Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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I think it does a good job of expressing foreign, non-white cultures.

So, yes.


Is Green Inferno actually any good?

I know they are not technically related.



If kino implies being complete garbage then yes. The opening theme is goat tho.

Just look up the gore scenes and the bit where one of girls has diarrhea.

Both are shit

Was hyped for months, yet it's fucking garbage

its a little too edgy, and also its sort of hard for me to buy the premise.
Not because i dont think cannibal tribes like this exist because im sure they do, but why the fuck were the filmmakers such cunts? It doesnt make any sense that they were so violent.

It was avant garde. A tier much higher than kino.

No, but it's theme was.

The masterpiece that definitely makes ya puke !!!


If you're watching a gore film and your complaint is that it's "edgy" you're a retard.

Did you watch the movie, they became desensitized over the course of their filmmaking careers, they have been to many fucked up places all over the world.

I've never seen it but i heard about animal cruelty during filming.
Whats up with that?

they killed a turtle for food.

>because im sure they do

Huh, thats pretty tame, i mean people kill animals for food all the time.

what's turtle meat like?

people are just looking for reasons to shit on the movie.

Seven animals were killed but I only found info for three of them being eaten (a turtle and two monkeys).