I've seen things you hotheads wouldn't believe. Flight Plans crashing off the shoulder of Uzbekistan...

>I've seen things you hotheads wouldn't believe. Flight Plans crashing off the shoulder of Uzbekistan. I watched someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane. All those moments will be lost in time, like brothers in the wreckage. Time to crash. with no survivors

Ah, I remember this line. It's from the book "Do [sooiler]Big Guys[/spoiler] Dream of Electric Smee?"

Too bad he didn't fly so good. But then again, who does?

>he never goes out his fucking house

honestly an upgrade from the original soliloquy



>You've done a big guy's job, sir!

>The guy who is twice as big flies half as good - and you are so very, very big, Bane

>It's a shame she won't fly so good, but then again, who does?

>you want fix flightplan man of masks?

The meme is evolving.

good post
i almost cry

In old country we shoot man then throw him out aircraft


>Do you feel in charge, father?

>They're my friends, I make them.
>you don't get to bring friends
>just a small ton girl starts playing

>The flightplan I just filed with the Off-World colonies lists me, zhora, j.f sebastian over here but only four years to live!

>was giving them a four year life span part of your plan?
>of course
>you're a smart guy
>for you

>just a small ton girl
>small ton
That's a big girl

I love this

>That's a big girl

for you

>No, i am your Bane.
>no! It's not true, you lie!
>Search your files cia, you know it to be true!