It's 2017

>it's 2017
>film studios are still releasing movies exclusively in theaters first and then waiting a long time before releasing it on streaming services

When will studios begin simultaneously releasing movies on streaming services the same day they premiere in theaters?

Other urls found in this thread:

>black girl, white guy
what did they mean by this

When movie theaters either stop paying them enough money not to or streaming companies do pay them enough money to do so

B L e A c H e D

Friendship knows no colors.

More like Neapolitan.

People are finding it more convenient to watch movies on Netflix than in theaters.

There's a whole event behind theater viewing that you can't really recreate at home, that said, for casual viewers or marathon-style addicts who aren't on a date for example, or going down nostalgia lane of movie trips from the youth; watching at home is way, way more convenient and they'd get 50x the "ticket" sales if they just sold streaming views than going to a bullshit theater.

VR is the future of the theater.

What's worse, they share over 50% of the profit with theaters, a percentage that will surely be less if it was streamed.

This movie was based on a true story. If you recall, the white South African girl learns not to be racist after spending time with the American black girl. In real life, she went back to Africa, and was likely murdered by niggers, because the black family never heard from her again.

Something like that sort of happened in the 80's. Pirates of Penzance was released on a video on demand service the same day it was to be released in theaters. Well that pissed the theaters off, and they refused to show it, so the movie bombed. Too bad, it's a really good flick.

I like being able to pause the film when I have to use the bathroom.

That Netflix UI, haha

Netflix for Wii.

> When will studios begin simultaneously releasing movies on streaming services the same day they premiere in theaters?

Technology is making it inevitable but the studios are really digging in their heels, as they can make a fuck load of money in a ridiculously short time with the obsolete theater system.

Which nowadays, is almost wholly driven by kids, who are the only one's willing to drop that kinda money (since it's their parent's cash...) and deal with all the negative aspects of theatrical viewing.

Still look like this on the Wii?

>The film was based on a short story called "Simunye" written by the real-life Piper Dellums about a South African girl named Carrie coming to stay with her family. Dellums writes that she lost touch with Carrie after she returned to South Africa and does not know what happened to her. In "Simunye", Piper speculates that Carrie may have been murdered for her anti-racist views by being beaten to death or disappeared along with a number of other anti-Apharteid activists.[2]

Why don't they just do movies as Pay Per View events like boxing matches

Because studios are stuck in the past

Because PPV isn't marketable anymore. WWE invented the fucking thing, and they're straying away from it. That should tell you what's good.

It's because they have long-standing deals with distributors & theater chains, who know that they will have to downsize massively when this inevitably becomes a thing, and they're fighting it as hard as they can.

They already are

Google before making your threads pls

Who is "they?"

Other than The Interview, I don't see any movies doing that.

Cinemas are awful:

>Pay for your ticket
>Half an hour of ads when YOU paid to see a movie, not ads
>Cinema food is overpriced
>Cinema seating is uncomfortable and they tell you off for resting your feet on chairs even if no one's around
>Ticket prices are awful, my local cinema chain had to lower tickets to $10 because their regular price of $20 probably drove people away

Wait, you have to pay $60 just to see one UFC fight on TV?

The heck, man?

You delete this right fucking now

Can't pause when you have to pee, so you have to hold it or risk missing an important scene.

$80 for 6 month is reasonable, though, given Netflix etc prices.

Hopefully never

>wanting to wait months to watch a movie in the comfort of your own home

They do for indie films.

Rentals are better.

Never, the corporations that own the big studios also own theaters.