American mainstream media

>American mainstream media

Gentle reminder that America is the most intelligent country on the face of the planet


Seems genuinely accurate, Sup Forums needs to be around 85 though


Tom Arnold (lmao) said he had a trump tape too
Trump is pretty shit but I love how he made so many people flustered and act like retards trying to take him down. His baffling success really did a number on people

Those scores are pretty bullshit.
In countries like Germany for example, most of the important research is done through separate organizations outside of universities like the Max Planck Society. So their universities score lower because of it.


It's working. Left-wing shows/stations (Colbert, Daily Show, CNN, MSNBC, Samantha Bee, etc.) that were previously struggling with ratings are now hugely popular. Meanwhile Trump's popularity is hilariously low.

A free press is supposed to be one of the pillars of a democratic society. Too bad the lines between journalist, political pundit, and cheerleader have become blurred...and no one cares. Fuck CNN and Foxnews and all the other sensationalist "click-bait" news channels out there.

Also, nice digits.

>Sup Forums
>above 100

You have a doubt?


implying cs freshmen and the people that post "guys im a neet what language do i learn" arent the smartest people you've ever met

>a little over 100
>smartest people you've ever met

I love how 99% of people are so stupid that they think the president has the power to change armed forces manning levels and shit like that.
Mention "Senate armed services committee" to your average republican and just watch their eyes glaze over.

who are you quoting?

>going outside an meeting other people

/pol shits fucking kill yourself. get the fuck out.
its bad enough we are infested with reddit, we don't need you assholes too.

Sup Forums is a Sup Forums client board

The post number is right there on the first line

you mean " (You)"?

i think that's my post though...

like there's a difference between reddit and pol

Nice non complaint posts about all the other garbage up that take up more than 1 spot out of 150

>like there's a difference between horseshit and bullshit

double nigger

double digits

triple digits

>Sup Forums
>below 120

nice bait

>triple digits


>Sup Forums that high

Gee I wonder what board the person who made this hails from.