What was the most gratuitous scene in cinematic history?

What was the most gratuitous scene in cinematic history?

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The threesome scenes in Wild Things

the holocaust denial scene in spider-man



Demi Moore's scenes in Striptease.

Literally no artistic merit other than load blowing material.

This is hilarious

Forget the name but she does a leg cross and isn't wearing any panties

Who is the actress and what is the movie

I wish anyone but Joss Whedon had directed the Avengers movies because I need more gratuitous and exploitative shots of Black Widow.
Also share any good Black Widow shots if you have them.


This one fits the bill. Warning boobs!


oh my

You should be able to determine this with reverse googling but IIRC it's a heist/thriller pic with Catherine Zeta Jones (ass) and an already quite-aged Michael Douglas. Something about they rob diamonds from a skyscraper and she's prepping her ass to go under the lasers or such. Mighty fappable when I was a wew lad. Also the OP is an asshole for not posting an animated .gif/webm of same.

t. oldfag

Didn't she give him throat cancer?

>mfw cavill takes off his shirt in Batman v Superman

most kino scene in the history of the medium

God hates faggs :D

haha I heard woman like guys biceps like men likes tits

Oh no, it was Entrapment (1999) with Sean Connery. G20:50 for choice ass


what are you 10? GI Jane with Selma Hayek


I remember watching this scene with my gf and she just busted out laughing. Not sure if it was nervous laughter from her pussy spontaneously squirting or she just found it silly.

that's def a body double tho

Legendary ass double.


>Clipping through the metal pipe


This scene (and the whole movie) was hilarious 2bh.

how do get an ass like Goose's?

he literally rotates his hand through the bar.

which one, op? just give the movie name and actress

romancing the stone with uma thurman

sweet jesus are those real?

what movie?

That's because it's a gif dingus


>Somehow that makes him able to hold a helicopter on the ground


Squatz & Oats

It's a cape movie, no cape movie ever has had consistent super-powerlevels


why can't i remember the name of this movie

someone help me please

>reading youtube comments

You have no one to blame but yourself.

not a single braaap? for shame Sup Forums

It's not about consistent powerlevels, breh.
He could be strong enough to benchpress a fully loaded garbage truck and that helicopter would still have lifted him off the ground with ease.

under siege


haha but seriously vote for hillary

It's definitely the sex scenes from Blue is the Warmest Color. Even you kissless virgins think it's too much for the film.


does he weigh like 1000kg?

Are these the most perfect tits ever in history of human specie?

>ctfl + f caligula
>no results found

the entire film is a gratuitous scene

It honestly looks like people are literally fucking in the eyes wide shut sex scenes I don't know any other movie that can top it shit looks like straight up porno. Most realistically depiction of people having sex ever in a movie nothing can top it

>watch porno
>call anything pornographic in it "gratuitous"


because it's porn disguised as a movie

what movie?

I've heard it's unsimulated, mostly am-pro porn stars most likely, I don't know. I think Blue is the Warmest Color and The Lover are unsimulated but the official story is they are.

Not that is matters; most people saw the cut with dudes in robes superimposed over all the action. Kubrick caved to get an R-rating.

Under Siege

You must work on you Seagal kinography my friend.




the scene from the island where the real obi wan shows off his car describing the model as the camera pans past the logo michael bay is a shill of the highest proportions

That's Basic Instinct, you philistine.

Heterosexuality is a mistake. Gayness makes so much more sense.

I always thought I was gay but I watched that and literally felt nothing it's a good day to be alive bros I'm not gay. I'm not gay


>hahahha, i'm not gay, i'm not gay, if i repeat this often enough, my immediate ejaculation upon seeing chris evans can be ignored, hahaha

>hilarious 2bh

Only the Director's Cut: youtube.com/watch?v=u4nZUEkAsw8

What about the shyamalan cut?


Wait, wait... which superhero is this guy? Is passing through metal his power?



I remember this being a movie for teens and mid school kids and this scene came up. Maybe my mind is just dirty but there isn't a lot of sexual innuendo in the movie and when this scene came up i wasnt expecting it. Pretty sure this made me pop up a boner, now i cannot help but notice the size and fatness of her breasts every time i watch the movie.

I don't know man I don't think I saw that version the blue ray one is pretty fucking graphic. There's a scene with a completely naked dude and a completely naked chick and he just has her bent over and he's just fucking her with no blanket or robes or anything it's just two naked people straight up fucking. I'd imagine they'd have to use porn stars for that but my brother has a theory that underneath those masks are all famous celebrities fucking each other

I think it's hilarious that at some point people carried boom boxes on their shoulders as they walked down the street.

Like in the history of fads that were cool that one seemed pretty premier in stupidity. It was big, heavy, ate fucking batteries which aren't cheap.

I'd never thought of that theory before but from now on that's what I'll have in mind whenever I watch the movie

I once had an ex-model twink suck my cock and I couldn't get hard for the life of me.

That was the biggest fag test I've ever taken. Also had a fag three way. Couldn't get hard there either, the other guys just kindof fucked each other and I was like "aight". I got a lot of great drugs from them for free though.

>Gayness makes so much more sense.
why is that?



so many faps picturing this in my mind

It was and still is a portable party enabler.
Next time you try to use your phone speaker as a music player around a group of people, look at their faces and behold the disappointment.

This looks like it is missing some frames



What movie is this


they are all starring at his cock

>The gun at the end

Perfect cut off point, topkek.

just 2

This movie needed to be about Dina Spybey and not Demi Moore. What a lolita hearthrob.

Ella Enchanted

In Anti Christ you can literally see penis going in vagina.

beenus in veenus ::DDDDD



Thank you, Stephen Seagal.


>sweet jesus are those real?
Of course not, real tits flop around a lot more and dont look like footballs

Full beaver shot