Are there any movies where person suddenly goes from biggest pop star of 21th century to a C-Lister with a nice butt?

Are there any movies where person suddenly goes from biggest pop star of 21th century to a C-Lister with a nice butt?

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It still hurts

What happened to her anyway? She just sort of disappeared.

I dunno, post the butt?

Also it really doesn't matter now if you were the first internet-era popstar and revolutionary ten years ago.

paparazzi is her best song

Realized that you can make more money for less effort by being on TV dramas.

Most pop stars happen like this. Welcome to getting old, I guess she was your first

She was the first one to bring internet irony and electric sound to pop.

You and I song is underrated classic

She was so cute in poker face.
What a mess she became after.

If I remember right at some point she said she just got bored with it and felt like her creative needs weren't being met.

Yeah gen x experienced it with britney spears, millenials with lady gaga.

Britney crashed in spectacular way, Gaga just disappeared

Gaga will disappear for about a decade or so, but she'll be Cher 2.0, selling out shows in Vegas and living large off of faggot bux.

Wtf Gaga is super hot with normal clothes

She's trying to get into acting and is doing a movie with Bradley Cooper right now. She also literally just played the Super Bowl halftime show 3 months ago. She's not C-list yet.

Why did Katy Perry maintain relevance but not Gaga?

Didn't she just play the Super Bowl 3 months ago?

shes not C list, but shes not influential or relevant anymore. shes already dated.

She plagiarised Madonna's schtick and none of her songs were even slightly good, she had no chance from the beginning

Pop stars rarely realise that pop music needs to have meaningful lyrics to have even the smallest chance of lasting more than a decade, costumes and trendy beats can't sustain a career

she performed at the superbowl you heathens

Katy Perry is on the way out too. Turning 30 is death for female pop singers.

Well she was already the artist that defined the pop music of our era.

Her first two albums were so good and then everything else was shit.

because gagas gimick is very specific of an era ( the early 2000s). her shit with masks and nazi uniforms and stuff just doesnt fly anymore.

Yeah and she's already started rebranding herself as an "activist".

Katy Perry was my guilty pleasure when she wrote fun and sexy songs on her first two albums because I guess that's how she was in real life, but after divorce she only makes annoying "I am le strong woman" ballads that do not fit her at all

Dude read

Poker face came out almost 10 years ago

Only a few people on the planet stay culturally influential for a full decade or more.

no. pop music of this era is defined by negro influence, hip hop beats and arrangements, gagas electro gay schtick is a thing of the past decade.

She was hot in late 00-early 10's you idiot.

5 out of 6 songs are from her early albums, it was pure nostalgia gig

>early 00s
Come on now. 2008 was not early 00s. She was a transitionary pop star, late 00s to early 10's. Her relevance was gone by 2014.

its been 10 years since that, you dumb maggot. maybe a fan? lol kys just in case.


Gwen Stefani had her first success as solo pop artist in her late 30s

Who specifically defines this era's pop music?

>her tits just plain out

look at all that foundation and photoshop

I love Joanne though

No she wasn't. The current era of pop music owes everything to EDM and pop from the 80s

Spears is still going though. She tours all the time and releases albums every few years. I mean, she's not as big as she used to be but if she plays a stadium, that stadium will be sold out in an hour.

Lady Gaga doesn't do shit.

What do you mean by this era, the last two years? I'm talking abou the whole internet era that started with shit like lady gaga, iphone, facebook, the dark knight ect. It's still ongoing. Sure right now they all try to sound black but the electro is still there in the back ground.

After springboarding out of No Doubt. She was already established. Can't say the same for the others.

Anyone born after 1980 until 2000 is a millennial (Gen Y). Britney is way too modern for Gen X. Gen X would be someone like Paula Abdul

It's all out user. She isn't even wearing a thong.


Tupac has remained culturally influential for the past 3 decades and he's fucking dead. Just got into rock and roll Hof last month.

>it's already 10 years since poker face
every fucking day there's something else to remind me how much time has gone by and how fast. what is this shit, seriously? does anyone else feel like 2008-2010 was memorable as fuck and then there's just been a huge power gap ever since? other than terrorism and trump being elected, has anything of fucking note happened the past 7 years?

nice body desu

whats the story of the whore in question completely naked in view of an HD camera?

Every once in a while I go through all her stuff. I used to date a girl who LOVED her, so I ended up liking her too and going to all the concerts.

Not a single regret. She can sing her ass off, and she knows how to make an entertaining stage show.

>listening to anything but vaporwave
shaking my damn head pham

>Can't say the same for the others.
kek Katy Perry and Lady Gaga have both sold over 100 million albums

>Released: September 26, 2008
It's not even 9 years yet, you little nigger

Gen X was madonna. Just look up her shit movies. Britney is millennial shit.

King Nigger treating the USA like an African Junta, that's all that really happened from 2011-2015

>nice butt

Yes. I feel like 2012 was only a couple months ago. I still think of my myself as being in my early 20s sometimes and then I have to remind myself I'm not anymore.

>Paula Abdul
desu Straight Up is a fucking fly

look at

I remember messaging with Tay swift on MySpace around 07-08. Maybe you only stay relevant if you have actual talent?

Lady Gaga was on the same boat as EDM, it was just the more pop side of it but still her electro sound was why gaga felt so revolutionary and because EDM sounded close to gaga, she helped EDM get popular. Trust me, i was a teen in late 00s-early 10's

yes she is

I know this feel. I think it correlates to when I found this shithole (2008), dipped in and out of NEEThood, and wasted all my time here. You don't make memories by shitposting.

Late Madonna arguably made better music than early Madonna though

All that says is that there are at least 100 million musically retarded teenage girls out in the world

>faggot born after 1995 thinks he knows what hes talking about
her first success was no doubt you retard

Holy shit is britney spears millenial? I always group millenials with internet culture and lady gaga was the first internet popartist.

is that fucking pharrell williams handing her shit to her?

I specifically said "solo"

Seems like more and more 2000s hit artists are fading away the more I think about it. Remember Akon? Not saying he's a good artist, but so many of his songs were inescapable.

She's only like 35 and her music was originally made to appeal to pre-teen/teens in the late 90s so yes she's millenial

H-hey fuck you, d-don't call me a girl f-faggot

He was on Just Dance, Gaga's first big hit

Or this smug piece of shit. "Beautiful Girls," "Eeny Meenie," "Fire Burning." I think he's a Soundcloud rapper now

He seems way longer ago than Lady Gaga.

I think bigger mystery is how Pink and especially Rihanna just refuse to fade away

2008-2013 was the shit. For 2011-2013 it was EDM and the fit-culture zyzz helped to create. For 2008-2010 it was lady gaga and internet youth culture in general getting big. After those years as the general trend of the era was established, they've kinda just tried to grasp at straws of where the next big thing would be, kinda like in 00's before 2007.

Whatever happened to Nelly though?

you said her first success was her solo career and thats wrong you dumbass

Here's another one. Granted he was thrust into the public eye again with his Twitter beef with Neil deGrasse Tyson on whether or not the world is flat, but he had a number of hits under his belt too. "Airplanes," "Magic," and "Nothin on You," the latter of which was a pretty good song

But yeah those years were so much more fresh and amazing feeling that late years. Probably because there was so much new shit coming out.

>mfw these all came out roughly 10 years ago

Prime Gaga was the best thing to happen to pop music



Obongos second term was a nadir in terms of culture and creativity.

I remember 2 of those songs in the top 10. They clearly didn't hold up over time

>reading comprehension

She was dating her producer who worked on The Fame Monster. She then dumped him after her first album released. She's a retard and the bit the hand that fed her.

She may have made it more popular, but EDM had already been a huge scene for decades by the time she hit the big time. She was by no means the first pop artist to tap into its magic.
Daft Punk, Aphex Twin and The Prodigy were all household names ten years before anyone had heard of Gaga. Also, damn near everyone here was a teen at the same time, in all likelihood I'm probably older than you are.

>Soulja Boy
>all those others that literally disappeared

>white knighting old pop singers with false statements
nigger you are the retarded faggot here kek
born after 1995 confirmed

>Hey There, Delilah
>Makes Me Wonder
>How To Save A Life
>My Love
>What I've Done

>3 songs by Fergie in top 20 alone
Got no idea why people ever liked her, she is not even sexiest Black Eyed Peas member



For me 2000-2008 is more or less the period I've got lots of memories from.
2008-2012/3 is mostly video games, /tg/ and webcomics for me.
2013+ is where it gets weird.


someone post that JAV with the thicc as fuck Gaga cosplayer. or atleast tell me the code.

Was she ever really big or was it all just a Jewish illusion? I don't remember ever hearing any of her songs, but they put her on commercials and told everybody she was popular, so I guess we all just accept that lady Gaga was a popular celebrity with fans who liked her.