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What went really REALLY wrong with Cannes this year? Awards ceremony is gonna be ogre

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Well now they are doing a week resume. This afternoon are the awards tho.

You know what we say in Cannes, when the competition is average the awards are good and when the competition is good the awards are bad.

Palme d'or : 120 bpm
Grand Prix : The Beguiled
Prix du Jury : You Were Never Really Here
Best director : BJH
Best screenplay : Loveless
Best actress : Diane Kruger
Best actor : Robert Pattinson

A very female friendly award show I think.

>female friendly award
>Jury is really homosexual this year

I agree

Btw A Certain Regard has winners

Mohammad Rasoulof’s A Man Of Integrity took home the Un Certain Regard Prize in Cannes’ Un Certain Regard strand, which presented 18 films from 22 countries.

The Iranian drama charts the story of a goldfish farmer who finds his principles under serious threat.

Jasmine Trinca won best actress for her performance in Fortunata by Sergio Castellito and best director went to Taylor Sheridan for Wind River.

Trinca plays a young mother fighting for her dream to open a hair salon in the well-sold Italian feature.

Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner star in Sheridan’s feature directorial debut about an inexperienced FBI investigator who teams up with a Wyoming game tracker to solve a murder on a Native American reservation.

The prize for ‘the best poetic narrative’ went to Mathieu Amalric’s Un Certain Regard opener Barbara and the jury prize went to Mexican director Michel Franco’s April’s Daughter.


Taylor Sheridan Best Director for Wind River at Un Certain Regard

OlsenXRenner confirmed kino

Taylor Sheridan

3 Screenplays
>Hell or High Water
>Wind River

Is he the savior of American Cinema, guys?

Bros where can I watch the closing ceremony live?

I suppose someone will post a Canal+ stream later when it starts

Yeah there'll probably be a canal+ stream around 8pm french time (in ~5hours). If it's like the previous years it will in french with no subs tho.

I have a feeling that most of the american films in play will get an award.

What are your predictions?

120 bpm for Palm d'or because homosexuals, aids and frenchs all together.

Haneke will get nothing and careful with Coppola. and Hong.

Shit festival overall tho, next year they better pick better movies for more post-ceremony rage as with last years

>Palme d'or : 120 bpm
>Grand Prix : Loveless
>Prix du Jury : Wonderstruck
>Best director : Hong Sangsoo
>Best screenplay : The square
>Best actress : The three girls in The beguiled
>Best actor : Robert Pattinson

Maybe Ozon will come and take something because he's gay and french people like him.

At least politics weren't enough to win Palme D'or. But it's changing a bit.Last year Ken Loach won cause mah welfare.In 2004 , Farenheit 9/11 won over Oldboy.

Dheepan and La vie d'adele were also politics (Muh Refugees and Homosexual marriage movement in Paris)

Critics are saying Ozon did a very shit movie this time.

Any good independent or low key sci-fi/horror films to keep an eye on?

It's really sad.I think the actors and actresses are more likely to do this than directors.

depends, I've either read people who said it was shit or people who said it was great. Since the jury is small it might happen.

Venice and Berlin are worse about political awards. Cannes is just the most relevant and is falling for the politics meme.

Redoubtable is already getting revisited and the festival hasn't even ended

>Underpraised: “Redoubtable.” Michel Hanazavicius’ fascinating movie has the temerity to dramatize the love life of Jean-Luc Godard (played by Louis Garrel, who I wish looked more like him). But it’s really about the moment in 1968 when Godard turned his back on his audience, just as it was starting to turn its back on him. The film entertainingly evokes the poison-pill tragedy of Godard’s transformation, when he slipped through the looking glass of a “radical” political evolution that became his way of rejecting the world. Hanazavicius is a clever formalist movie nut, and with “Redoubtable” he may have stumbled onto a new genre: the inside-the-auteur biopic.

Don't underestimate Naomi Kawase's movie. I heard it's really emotional.Even though critics don't like her that much, I can see Will Smith,Jessica Chastain,Fan Bingbing and Pedro probably liking it.Imagine if she were a black woman she would have multiple Palme D'ors by now.

Yeah that might win too, esp since muh disability

The artistic director is a great guy.He doesn't usually fall for this shit.That's why there are hardly any nigger movies in the main competition.But some of the directors and most of the actors are sjws .So for the last it's changing.

oh please don't gave anything to a Godard's biopic. That will only make me hate the frenchs even more than what I alredy do.

I like Kawase sad style, won't mind if she wins even for "muh women" politics. I like her a lot.

The gay card and muh evil russian dictator card trump asian woman card.She could have won if she were black.

You're fucking retarded.

Where can I watch the closing ceremony?

With me :3

Is You Were Never Really Here going to win anything? Seems to be cunnykino t b h

I think not.

Who gives a fuck if Xavier isn't even there?


This is the probable lineup for next year

Leos Carax --- Annette
Nuri Bilge Ceylan --- Wild Pear Tree
Claire Denis --- High Life
Xavier Dolan --- The Life and Death of John F. Donovan
Jean-Luc Godard --- Image and Parole
Hou Hsiao-hsien --- Shulan River
Abdellatif Kechiche --- Mektoub is Mektoub
László Nemes --- Sunset
Lee Chang-dong --- Burning
Mike Leigh --- Peterloo
Christian Petzold --- Transit
Carlos Reygadas --- Where Life Begins
Ulrich Seidl --- Evil Games
Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi --- Luxembourg
Lars von Trier --- The House that Jack Built

Much better than this year.

The Favourite will 100% be there.

lmao can you even imagine if we got a line up that good

>Claire Denis in competition
i doubt it

Isn't Trier banned?

No. It was just during the Melancholia year and it was unfair.

When does the closing ceremony start in GMT?

Coppola called back
Campillo called back
Zvyagintsev called back

rumours about Ramsay and Lanthimos being called back aswell

Red carpet is in 10 bings

Diane Kruger called back (rumour)

These rumors were 100% bullshit last year

>Nuri Bilge Ceylan
i thought he's almost done with his film

>Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi

>László Nemes

>Carlos Reygadas

>Lee Chang-dong --- Burning
bring it on

>Abdellatif Kechiche --- Mektoub is Mektoub

>Xavier Dolan

>Leos Carax
the only one worth looking forward to

The source is legit
Campillo, Lanthimos, Krüger, Phoenix/Ramsay, Zviaguintsev, Ösltund, Coppola, Serraille. Mazette are all confirmed to be in Cannes at this very moment.

I really like Reygadas, but Kechiche, Nemes and Dolan are memes indeed.

Anyone got a canal+ stream?

I think it's geoblocked but there's a trick to watch it. You must put your computer clock at France timezone.

Pedro here, Coppola will win


hello where is red carpet stream pls

Pretty much confirmed, Kruger, Lanthimos and Zviaguintsev appeared on the red carpet so the source was right

Shut up and pay your taxes, Pedro.



can someone please spoiler le epic twist at the end that everyone's talking about but won't actually say what it is?

Best actor but not Palme d'or.
the twist is Phoenix character is actually a ftm trans

get OUT

If Yorgos wins anything I will personaly suck Almodovar old rotten cock

the movie was kinda trashed though

I liked it so that's all that matters

wtf how did you see it

lads, do you have to be rich to get into Cannes?
does a poorfag ever stand a chance of catching a screening?

The French critics all hated it, the anglos all loved it.

Do not forget sometimes they called back people and they win nothing, pure sadism.

I'm French and they're doing special showings of Cannes movies this weekend in one specific cinema in Paris

I saw it Friday evening

Sure. Just write some bullshit for a film website or even better just make your own site


Is the photocall on the YouTube live? Shouldn't they be in the theatre now?

Nice. Actually I saw that on my letterboxd feed yesterday.

Some screenings are public, I live not that far and went to one last week end. I woke up at 6 to have more chance to get in tho. I've heard some stuff about how easy it is to make fake referentials to get an accreditation.

Yes. Just write a sign on a piece of cardboard asking for invitation. With time you get to know people and get invitation more easily. better if you're a pretty girl.

how much sex does eva have with emmanuelle in the new Sup Forumsanski flick

forgot piccy

will the actual awards ceremony be streamed on youtube?

what is mommyca saying

No, isnt live. they arent streaming the awards presentation

not enough

live stream please????

Wtf are her mikes on her tiddies

try this

So when is the truck going to plow into the audience?


>cinema should reflect reality
>I wonder if there are any films about islamic terrorism and migrant crisis
>mfw there is a film about Neo-Nazi terrorists and nothing about fucking Muslims
This is getting ridiculous.


omg lesbians

>watching a Cannes year with based Dolan

why bother

Go back to mommy Xavier, you're drunk

There is a 10 minute unsimulated sex scene in the middle of the movie.

fuck off faggot

ready for endless speeches and tears ?

>no tits
>turn into lesbian

really makes you think

What was that just now?

Sapphic love

Is the Cannes Film Festival /ourguy/ or is it reddit?

Thurman lookin good


MTV movie awards are Sup Forums
Cannes is reddit

Mungiu is a manlet