ITT: Moments you've reacted or felt like reacting in this way to a show or movie you've watched

ITT: Moments you've reacted or felt like reacting in this way to a show or movie you've watched

Dexter's series finale was pretty high up there for me.

When Goy and Goyer killed Stannis in GOT. I just got up and walked away because I felt like smashing my head in the monitor.

When Omar got a fucking child!

He's making a comeback in this upcoming season

At least they're done raping Stannis

Jaime is still alive

>The ending of the Prisoner tv show

people literally protested outside the lead actors house if i remember


please you know hes not dead



If he comes back it's even more retarded. I stopped watching the show for good after that. I should've stopped much earlier.

Worst thing is that the fat fuck will croak before he finishes the series so Dumb and Dumber's ending will be the definitive one.

You can't disprove me

If we're lucky, Gurm will have a letter to his fans in his will that explains how he intended for all this characters to end up

He will more than likely pull a Robert Jordan and let someone else finish it

At this point, I think he's so drained that he doesn't have the will power to set things up for a successor
It seems so much like he's just putting on a charade so he can enjoy his "retirement" in peace

When I was forced to watch Big Bang Theory with family.

The last few episodes of Westworld
The last season of BSG

Samurai Jack finale

The entirety of bad moms

The entire Arya storyline in season 6 was a TV kicking moment. A lot of bullshit with no decent payoff and ruined all the aura around the faceless men.

>The last few episodes of Westworld
yeah was just gonna post
>negress episodes

>"""""realistic""""" low fantasy universe
>big people die from light wounds and infections all of the time
>tiny 60 pound girl gets stabbed half a dozen times in the gut and falls into a filthy sewer channel
>miraculously heals after one night's rest
How did this get approved?

Every time the America Hating Muslim came on TV

>rethuglican memes
back to the cave, my geriatric neocon friend

Hi Grandma

Kek, seriously that image is ripped from the headlines of boomer facebook feeds.

Basically this.. I'm so mad about stannis. But I feel like death is a release. I'm terrified of what they'll do to Jaime this season.

>I'm terrified of what they'll do to Jaime this season.
The worst possible thing

Having him still love Cersei

Or worse still. Having him not kill Cersei

I'd be ok with that so long as he walks away from her when she needs him, like he's already done in the book


Personally I'd rather him still love her, but kill her nonetheless.
But I doubt we'll get either of those.

>Implying he even has that much figured out
Pretty sure he said he doesn't want someone else to finish it. So unless his widow sells out after he dies we'll never know

What the fuck they killed Barristan? I'm glad I stopped watching this

Jed Bartlet in the finale of West Wing was asked what he was thinking about and he replied "tomorrow." This ticked me off in almost every episode he was constantly saying, "What's next?" That should have been the last line. That was like a decade ago and I am still mad.

Yeah...I'm not gonna tell you what happened to Aero Hotah

Let us not talk of Dorne

You don't like the "baad puzZY"?

Add sopranos and Lost to the list of disappointing finales.

I liked sopranos ending
Made me feel helpless which is the point I believe

What Prisoner tv show are you talking about?

Most of Skyler's scenes in Breaking Bad.

Also most of Jesse's by the last two seasons.

the recent finale of 12 Monkeys, ends on a massive fucking cliffhanger and for some reason I thought it was the final season

thank merciful Satan it is getting one more

>Dexter's series finale was pretty high up there for me.

This, the last season of Doctor Who (I can't finish) and the second episode of the currently season of Walking Dead.

Most of this bitch (and the kid...) in The Hunt. Shit pissed me off for days.

Janet Jackson's tittie

any movie Zach Snyder has had a hand in

Lol, user don't you know that there too many boring white men on GoT? Sorry I don't want to watch white men do white ppl shit. It's a fantasy show, why they gotta be so mny white ppl anywy?

LOST finale was so fucking bad growing up that I actively stopped watching TV after.

>people will unironically say this has good writing

last act of Sunshine. I literally shouted NO PLEASE NO DON'T DO THIS at the screen

Holy fuck i just finished the series finale of Black Sails in complete disbelief. Sup Forums warned me, but holy fuck did that show get raped by SJW politics in that last season. Literally every single character is either wiped out or becomes an absolute, uncharacteristic pussy. Despite such a legendary first two seasons, it completely goes to shit.



That death looked so pathetic that no one I watched it with thought he'd die. Next episode would air with him in recovery.

Fuck I hate them..

Shit like that keeps happening on the show

>Oh that was dumb, surely it was just a ruse

Then no, it's real.



Sounds like he figured out the answer to what's next.