Was this movie just a excuse to have 3 young actresses running around with tight underwear?

Was this movie just a excuse to have 3 young actresses running around with tight underwear?

That fucking curry is a genius

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its was also made to setup his capekino universe


his best movie IMO

That fucking nigress


>no twist at the end
>no explanation about the scars of the autistic girl or that fucking guy becoming hulk
>no rape/torture scenes of the ayy loli

Meh movie

Nice arm hair.

You're not just a pleb, you're a jellyfish

he looks like a homo

Explain the interest of the movie

For a homo he sure crammed a ton of titty meat in this movie


What movie is this?

3d women actually have hair below their eyebrows unlike 2d animu grills. Crazy I know.


What's her name?

There was a twist, and that other shit was explained

>>Calling THAT arm hair.

I guess she have better fontal shots in the movie but I can't find them

2)Ayy Lmao

You mean being in the unbreakable muh capeshit universe?

Who's that? Is there an online repository of women with really hairy arms like that?

Beast was kind of underwhelming, all those creepy drawings made by Hedwig were scarier than real deal, even Hedwig dancing was spookier than Beast

Hell if I know. I found it by searching Flickr for "girls with hairy arms".

Dis nigga thirsty for a hairy elbow pit to bust in

>> expressing disgust at an attraction to body hair while there are entire communities of people out there who fap to anthros, BDSM, farting, and feet.

>two meme arrows
>space between words and arrow

Yeah, you're gonna have to go back to where you came from buddy


pretty much, he's a perv.

consider suicide honestly


Yeah those dudes are fucking weird, too. Congrats on lumping yourself in with people who jerkoff to farts.

All the butt shots are filmed behind the door glass, fucking hell

Keep your mouth closed, tripfag.

Wow it's your own YT channel AND you're a tripfag. You're embarrassing.

>that bulge


>not being a fan of the puffy vulva

It wasn't just for that but it was a major factor

This scene alone made the movie at least a 9/10.

If you can't appreciate McAvoy's brilliance you are a maximum pleb.

genuinely v. scary to be honest.

This guy was awesome

Anyways this movie is just a intro for a new movie announced for 2019, a sequel to unbreakable

I rewound that scene where ATJ runs to the locker several times just to watch her titties bounce

the fuck

the fuck

>he likes to watch movies about serisal killers, movies where they win
rlly makes you think

Gonna need a webm of that

whos the spic?

Wrong, ayy lmao qt3.14 is first

She is broken goods



her eyes are like a continent apart

one of the reasons shes so cute

shes unique

A woman born with an arm for a face is unique but that doesn't make her cute

a woman having an arm on her face isnt even remotely similar to having her yes far apart

Found the virgin.

The fact he did actually have powers when he became the beast could be seen as a twist

She was raped for a decade of course her eyes are fucked up

all of this is wrong. did you even watch it?

Thats some serious method acting, no wonder it took so long to get made if that was the prep work

hedwig is the real monster. none of it can happen without that little shit, its all on him. he is the deranged child holding the beasts leash

this is exactly the part where I said out loud "mcavoy deserves an oscar for this"

This retard is still here trying to shill his retarded channel?


Pure girl watches a bong crackhead get jiggy to ""dubstep""

found the roastie

What more of an excuse does there need to be?

Movie should be called bounce

What is the fucking point of showing bruce willis for 5 seconds at the end?

To tie in the Shalamalan Cinematic Universe.

he confirmed there will be a third film

to trick people into thinking he made a decent movie

Should I watch this or Unbreakable?

To serve as the lead in to Glass, the third and final film in Shyamalan's cinematic universe of superpowered people

I want him to get fat and play Doc Oc

says the guy shilling split

I'm trying to save people 2 hours

This is like the second part of unbreakable since they mention unbreakable villain (the nigga) so you should watch unbreakable first

I was't gonna watch this thing cause M night's name was attached to it, but it seems this thread has peaked my interest and i will review this movie for ....research

This. She should have just sucked his dick and turn Hedwig into her pusy slave.

That pacific islander/black looking chick was the finest out of the three.

you don't know what you're missing if you don't like a fat pussy

>Not liking a fat juicy pussy

I really didn't want to masturbate for the third time today.

Let me help you

That same girl pees herself to avoid rape

I wonder how many times that worked for the ayy to avoid her fat uncle dick

Would like to see her feed 3 or more sticks through in a line.

Magnificent bait

What is that?


its a good movie besides all the t and a though