years and also for helping create a new perspective on how to look at films instead of just straight up entertainment. I have never watched Board James, I might give that a go at some point.

Even if I find his stuff bland and boring now, I will still always hope for his success and I hope he and his family are happy and satisfied.

The whole series is quite good. "Dream Phone" and the finale are some of the best videos he's ever made, but watch the episodes in order.

Cheers my dude. I'll be sure to get on that soon.

I haven't watched the video, but are you sure he wasn't just referencing one of his favorite documentaries?

This was my first immediate thought.

People like to hail him as a big deal since the Ghostbusters thing, but eh, James and the AVGN thing just kind of wore me out years ago. Granted I was one of those fans who got into him back when he maybe had less than 10 videos, so it's been a while and I just.. bleh. It's like a old TV show or personality that is still running, kind of hard to care, even more so when I got tired of it all in 2009.

yeah my thoughts as well
haven't watched the avgn video though

You sound like me

it was a call back to a film he made as a kid called "COVE-n" because he didnt want to call it 'Coven', that he made a youtube video about.

It was a reference to an earlier youtube video he made, just a joke, user.

He's obviously referencing "American movie"

You expect the fine people of Sup Forums to understand somewhat obscure references to film and television?

Wowee you must be an idiot.

I have not watched his movie review because generally i find the J&M movie reviews live, without a script, aren't really worth watching.

Having said that, i can happily watch some old avgn/J&M mondays anyday of the week and still enjoy it.

Cinemassacre isn't as good as it was in it's glory days, but they still produce some great content every once in a while (usually at least once a week).

Monster madness and the games related content will always be the best. Actually, board james is pretty funny too. In fact, a good 70% of content these guys produce is worth watching.

Hope they don't stop. Hope they marathon some longer games for J&M soon.

>body becoign frail
>wife demands more and more, threatening him with social justice
>wife being bred by jamal on the side

He's just having a midlife crisis.


Just like the movie.

You grew up.

James, you're only good for AVGN. Your opinions suck otherwise. Also Mike and Ryan took over your channel.

Who farted in this video? James or Mike? Go to 3:40)

>completely forgot about James
>briefly remembered him again when he BTFO nu-Ghostbusters
>slowly realize again that he's still an irrelevant and unfunny cuck who only really looks good when compared to Doug and Noah

Why do our heroes let us down?

>it was the best one since Aliens, better than Alien 3, better than Resurrection, better than the AVP films, though I'm not sure if it was as good as Prometheus

you can shut up now


I never really found him funny, but always thought his videos were really comfy. Especially when he talks about video game history or movie stuff in general.

>but always thought his videos were really comfy. Especially when he talks about video game history or movie stuff in general.
for sure. I loved watching those videos so much. He can speak really well that's for sure. his acting is really subpar though

He's not making good decisions anymore since his breeder got knocked up with another damaged child again.

They really come off as clueless and ignorant about things around them, especially James who seems to be living under a rock or something.

They don't research anything. Every Cinemassacre review comes from nostalgia. Not a bad thing, but it crashes when reviewing new stuff.

I get it, he was referencing American Movie

>the Swordquest video

That shit just blew me away because I never heard about that competition before I saw it.

I genuinely shed a tear at the end of that video. It made me feel part of a community, of something bigger that myself.
One of my all time favorite youtube videos.