Guess what we watched in class today

Guess what we watched in class today...



nigga are you 14?

Tfw failed bane studies

was getting an f a part of your plan?

wtf this kid looks 12

what kind of a fucking class is this?

ah yes i remember the end of the school year
teachers just dont care and let you bring in movies and games
those were good times
mods ban this underage

Is your teacher that ugly?

This is such a fucked setup

I bet all you faggots were 10 or 12 when this fucking meme started
>no wonder it spread like wildfire

>you must be +18 to post on Sup Forums

go back to you fucking 12 year old

I can't remember what grade I got in bane studies

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

what did they mean by this.
also OP ur lucky u get to sit next to that qt boy.

Does this person have scoliosis?

>bong school

absolutely disgusting


ew is this yurop?

now this is what I call 13 year old posting


Reported for being underaged.

op is the teacher

not for long

just reported him to FBI

The teacher is up front in the shot which was taken from someone sitting behind a student. So guess again fuckface it's a fucking kid posting this.

introduction to kino

I refuse to believe that you took multiple frame perfect photos of reaction images