Webm Thread - Friday edition

It Friday.

Post what you have.








oh lawd

Ooooo, NICE...

What this from?

so theres a decent torrent out?


It a good cam with moonrunes


>they literally rewinded the hand motion at the start

its intentional. to make people feel an unease

what about for non engirsh speaking parts?

You know what, Not watched it really, just scanned over it.



I've seen this 4 times now, why are you forcing this meme

>Those pupils

Did she pop a molly before this scene?




fucking ayy


Will Avatar 2 be the biggest drop off for a sequel ever?

God I hope so.


Mad men?

top this

Fucking Christ dude bite through the plastic


>smashed from the side
>reacts like they were bumped from behind

>4 times

>augmentation type of future
>still manual input by hand



There is not a way this is real










The Leftovers show.



its a security measure, the typist can't be hacked because she isn't wi-fied
although it looks like shit because she is typing so slow compared to the anime


Always wear your hearing protection

Anybody have Varga saying "Don't trust the jew anymore." webm?

theres a part in this movie where she tells david she want to see it. He says its not a good idea. She gets up to look and he turns the monitor away while shaking his head. You got that clip?


Fuck me.

>he lifts his hands away
must be gay.

That guy looks like someone put the head of a 16 year old scrawny chav and stuck it on a chad.

>he's only seen it 4 times

>4 times

>falling for it
baited HARD


Personally posted it at least two dozen times, obviously don't understand tradition.



oh user


leave her alone! shes never had sex so she doesnt know how to act it!














what a shit fight, half those punches are clearly pulled back





its so fucking bad
but its fucking hilarious


If I see this gif one more time...







Did the movie add ANYTHING? It seems like all they could do was recycle cool visuals from the anime.

