Alien: Covenant is getting BTFO by Pirates, Baywatch and GOTG2


>Early estimates are in and they’re brutal.

>Not since the Friday the 13th remake can I recall a drop like this as Twentieth Century Fox’s Alien: Covenant was burned by Baywatch and sunk by Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. In fact, the Friday estimates were so bad that Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 beat out Ridley Scott’s Prometheus sequel/Alien prequel.

>As I reported opening weekend, while posting numbers a drop lower than Prometheus, there wasn’t much to worry about especially since the budget was reported around $30 million less this go around.

>But this is BAD.

>Covenant made an estimated $3 million on Friday, making it a whopping 80% drop from the $15 million the week prior. As Forbes notes, this puts it on track to be one of the ten biggest second-week drops of all time.

Unless China swoops in and saves the day Covenant is gonna make significantly less money than Prometheus. The only silver lining is it had a smaller budget than Prometheus. So does this completely destroy Ridley Scott's plans to start filming a sequel next year?

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>giving a shit how a movie does in the theater

its a shit movie, but that has nothing to do with the box office

fassbender confirmed for box office cancer. he's finished.

Went and saw it last Sunday morning when the theater should have been empty.

Decent crowd, and I thought the movie was alright, way better than Prometheus.

In this case the box office matters, Ridley planned on making two more Alien films and this disaster has fucked over his plans.

But he was the best part of the damn movie.

asscreed time to stop sniffing farts.

Thank fucking god

>Worldwide: $158,356,462
It's not going to be a huge success, but it's going to be fine. Ridley's making kino, and millenials can't stop him.

This could be a good thing

>damaged franchise from AvP and prometheus
>no big names besides fassbender
>name doesn't make it clear to people whether this was prometheus 2 or alien 5
>reviews were meh
>marketing was minimal compared to prometheus

Yeah, I'm not surprised this thing underperformed.

It has only been out for two weeks and it's already failing at the US box office. China is its only hope. If it isn't a hit in China then Ridley will never get to make Alienkino again.

>>damaged franchise from AvP and prometheus
To be fair the Alien franchise was damaged long before AvP and Prometheus came along. The assembly cut of Alien 3 is good but what was put in theaters was a mess that damaged the franchise and then fucking Resurrection came along and did twice as much damage.

this was one of the most bizarre big releases in a loong time ridley is senile

You've already posted your shitty video in other threads. Nice clickbait usage of a meme you didn't even create to lure people to listening to your shitty retarded voice.
You are fucking pathetic. Go get cancer.

>As Forbes notes, this puts it on track to be one of the ten biggest second-week drops of all time
is there a list? i'm actually interested

poop goblin

Why do you keep shilling on here?

>Baywatch tanking
>BTFOing Alien Covenant

Damn, alien must not have anyone see it then.

It's flopping pretty hard in the USA. It did fine the opening week but now word has spread it's a mess so no one is seeing it.

Ask yourself this question: Does the world need another Alien movie?

We actually do, Prometheus and Covenant were full of tons of questions that need to be fucking answered.


Why does Scott have to be pretentious director and not just cash in on the whole Alien vs Marines (survivors). I mean those 6 minutes of the xenomorph inside the colony ship in covenant brought life to the already a bland movie.

Good, I hope it bombs completely and Scott never makes another movie.

Why am I watching this stupid movie?
What's up with that space axe?
How do people get all the good anvils so quickly?

This won't kill his career. Maybe he won't get to do another Alien film but he'll definitely make more films.

Here you go user:

Alien: Covenant has the 76th-biggest second-weekend drop of all time in North America. The 1st-place record was actually broken earlier this year by Collide.

Scott's washed up. Faggot needs to hang himself by his shit stained underwear in his basement.
Only Based Cameron can save this abysmal franchise.

Good the movie is overrated dogshit trash

i hope cameron never makes a movie again.
this mainstream pandering shit eating faggotbitch.

I saw it friday night, during what should have been the busiest screening and there was maybe a handful of people in the crowd.

Lifelong alien fan here. Feelsbadman. Still not paying that much to sit in a (uncrowded lel) theater without a pause button.

What? It's flopping at the box office and it isn't getting a lot of love from critics. Don't let the TomatoMeter fool you, almost every critic thinks Covenant is very flawed.


Let this be a lesson to all deepfag tryhards

>Alien Covenant fails to answer fuck all that Prometheus brought up.
>Actually kill Noomi Rapace's character off screen as she was the only character left alive who wanted answers

>thinking the next sequel will answer anything

That came out?

I guessing it was very bad?

Fuck off, Blomkamp. You're a bigger hack than Scott.

The next sequel (if there is one) won't have jackshit to do with Prometheus and Covenant. They'll probably shoehorn in Ripley and turn it into some Michael Bay action fest with space marines blowing away aliens.

>thinking the Alien franchise will ever end
>implying they won't just reboot with another director like always

They will make Blomkamp's Alies 2?! Fuck, what a shame.


The Martian was too popular.

This kills the alien however

My money is on either a tv series or a remake in 10 years

given how it ended, I don't even see what they could even do with a sequel.
It'd be like Salo meets cabin in the woods

>It'd be like Salo meets cabin in the woods
Sounds like kino.

It would be, and I would love to see it.

Hell, make it for 20 million and just let Scott go all Salo and go completely insane.

>I don't even see what they could even do with a sequel.

I can.

A spaceship with a diverse crew ranging from "nervous guy" to "strong female lead" show up at the colony planet that the Covenant was headed towards. They also have an android named Michael.
On the planet everything seems normal but soon enough some of them get infected by facehuggers. Everyone panics and they abandon protocol to save their crewmembers who explode soon enough and birth xenos.
The crew fights the xenos but die one by one.
The remaining couple of characters including "strong female lead" and Michael escape to the location of the Covenant on the planet and there meet David who uses this chance to throw some exposition at us. Xenos are perfect, humans are bad, etc...
They fight and defeat him but he dies happy since his aliens are unstoppable now.
They eventually swarm the main characters but not before they self-destruct the Covenant.


This shit is getting way too predictable.

I was hoping for colonists waking up and being experimented on by David, and them trying to make a break for it.

nothing that risky will ever be shown, only implied offscreen

these are big budget movies and they will follow predictable narrative formulas with stock situations and stock characters

After the failure of the last movie, the only chance for a sequel might be a 20 million dollar one that takes some risk...

But I understand a movie like that is a pipe dream.

I doubt this is it for Alien. They'll probably chalk it up to "Maybe we should've done Neill Blomkamp's film instead", actually do that film and kick whatever other plans Ridley Scott had for Alien to the curb.

>Budget $96 million
>Marketing presumably around $100 million

It needs about $250 million worldwide before it starts turning a profit. Stick a fork in that senile old bastard, he's done. Should have given Blomkamp a chance to bat instead.

they didn't spend 100 million on marketing, but no, it not going to make it money back.

Total cost is closer to 130 million after promotion.

It's been surprisingly aggressively marketed, at least here in the UK. I'm guessing costs are anywhere between $50 and $100 million.

I mean I'd prolly be better than Covenant, but seems too good to be true, just like they said in the movie Alien Covenant

I know they spent $22.35 million on television advertising for the movie. Thus the promotion was most likely in the 30 million range.

I thought it was a good solid film, despite the usual people-behaving-stupidly plot shenanigans. Much better than Prometheus.

>I mean those 6 minutes of the xenomorph inside the colony
that was garbage, except for the floating shards of glass which was pure kino.

Put some fucking work into your videos if you want people to take you seriously. Jesus.

>Hell, make it for 20 million and just let Scott go all Salo and go completely insane.
can we email him and harrass him until he does this? im pretty sure hes pretentious enough to do it.

Who is managing the damn franchise at this point? The Alien demographic are a bunch of internet memesters.

>they didn't spend 100 million on marketing,
Yes they did, that's the average price for blockbusters.

They also had all of the addition web content that wasn't in the movie like the Walter commercial and the prologue with James Franco.

They didn't even spend 25 million on TV ads.

So no, they did not spend 100 million on promotion.

I think this is just a sign of the theatre business dying. This is supposed to be a huge weekend for box office, and we had a sequel to a beloved sci fi movie that had a killer trailer, a sequel to a beloved pirate movie with a meh trailer but Disney's backing, and a movie that is entirely based around tits- and they are all tanking.

If there was a viable business model to watch these things without having to pay $8 for a bag of popcorn, dindus playing on their phone and talking during the movie, and 20 minutes of commercials to sit thru these movies would do well.

Literally one (1) primetime slot costs about 100K on a major network.

They spent a little over 22 million on ads.

(31 ads that in total was shown 1,706 times across 43 networks.)

There promotion budget was discussed in articles on a number of trade publications due to them spending less both on the movie and promotion and aiming for a very focused ad campaign (to sports fans) and some innovated ads in the UK.


The easiest way to do this is to take
(Domestic / 2) + (Foreign / 3) >= Listed promotional budget

It's gonna be REALLY close

Praise the lord. The movie-watching public is retarded on average, but sometimes they come through.

>The original treatment for the film, as revealed by Ridley Scott in 2012 when this film was still in development, was to be a more faithful sequel to Prometheus (2012). Entitled 'Paradise Lost' it would have drifted even further from the Alien mythology and focused almost exclusively on the backstory of the engineers, the origins of humanity, and how the engineers created humans and xenomorphs. The prequel series would then conclude with a film that ties itself in to the original Alien series. Ridley Scott pursued this idea because he felt that the Alien series lost its touch and was overdone and overexposed and as such wanted to try a different approach. However due to the divided fan reactions of Prometheus, Ridley Scott abandoned this direction and took a different approach instead. Specifically to reintroduce the Alien mythos much sooner with the classic xenomorph.

I just got out of it, theater was almost empty. About a dozen people in a typical megaplex. Parking lot of the theater was full. Honestly I hope it flops, it wasn't good. Ridley needs to retire.

China won't save this. Prometheus didn't even open in China, so no one there will be interested in the sequel, also foreign films only get 25% of the box office money from China, which means it would have to be a HUGE hit there to save it, that won't happen.

Covenant will lose money during it's box office run, we will not see another sequel, an Alien reboot will come in a couple of years.

White people don't go to the movie theaters anymore since everything is catered to niggers and niggers ruin everything,

Good god why. Just let it fucking die already. I know the studio will keep trying to milk it for every sheckel they think it's worth, but there hasn't been a good movie in the series since 1986. Just stop already.

they get between 25 - 33%

t. insider

>implying alien resurrection isn't dope as fuck

did you guys actually think this was going to be good?

>Ridley's making kino, and millenials can't stop him.
You don't have to defend every bad movie.

>they get between 25 - 33%

That's the average numbers for foreign gross, for China it is 25%.

I can't believe we've gotten to the point where people are being conned into watching studio trash on the promise that the next one will be good, as though we're all some kind of family who have to keep ponying up the cash to get cousin Vinny out on bail, and this time, he's really gonna change. Give me a fucking break

I genuinely don't understand how he seems to be great actor, and is often the best part of the movies he's in, yet keeps getting himself involved in trash
Does he just have horrible taste, a worthless agent, or what

This is the movie that I wanted to see.

Not more "hurr durr xenowhats"

Literally who the fuck bitched about not enough xenomorphs? the movie wasnt called alien for a reason. The complaints that I heard the more where "retarded scientists and people being retards" that was it. And we got even more retards this time.

There should never have been a sequel to Alien at all except Aliens. That was the 2 ways you could do it fresh. Another horror movie would always feel too similar, another action movie would always feel weaker than Aliens.

Alien/Aliens should've been it. Want more space horror, make a new franchise.

>Worldwide: $158,356,462

That is GROSS, on average the distributor/studio gets 50% of the domestic box office gross, the rest goes to the theatres, if it's a hit, the studio gets more, typically ~60%.

Of the foreign gross, the studio gets 25-35%, so lets break down the numbers for Covenant:

domestic gross: $57 million
foreign gross: $101 million

studio take of domestic: ~$30 million
of foreign: ~$30 million

So the studio has netted $60 million for a movie which cost them ~$100 million to produce and at least another $30-50 million to market, meaning they need to net at least another $70 million to break even.

That is not going to happen, with this terrible second weekend drop they won't even come close.

D E S U Covenant would've been BTFO'd even if it was literally perfect in every way. Guardians of the galaxy and pirates of the caribbean are normie tier. Alien is niche now more than it ever was.

>new fresh ideas for big budget summer films
What year do you think it is?

>The original treatment for the film, as revealed by Ridley Scott in 2012 when this film was still in development, was to be a more faithful sequel to Prometheus (2012). Entitled 'Paradise Lost' it would have drifted even further from the Alien mythology and focused almost exclusively on the backstory of the engineers, the origins of humanity, and how the engineers created humans and xenomorphs.
This is exactly the movie that I wanted. I thought Prometheus was enjoyable, even if it wasn't good, it was at least very interesting to me.
The ending of Prometheus made me think this would be about David and Elizabeth landing on the annuaki's planet and communicating with them and shit, instead we get just get David shoehorned in as a bad guy. They might as well have called this Alien: David.
This shit reminded me of Little Witch Academia TV while I was watching this, you had a great base and all you had to do was follow the predecessor, but it is ruined via shoehorning.
I should have just walked out the second it showed David killing all the blue people.

Does this mean Neil Blomkamp will get to make his Alien movie?


If it was actually good, or at least interesting in the way a real Prometheus sequel could have been, it would have had a chance, especially since it seems like Pirates of the Caribbean is another miss
It failed because it was an underwhelming, mediocre mess of a movie, and the word of mouth made sure that people who were on the fence would stay away

>want to make your movie
>need money from studio execs
>pitch them your vision
>king kike doesn't even watch movies
>"that sounds boring it's an alien movie people want aliens and action!"
>yes sir that movie is much better than my silly idea heh

I just hope there's an extended cut down the line. Not sure how much it will fix, though.


Movie is objectively superior to Prometheus. Bonus: it's basically a 40's Gothic horror film in space.

Yep, we could have had so much more...
Prometheus was a litmus test. A fork in the road.
Given people's reactions, he proceeded to 'Covenant' :
According to Scott, the Engineers periodically visit worlds they've seeded with life and occasionally will "wipe the slate clean" if they discover their offspring have lost their way. Much like the catastrophes described in biblical times when God grew tired of Mankind, the Engineers too, would eradicate entire generations of species if they proved to be a disappointment.

Alien: Covenant The Crossing Prologue

If the planet went wrong, they would want to wipe it clean. But that could take 500 years. When they revisit – because different visitors would come back and see we’re not doing so well – they would look at these human beings that are jerks, that are killing the planet, killing themselves, can’t settle down, they’re like a bunch of children. We should wipe it clean.

> would eradicate entire generations of species if they proved to be a disappointment.
> they would look at these human beings that are jerks, that are killing the planet, killing themselves, can’t settle down, they’re like a bunch of children. We should wipe it clean.

Covenant was an off the nose hit job by Ridley against the idiot masses that turned away from the foundation outlined by Prometheus in which he wanted to delve more into creation. Given their reaction, he depicted them as utter idiots and blew them the fuck out in Covenant.

The plot is given away in the title.
Amazingly this went over the broad majority of people's heads which only goes to reinforce his point and reflect the state of humanity.

I hope that Ridley releases details about Paradise Lost to some degree or maybe it will be a story that reveals/writes itself. The world seemingly is headed this way IRL.

Just got back from seeing it a second time and there was only two other people in the theater and they left about ten minutes in.

Why did you go see it a second time

A always had a feeling that covenant was going to be a deliberate fuck you to people that complained about prometheus not having xenos.