>it's supposed to be shit

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not supposed to be shit, though. There's nothing wrong with the webm you just posted.

this is why I hate cgi

What the fuck is this shit

The alternative would look even worse.


what is this,amateur hour Jesus.

>mmmm these turds are totally delicious chocolate candies and not turds

-Lynch fanboypologists

>Judging a show / film mainly on it's effects

Complete and utter plebian. Game Of Shit and Transformers might be more up your alley kiddo.

>ew, these totally delicious chocolate candies taste like turds and not delicious chocolate candies
-Those incapable of recognizing greatness when it's right in front of them

Just use your fucking mind for a while. The CGI used for the evolved arm is rather decent. Do you really think these wacky effects are unintentional?

pretentious trash.
>inb4 U JUST DONT GET IT!!!!!11!

Lynch probably reasoned this as fake-looking CGI for a fake man.

Somebody please put some context to this.
As it is, it looks lack whacky Dr. Who-esque comedy.

how delusional are you faggots? you begged a washed up hack director for a new season and you got shit

deal with it

>the part where the second guy covers his face

Aaaaaaaaand ACTION!

It's great imagery though.

And even if it's shit you won't find anything else like it on television.

top jej

>and we got kino

fixed that for you


Literally nothing wrong with this one.

Such a pretentious fucking jackoff. This type of genre has been done by a lot more talented directors.

these look like they are from a bad flick by a Tim Burton imitator

Which genre are you referring to? I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Name 600.

not an argument


You don't understand because it's too deep for you, pleb.

scariest thing i've ever seen

also btw all Lynch scenes appear to be particularly shitty when the sound's removed so you can't accurately judge from that webm alone

good thing I only watched the first season. it sucked cock btw

>also btw all Lynch scenes appear to be particularly shitty
at least you're honest

What episode of Joe Rogan Experience is this from?

This looks like a Neil Breem movie. Is that from TP?

>you can't accurately judge from that webm alone
I know

Tbh I kind of like it. Not because of the "lmao it's meant to be bad L Y N C H E D" shit. It actually makes it feel very dream-like for some reason which fits. Idk I dig it.

>it's supposed to be shit

that's the whole career of David Lynch. You can honestly say he doesn't give a fuck and due to his zero commitment to a coherent story he just throws shit at the walls and let the pretentious idiots call it art.

Which is a shame because he is a pretty touching director when he wants to. The Elephant Man and The Straight Story are beautiful films.


like clockwork: the post


I didn't get what that was supposed to convey.

Why was there a hobo spirit there?

Just gotta keep going down that rabbit hole.

what a stupid gay show

>tfw normalfags btfo

You can't judge Lynch the same way yo do with a capeshit fight webm you retards, you need to actually watch the show.



It's amazing that such high level art is shown on a US cable channel, it's such a treat. I'd expect this kind of sophistication from European TV, they have more class in general and are highly educated and most people there are art connasewers. Of course, normies hate it lol.


>I have to go now, my planet needs me

>it's a OP and pals just now decided to bandwagon on the Twin Peaks ride and have never seen a Lynch film episode
You couldn't spot worthwhile film if you were watching it.

In the right context this scene is pretty terrifying. You faggots love to act like you're above everything.

nah I was in the live sticky thread and no one took it seriously

i don't get any of this shit...
wtf was this even supposed to mean
or this, or the "hand" growing into some "tree", and then there is this treehand's doppelganger, just wtf goddamit

i mean, these scenes and stuff are actually making impact on me, but i just dont understand them

Obviously a Black Lodge spirit, it either had possessed Shaggy (or the wife and that's why Coop killed her) or was somewhat connected.

OP's webm shows Dougie, a dead ringer for the real Coop. It was very likely manufactured from gold, it probably draws from alchemy and the like, an hommonculus. I really don't know if this threads are bait but Lynch stuff isn't 2deep4u, it only uses symbolism to fill in the details of his stories, most shit is pretty straightforward.

A+ post juxtaposition

>a lot of shitty, badly acted, inexplicable scenes happen
>that scene happens
>more shit scenes happen in different locations

I watched it in the dark without the glow of my monitor and free of distraction. sp00py stuff

holy shit i cant stop laughing

lol, faggot

thought maybe that was doppelcoop listening in on the convo between shaggy and his evil wife?

I think he's going for a theatrical stage effects kinda look with most of the Lodge (or whatever) stuff.

But who cares, it's fun to watch.

have you not watched the first two seasons?

I've seen Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, The Elephant Man, and Twin Peaks season 1. I turned off Inland Empire halfway through and deleted it. I only like Blue Velvet out of all of these.

>white people


the state of lynchfags

Lynch is about as cerebral as it gets bro, you need your brain on..maybe take an adderall or two

ofcourse i did
and i don't remember it being nearly as much of a surreal non-sense as this

>Not loving Twin Peaks


Pretentious idiots are the worst Lynchfags.

Of course it wasn't, because lynch only directed maybe 4-5 episodes. I don't know how you didn't expect this if you watched FWWM.


I'm the opposite.

I never got into the original Twin Peaks too much, because it was too much like a soap opera, and too mundane in a lot of places. I get that was sort of the point of it, but I just wasn't into it.

I got more into it as it went along and delved further into the supernatural and the surreal, so this return is fucking amazing to me. It's totally batshit crazy, and I'm A-OK with that.

>posting on Sup Forums while watching something

You need to get out.

fuck off roastie

>t. underage


>you don't like the same things I like so you're underage

Lynch does the spooks so well.

It's the Red Room, it's not a physical place.
It is very much intended to look dream-like and surreal.

>I only like
That's your problem. You lack the capacity to appreciate art, and approach it as gross entertainment like a consumer.


Lynch has been too much of a sucess lately, so now Sup Forums has to spout garbage


Yeah lemme just go watch some trash because it's 'art'
The shit I took this morning is art too

Adderall is for focus. Seems to be what you need.

>digitally filmed

Not even gonna bother watching it. Fuck you Lynch.

I don't know if it's art, but it probably had more substance than your posts.

Did you get that line from your moms 90's movies?

Why are people complaining about things not making sense? Of course it's not going to make sense right away. It's a mystery show, things don't make sense and then as the show progresses they start to make sense.

Budgetary compromise I guess. Pretty disappointed by this myself.


It's the 21st century, gramps. Get with the times.

Word. It's an 18 hour movie cut into hour parts. Have some god damn patience.

>David Lynch hires Liam Lynch to do the FX
bravo lynch

I hate it and this makes you upset. I hate something you like. Hate

When was the last time Lynch did anything on film? I think he just prefers digital.

I loved that whole purple sequence.

Probably not actually. Lynch is a huge advocate of Digital.

He shot Inland Empire totally on digital too, but that was an even earlier form of digital, so it looks awful. The whole movie looks like a home made project.

I have no strong feelings either way. I'm just making fun of you.

Americans like this sort of thing because they have no culture.