David created the aliens, not the engineers

David created the aliens, not the engineers.


Of course he didn't create the engineer's

>David was the one who created the aliens, not engineer's,


But the xenomorph carving on the door in Prometheus, not to mention the giant facehugger....surely David only re-created the Alien?

Are the rumors about him only doing this because cameron was planning on also including alien into the avatar universe as he is with terminator?

Is this the most disappointing retcon of all time.

More importantly, did David create the Bonus Situation?

ridley is senile
you can't trust anything he says

What a joke

>be ridley scott
>studio produced films that I don't like aren't canon
>concept art that I like is canon
Look guys, we all love Ridley, but I think we can all agree that none of us can take care of him, so I think it's time to put him in a home.


David is still alive by the time Alien rolls around, and has indirectly tampered with Weyland-Yutani's payroll system in order to give further incentive for the crew into checking out the distress beacon. Also, Ash was powered exclusively through 2% milk, an immense upgrade from David's alfredo sauce fuel structure

I've come to this idea that the engineers would have made the same experiments that David had made but that would only be a retcon to explain that placement of xenomorphs in other movies as well as murals in Prometheus.
We can only place it at ridley scott losing sight of what he initially had to offer when it came to the alien being an unknown to Ripley and the viewing audience.
It was decent universe building on Ridleys part to want to introduce new aspects to the series but at the end with too many people complaining about their remember berries any future sequels feel like they're going to be saddled down with shit rehashing of the same old story.
>that you can't survive outer space unless you're woman with stable of passengers for fodder.

no one cares about the alien, but he can put Space Marines into Avatar.

>David is powered by alfredo sauce
>250 years later
>Ash is powered by 2% milk
>75 years later
>Bishop is powered by spoiled yogurt sitting in the sun
>50 years later
>Call is powered by cum

Seems like android technology is going downhill to me

This. Who fucking cares.

>in space no one can hear you scream
>ridley scott retcons this

It was David who did the first audible scream in space.

Is Scott going full Lucas on this? Nothing was chance or coincidence, it all has an explanation and it's all linked in ridiculous ways

>In space you can hear people sing through your helmet

He is the joining the ranks of Hackson and Jucas

Alien vs Terminator when

(muffled Country Roads in the vast distance)

>Dr. Elizabeth Shaw
>Thinks there are country roads in outer space
See this is why we don't let women be scientists in my country



Why did the black goo kill the engineers by instantly turning them into stone?

>quote from Ozymandias
it doesn't even make sense, fucking ultra hack

To fit in the first movie.

What means hack?

David didn't create the alien. he created gay android sex.

>Bonus Situation
David created the xenomorphs to cause the bonus situation. 4D chess.

They should bring Eddie Redmayne in as the engineer emperor.

If he did that, you know he would star in some other Oscar bait movie that year and win an ward for that while everyone suspects he really won it his role in Alien.

You are in charge of making a new Alien-universe film, starring a xeno knockoff of your own design. You can make it however you want so long as you follow the general life-cycle beats of existing breeds. What's your best/worst?

The Nutburster
It explodes violently out through your scrotum

Arent all women though?

Oven Dodger the semen demon

Everything connected to the black goo has produced a type of xenomorph looking lifeform. The engineers created them, but david perfected it by creating the actual xenomorph.

Queenlike variant that fucks men to fertilize clutches of eggs and then injects them into hosts through a stringer in her tail.


I haven't seen Alien Covenant yet so I'm wondering as well if they actually finally talk about that bonus situation...

>that scene in AVP 2 where the predalien queen injects eggs down a womans throat and you can see the huge egg bulges go down her neck as they pass into her stomach

>scene later where a ton of chestbursters explode out of her swollen stomach

>Man who didn't write the original movie now claims he's the authority on it
>trusting Pensioner Scott

I dunno why people conflate directing with writing so often. It's like confusing the inventor of a product with the guy who runs the factory that makes them.

The BBA, women flock to it to be impregnated

is there a torrent out yet? dont care about chinksubs just pls no shitty camrip

Stupid interpretation.

But the planet from Alien is the same as the planet from Covenant. NOW discuss

So these colonists apparently surveyed the region of space before settling on Oregai (or whatever it was called) as having the best chances for the success of their colony, and set out there.

But the Engineer homeworld is apparently in the same region of space and even closer and even better for life and somehow it didn't come up in their scans? What?


(Even though the ship took no damage while flying through it)