Holy shit. It finally released digitally. I'm actually incredibly disappointed I wasted any of my time watching this...

holy shit. It finally released digitally. I'm actually incredibly disappointed I wasted any of my time watching this. Is there actually ANY movie more reddit?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why didn't you go see it in the cinema with your friends? Don't you have any?

Not a bad sequel. You probably don't like it cause you're from reddit

Time that could have been spent sitting alone in your room, masturbating and trying to think of ways to cope with your crippling self-loathing.

are guardians 1, john wick and deadpool the reddit trinity of 2010 movies?

holy shit reddit. You'd have to be braindead to think this movie is actually good.

>hurrrdurrrrrrr reddit
I hate unfunny, unoriginal American teenagers.

you'd have to be a redditor to make such a reddit post... reddit

why does EU obsess about america so much? Stop consuming any american media if you hate us so much please.
uh oh, reddit's mad

What makes John Wick 2 reddit?

youll fit in one day user dont worry

Stick to watching Japanese children's cartoons on your own you faggot.

1. Mafia bosses are not credible.
2.They always refer to hims as boogeyman but he looks like a depressed emotionally broken man with some skill, even his voice is not scary.
3.The narrative seems typical of an action movie.
4.not that many great acting performances can be seen in JW2
JW1 was better and they should've reinvented the movies instead of bringing something more of the same but generally worse at every level.

Is John Wick 2 the Taken 2 of the John Wick franchise, more of the same but just much worse and thereby ultimately redundant?

>this movie's reddit!
>no, you're reddit!
>no, YOU'RE reddit!
Excellent thread guys, keep those quality posts coming

If you don't like this movie you're the king of reddit.

Redditposting has gone too far.

John Wick and John Wick 2 are 'movies' genetically engineered to appeal to imdbspawn Sup Forumsedditors with no sense of sophistication who laud stale meme dialogue, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier proto capeshit "entertainment" sensibilities and a meme tv movie videogame aesthetic. This is a flick at best and people who praise it are likely no older then 18.

unironically this

Why is John Wick Reddit? I hate action movies mainly because dudeexplosionsandmusiclmao
John Wick was just Keanu killing people which was cool

Kind of.

They leaned into some of the background continuity a bit more than they should have. I thought it worked better as accents rather than the focus.

>how to make people get upset
>call something they like the thing they don't like

fucking autism

I thought the first was better but it was still good.
What I didn't like is how everyone suddenly doesn't give a fuck about how deadly John is? In the first everyone seemed to fear him and really not want to fuck with him, but in the sequel, they see a bounty on his head and just think fuck it.

>all those buzzwords

Jesus. You're worse than any academic whitepapers I've ever read.

One thing I'm not understanding is how the league of assassin's or whatever they're called even works
Why was that faggot even allowed to put a hit on John? I thought they were friends or some gay shit

patrician choice:
john wick 2 > john wick 1

Why? I don't really see what 2 did better than 1

you can put a hit on anybody, why wouldn't he be able to put a hit on john?

Because it was a big bounty.

>hot foreign villain
>hot foreign set
>hot action
>neo/morpheus reunion
it did a lot of things better than the first desu

just like the chick in the first one thought she could take him on, all these low level retards thought the same. You'll always find someone with high levels of arrogance and ignorance.

That scene where they're "stealthily" shooting each other in the crowd was fucking horrid. Everything with Common should have been cut.

>bullet proof suit lining

>villian is completely forgettable
>foreign set is completely underused
>action is filmed worse and less tacticool than the first
>neo/morpheus reunion is nothing more than reference and hardly impacts the story

JW2 is shit, has all the elements to make a great action movie but at the same time completely fails in execution and writing to make anything worth caring about. I have no hopes in JW3 being good either.

you know a movies shit when you have to make excuses for it.

how is this even reddit? you idiots call anything reddit these days.

>Is there actually ANY movie more reddit?
Ya, any David Lynch movie

It's a real thing, even Obama wore one


It really isn't.

JW1 is a movie, the original that is well constructed, has everything a movie needs to be good, with every action scene having meaning for the character. Movie buffs will like this, so Sup Forums.

JW2 is a demoreel, a shitty knock-off to the original, poorly structured to meme the character of the original, and lacks everything to keep a movie interesting, Plebs who like to jump on bandwagons will like this so reddit.

You sound like you know a lot more about Reddit than I do. Could it be because you are from there OP?

This post is Reddit

>Trying to fit in with Sup Forums buzzwords
Found the newfag

I watched John Wick for the engaging story and well choreographed gunfights.

I watched John Wick Chapter 2 for more intense choreographed gunfights because I knew the original's revenge story couldn't be topped.

It was Choreo-Kinography


>villian is completely forgettable
fuck off
>action is filmed worse and less tacticool than the first
fuck off
>neo/morpheus reunion is nothing more than reference and hardly impacts the story
Gives neo crucial access to the villain's lair and sets up an alliance in the third movie

Again, fuck off with your bullshit faggot. The villain was totally believable and had as much gravitas as any. The action choreography was at least as good if not better. You're just a pleb.

Choreography isn't even all that great, it's just that every other action flick is shaky cam cut every 0.5 seconds

So john wick is literally a one eyed man in the land of the blind crippled idiots

Hong kong action cinema scene needs to make a comeback, they'd bank it big time

>Hong kong action cinema scene needs to make a comeback
I've been adding Jackie Chan films to my backlog and I realize now the reason for it was because I haven't seen a new movie, except John Wick, with the same entertaining fight scenes in a while.

It's bad, not even bad because it's derivative but genuinely bad.

Every action scene felt so timed and orchestrated, that it completely ruined any immersion.
They tried to structure every shootout around: "John Wick does a cool move and then shoots a guy" rinse and repeat ad Infinitum, completely forgetting that shootouts are best when they create an illusion of chaos and keep the viewer in, at least, some suspense.

The only half decent action scene in the entire movie was the one in which he fought the black bodyguard immediately after escaping the party.
Also: Keanu is without a doubt the worst A-list actor in Hollywood right now. For fuck sake - every third plan actor he had a dialogue with made him look like a complete amateur.

>Every action scene felt so timed and orchestrated
stopped reading
never critique another film ever again


Nigger movie for niggers sage

>frequents one of the worst boards on Sup Forums
>expecting proper discussions
come on now

Go watch a good action movie to cure your shit taste, friend.

Jackie Chan is just a side venue to add to pure fucking awesomeness of John Woo's gun-fu kino

Basically: cost of living and filiming is so much lower in hong kong than in murica, and there are so many chinks they do stunts for food, and the director can afford to spend months rehersing the choreography and more months shooting and reshooting from multiple angles until they get it right because his expenses are a) the film itself b) the 1-2 cameras c) the beer he pays the actors with

Basically fuck hollywood, the farther away you are from it the better your flick will be

>hurr fuck off

Don't ever reply to me, plebbit.

because GOOD movies don't use bullshit like "Timing" or "Orchestrated action"

mother fucker fuck you

>Movie released in theaters
>Lots of threads talking about how great it was
>Movie releases digitally so third world pirates can get their hands on it
>Shitposting intensifies
>"this film am reddit guiz i m truechanner"
OP, as always, is a faggot.

>going to cinema
Where do you think you are, reddit?

>fanboys watch the film they having been fanboying for years
>they like it
no shit
>sane people watch the movie
>they care little for the schlocky JW2
again, no shit

Those things are bad when they are BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, like they were in this movie. Good action has appropriate pacing, with waves of excitement.
John Wick's action scenes are unimaginative, dull and monotonous with "cool operator moves" sprinkled in to appease retards like you


>w-well except for
Thanks, I don't need to read your posts anymore,

JW2 is literally made for 12 year old memers of "le operator badass". No adult could like this drivel with the depth of a cunny.

fuck off

the first john wick wasnt even that good

shit plot, shit characters, shit screenplay, good action = 5/10 its a flick

It literally surpassed the original in every way. I just watched it there for the second time, it's top notch. Off yourself.


Still better than JW2, which has worse plot, worse character, worse screenplay, and worse action = 3/10 it's a drive in flick.

>doesnt like hong kong action
>posts in a thread about an action flick
Guess I'll need to see it now, cause I can't imagine a worse plot than john wick

>he doesn't know
Yeah you, star wars tourist

>people literally run with their guns pulled out to john wick so he can disarm them instead of taking cover and just shooting him to pieces

Why do people like this shit again?

next movie should be set in alaska, and wick just going through the woods with his tamed wolf killing wanks

Next movie will have something to do with that debt token.

This. Fights are pretty to look at but holy hell goons are retarded in this movie.

It's honestly a shit movie. It's yet another embarrassingly obvious escapist fantasy for neckbeards. Also it completely lacks credibility. Wick seems to be invincible yet another two hours and all the bad guys don't appear to be trying at all.

It's pretty gay mentioning that other website so much.
Makes people sound bitter, I can't stand the echo chamber that, that place is but they don't have any intellectual property license on any of these projects.
You're giving them credit for just latching onto any mainstream or normies version of edgy copent.

Think about your fave film, I bet there is a board dedicated to that on "the other place"