These are considered 10/10 shows on Sup Forums

>these are considered 10/10 shows on Sup Forums
what went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

13 reasons why was boring melodramatic bullshit desu

why would you post Cuckflix programming with based Riverdale?

I watched it because people kept posting columbine pics in the threads so I thought it would end with her causing a school shooting

I was bamboozled

no one here likes these

>13 reasons why some of you guys are alright, don't come to school tomorrow

13 reasons why is way better than Riverdale lmao

Both a teenage dramas but Riverdale at least is fun drama, instead of 9 filler episodes without waifus


13 Reasons was boring high school drama. I couldn't finish one episode with that psycho bitch. Riverdale was an interesting murder mystery filled with hot chicks.

Suicide bitch is what redhead Cheryl would have turned into, if the Riverdale cast kissed her ass instead of keeping her bitchyness in check.

The Sup Forumsmblr and reddit invasion from 2013 onwards. Whereas before capeshit, star wars and young adult shows were laughed out of this board now the demographic that is most likely to enjoy these shows has found a home here

why do you think Sup Forums is such a left-wing cesspit these days?

>Archie and the gang will never save Hannah Baker


>star wars
>e-celeb threads
>teenage drama
>game of thrones
>harry potter
>doctor who

why is Sup Forums such a fucking cesspit of reddit-tier shows now?

The main problem with 13RW is:

Who is Hannah Baker and why the hell should I give a fuck?

>Archie will never fat shame Hannah Baker

>save Hannah

What Hannah needed was a kick in her spoiled ass. All the virgin did was enable her cunt behavior and made it even worse. She even had the beta orbiter pussy whipped from beyond the grave. That's psycho feminism on steroids.

Riverdale: Not a very good show, but fun to watch and has qt waifus

13 Reasons: Literally unwatchable garbage

No one said 13RW was 10/10 ever. Fuck off OP

Riverdale's good. It's no Mad Men, Sopranos, Twin Peaks, the Wire but it's fine genre entertainment.

Leave actual 10/10kino to me.

its worth a skim just to see how retarded a show can get or how its fans will eat it up
that is not a hard thing to do


There are a LOT more teenagers here than I expected.

No, you're just pretentious, some of us could enjoy both 'low' and 'high' culture.

Is that any worse than having a Dr Who general going 24/7 for the past 6 years?

You LITERALLY only like Riverdale for waifus.

Strong projection here, kid. Try again.

That's a reason, certainly, but it's a convention of noir media to have hot women. The direction/photography actually looks good for tv, very atmospheric and evocative. Lots of endearing performances too including Luke Perry. The crime/mystery aspect is decent pulpy stuff. They're impossibly attractive 'teenagers,' and it's marketed to them maybe i dunno, but it's pretty good.

What does that even mean, what exactly would i be projecting? Take you are time.

>all these teenagers

these are the people your posting with

Based KJ

Cant Cage the Kaje

since fucking when? those two shows are only talked about because they're borderline fapbait

>he doesn't watch Riverdale

I was hoping for it to be about a school shooter. But no, of course Hollywood had to make it about a pretty girl. Can't wait for the first ever school shooter kino

Just wait until season 2.


who's this semen demon?

Cami Mendes

thanks :)

I agree op if you watch either of these shows you should be shipped off to Korea

13 reasons is kino though

bryce as paypal kek
ryan should be medium

Riverdale > 13 reasons why

*rapes you*


tired meme

Was Clay autistic?

tfw no cheryl gf

he was good in Goosebumps with the superior Hannah

he was just canadian

That's what you get for praising white people problems shit.