Damn. So glad I held out for that lesbian sex scene. I think I understand why David Lynch is so popular...

Damn. So glad I held out for that lesbian sex scene. I think I understand why David Lynch is so popular, the build-up was tremendous. Don't know what that other shit was about though, good on occasion even if it didn't make sense.

Did you like Mulholland Drive Sup Forums?

yes I was absolutely gripped by it. even with a healthy skepticism due to it's meme status and adoration by pretentious pseuds, I have to admit i was deeply affected by it in a way that I can't articulate.

blue velvet is quintessential lynch
mulholland drive is entry level desu

>it didn't make sense.
Good grief, you people. It's not even that hard to get.

Nah it's great. The people who can't at the very least grasp it was a dream shouldn't be watching movies like this anyways. And I feel once it's understood that it's a dream all the excess imagery and symbolism shouldn't hinder your enjoyment of the film.

It showed how a naive person realises just how naive they've really been

I actually think the way Lynch showed that in the second half of the movie was really clever actually. His style was well suited to tell that story.

Only thing I'm unsure about is the guy who controls everything with the blue box, and the assassin with the blue key


One of the first scenes in the movie is the camera going towards a pillow like someone laying down. I think that that part was really way too much but some people still don't get that it was a dream.

blue velvet is appallingly mediorcre


remind me what isn't boring about it

Just because something isn't capeshit with endless quips doesn't mean it's boring.

didn't know this sort of person still existed, let alone revealing their autism level so overtly


The movie should have been cut to at least 1h 50m (not including credits)

what makes it so great? i honestly want to understand, i have enjoyed other lynch films but thought that blue velvet was remarkably not great

i was smoking meth for the first time when i also saw this movie for the first time. good combo. would recommend.

So 10 minutes need to be cut? Which 10 minutes?

>Look at how wacky I am!

Apparently he wasn't wacky enough for the guy complaining about it being boring.


I would cut all of the Silencio shit, a Segway into the second part could have been so much shorter

There was a lot of irrelevant shit about the director too, it's irritating because it's like Lynch couldn't decide who he wanted to be as the protagonist

I thought you were talking about Blue Velvet since that's what the post you responded to was talking about. I don't agree though. I think the part at the Silencio club was one of the best parts of the movie. The only thing I'd change is the ending. I think it would have been better to end on Diane starting to cry after seeing the key rather than the whole thing with the old people and her shooting herself. Would probably have been way more depressing too.

The singing was great actually, I had no idea what the Silencio bit had to do with anything but the singing was nice. It appeared to me to just be a segway.

I don't understand the blue key stuff 2bh, but the elderly couple made perfect sense. It reminded her of when she was at her most oblivious and stupid, and I guess she couldn't handle the shame anymore.

Lynch frankenstein'd the movie from an abandoned unaired TV pilot and made the Betty stuff into a dream. That's why there are all these random tangents into other characters. I think it was supposed to be a sprawling Hollywood version of Twin Peaks. I've seen MD at least five times over the years and think it's all fascinating and wouldn't cut a second. It was one of those movies you would mull over and rewatch in the early 00s. It was basically the Kid A of cinema in those years.

>I don't understand the blue key stuff 2bh
In the dream it's just a symbol based on the blue key in the reality. I don't know if it's supposed to have any other meaning. The blue key in reality is the way the hitman lets Diane know that Camilla is dead. Dreams just take things from real life and warp them to fit into whatever your dream is about.

Will somebody please post the poop goblin?


I understand now, the movie was just a dream blurred with memories.

The actual story though, a naive girl goes to Hollywood and gets completely fucked over, doesn't know how to handle it. Lynch just tells that in his own way. Right?

>The actual story though
The actual story is what is there. I'm sure there is some anti-Hollywood theme underneath but we don't know what Diane's life was before the movie, when she first got there. Betty isn't Diane earlier in her life, it's a fantasy of how she wishes she was and how she wishes everything ended up.

This movie is such a mind fuck, it's like it almost makes sense though

I'll probably be watching this again soon

Fuck off niglet. Mulholland Drive is exquisite.

I gotta rewatch Mulholland Drive some day. I keep forgetting I actually watched it and confuse it for another movie.
Inland Empire was much more memorable and actually extremely horrifying at times. Felt really uneasy at times.

>Only thing I'm unsure about is the guy who controls everything with the blue box, and the assassin with the blue key
oh man you didnt get it at all my friend

This has to be one of the most overrated scenes posted here. The actual build up in the diner is great, but when they go outside it's not scary and rather unsatisfying.

the only thing mediocre about blue velvet is dennis hopper

you didnt get the movie fuckwad stfu and lurk moar

Damn, I bet this kid is defending Twin Peaks S3 as well.

OP make sure you read FilmCritHulk's essay on it. It's long but worth it.

discuss this masterpiece you dumb fucks!

i cum when she makes out with the old dude and he gropes her ass

shes so friggin cute in this film tho

Harring is better though



The first part before arriving in Texas is Lynch's best film. It loses moment when they arrive in Texas.

yeah i can agree with that
i think it recovers towards the end, that last scene is awesome

Lynch Kino

This was like the third Lynch movie I watched but this was the one that dragged me in, obsessed with his stuff now

you fucks dont deserve this kino

Have you seen Inland Empire? Because while I liked MD a lot, IE is basically a drug to me that I have to watch every once in a while and a few of its scenes are imprinted on my mind.

Holy shit kill you are self

Nah. You got spoiled and knew it was coming. That's not the same, that's your bad luck.

This scene makes me diamonds.

It was one of the first movies to get me into film in a big way when I was a teenager. I rewatched it recently and some of the stuff I liked then (the scene with the Hitman shooting through the wall, the Billy Ray Cyrus cameo) made me cringe pretty hard this time. They seem like Lynch desperately trying to evoke a Twin Peakesque sense of humor. On the other hand the second half played a lot stronger with me this time. Especially when you consider that he was just pulling stuff out of his ass because the pilot didn't get picked up the stuff he does is really impressive and everything just feels right. Except the cowboy. He's just kind of thrown in there walking in the background at one point.

I like it. I do wonder what it would have been like as a TV show as originally intended though. A lot of stuff is set up that could have been great.

It also was conceived as a Twin Peaks spin-off with Audrey Horne at first which also makes me curious how that would have turned out.

>(the scene with the Hitman shooting through the wall, the Billy Ray Cyrus cameo) made me cringe pretty hard this time.
But those are the best scenes in the movie.

I used to think this but something about them seems too self-conscious to me when I rewatched it.

Well then...

Blue Velvet is Lynch lite

Try FWWM, Lost Highway or Inland Empire instead