Louie CK and a Bully

Fuuck, that was uncomfortable to watch...
How would you guys handle this situation?

I feel like there's really no nonviolent and nonhumiliating way out of this. Louie surely cucked himself big time in front of the roastie.

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Acknowledge that he could probably beat my ass. He's younger and probably in the prime of his life. There's little doubt he could probably take me. All that said, I'm just gonna report that little shit to the police and take his ass for all he's worth afterward. If I can't ruin him, I will ruin his family which in turn will hate him afterward. He's wearing his fucking jersey for christ sakes. Identifying him is gonna be a walk in the park.

>complain to his parents
>dad starts yelling at him and kicking his ass

sweet sweet cringe

It was, I´m in great shape now and plan on being so for as long as I´m able to. I wouldn't ever do as louie did though even if I was in shit shape.

Have some pride.

Report him for what? Making you uncomfortable?

i wouldn't have told them to shut up in the first place

>I feel like there's really no nonviolent and nonhumiliating way out of this
The fact that people think there's never, ever any excuse for violence is why we have so many pathetic cucks today. Grow a dick and punch someone when he deserves it.

If he ended up beating my ass. I ain't gonna do shit if he just backs off.


>look like you are possibly winning in the slightest
>the rest of his friends join in

Louis handled it fine

Just diffuse the situation.

I mean Louie is a comedian, he doesn't have any jokes hidden up his sleeve? He should have just made nice with the guy while seeming like the good guy.

If that doesn't work just start roasting the guy, if you get punched in the face, deal with it.

Louis is pretty big (4u), so i don't think this dweeb could've hurt him very much

>punch a teenager
>risk him and his friends kicking your ass
>get arrested
>have to pay legal and medical fees, go to court
>even if the case is dropped the reporting of your arrest for punching a kid will stick with you forever
>if convicted of felony assault on a minor it will never ever go away, life is ruined
>most likely won't serve time but who knows what a judge will say
but muh ego

These. It's better to take a beating than give up in such a humiliating fashion.


I don't watch this show anymore. What happened.

>What would you do if I decided to kick your ass right now what would you do then?
"I'd call the cops, there's several witnesses, and you'd go to jail. You've got no reason to start any violence and frankly I just asked you to be quiet. If you really want to start something go ahead but you'd be an idiot for doing so."

In all honesty I might do what louie did though. That kid nailed being an intimidating jock *perfectly*, it was unsettling watching it through a fucking screen.

>Punched in the face
I don't know if you've ever been around roudy jocks but they can get pretty fucking mad, that guy would do way more than just punch him in the face. Nobody who acts that irrational abiut being told to be quiet cares about any consequences that would come from beating the shit out of someone.

Tell him that I'd love to fuck his ass up but that I know his friends will join in to save his hide. Duh.

who was in the wrong here?

Then identify him from the jacket he's wearing, report it to the police and sue his ass into oblivion. It'll at least get him kicked off the football team.

All of these wanna be alphas who can't see outside of their own insecure perspectives.

Dude is middle aged, out of shape, has two daughters at home he has to take care of.

Hes not gonna get in a fight with some shitty teenagers, mostly like lose, end up in the hopsital, and have to explain to his friends and family why he couldn't restrain himself around some dumb kids.

How we he possibly rationalize that to his daughters?

It was lose-lose, and he chose the better option. Yea, the chick he was with may have acted shallow, but if she was the type to be attracted to strong men, it wouldn't have worked out anyway.


are you really this fucking lazy that you can't even search youtube for a clip?

>going outside without a pepper spray can on you

must be stressful to live in constant fear

>out of shape
>never been in a fight
>vs. 6 young athletic males

Fuck, cringed hard, couldn't make it through the whole clip.

The kind of humiliation you carry right to the grave

This is maybe the best episode of the show.

>if you defend yourself, you lose

Then why didn't he get laid?

Would probaby be more stressful to get robbed and stomped by a pack of niggers

who are you quoting?

Imagine how uncomfortable young female writers must be when Louie locks them in his office and forces them to watch him masturbate.

>I feel like there's really no nonviolent and nonhumiliating way out of this. Louie surely cucked himself big time in front of the roastie.- 26 posts and 2 image replies shown.

Theres not a way out without submission or violence.

You were raised to tell the teacher when the bully beat you up. That doesnt work in any actual place, not even then.

You have to be willing to defend yourself. Where do you draw the line? He can threaten you? What if he threatens your date? Or your kids? When will you act?

A man needs to know the answers to these questions before he's put in the situation. He also needs to know whether he is capable of doing what he wants to do to defend himself, or whether submitting is safer. He needs to know that submitting doesnt guarantee safety and that he might have no choice in whether he is attacked, or his children are attacked. If he has no choice, and cant know the intention of the possible attacker, the only rational response is to neutralize the attacker if possible or leave the area immediately.

>being this weak of a faggot
kek, betacucks

>How would you guys handle this situation?
Nope. Wouldn't ever happen. I demand respect. If something like that was happening and I was with my gf or sister, it wouldn't last long. I'd get up, calmly make my way slowly towards them. Then I would grab the biggest kid by his collar and say "YOU THINK YOURE TOUGH?? Then fuckin do something, I know you want to. Fuckin do it, I want you to you disney bitchmade pussy. Not gonna do it? That's what I thought. I could smell the disney on you and your homeboys as soon as you walked into the theatre. Y'all ain't hard. Y'all ain't shit." Lol he'd probably shit himself because he's never had anyone talk to him like that before. You can't let these situations get out of control OP. Don't be bullied by little white kids like a beta.

>internet tough guy
Yeah well when you lift heavy 3 times a week and do boxing training 3 times a week as well as HIIT twice a week, you just wait for situations like these. And especially if I was with my sister or gf I have a duty to maintain the peace. And I will not be disrespected.


I just watched it, but OP was supposed to link the vid because none of us watch this shit cuckold show.
BTW, I would have kicked his ass because he's just a fucking kid.

weird, didn't even write anything of what you quoted.

>I don't understand meme arrows

I woulda grabbed his fuckin' collar, lifted him off the ground, and said I'm gonna shove my fork up his ass so far Ill put faggot haggis on the menu

>none of us watch this shit cuckold show

lol make another capeshit thread then kys

>i'm making shit up because it fits my worldview

I was playing poker and beat this nigger in a hand and he got angry and kept holding his cards so i told him to hurr the fuck up and he said you wanna go outside you piece of shit

i stood up, he stood up, his friends behind me stood up and knocked me the fuck out

niggers ran away

so the moral of this story is to have situational awareness

Is this guy 4real

>NOT watching the top kino that is Louie

>show him your handgun

that's all you'd have to do

>having the ability to defend yourself means that you have a twisted worldview

Wow, you're hella new. I know none of these rules are explicitly written out, but try lurking before posting again.

In truth, I don't think Sean came over and threatened him for telling them to be quiet, I think he came over because Louis did so in a disrespectful way, and then continued acting passive-aggressive when he came over.

Granted, the teenagers probably wouldn't have been quiet no matter what, but Louis could've at least shown a bit of politeness and it may have helped.

I always carry a knife so if thing escalated after I told him to get off my fucking table, I'd be in jail.

>Nobody who acts that irrational abiut being told to be quiet cares about any consequences that would come from beating the shit out of someone.
>Then just get him kicked off the football team!
Learn to read.


>defend yourself with made up fantasies
haha oh wow!

Nobody is asking the REAL question.

Was the chick wrong to abandon the date?

Going to the corner store without an uzi submachine gun hanging round your neck and an explosive jacket rigged to your heartbeat sensor.

>pepper spray
>made up fantasy

>living in such a shitty area you have to be on constant alert to defend yourself

Who cares?

This show is just awkward fuckface in New York.

god, these comments are so funny , more cringe than that cuck video. just go show some highschool how tough you are

>you can't defend against 5-10 people using nothing but your bare hands.
>what a beta faggot weakling lol!

>"quoting" my post without actually quoting anything i've written

>not speaking softly, but carrying a big stick

>things that happened

>be American
>get bullied

If you actually find this cuckolded shell of a man funny I suggest moving to reddit.

what did he mean by this?

>pull knife on group of people
>they swarm you and get your knife
>now you get beaten AND stabbed

>id make up a story about getting fucked up

you need to suicide bo

Not really, I've been diagnosed with a mental illness I don't feel like sharing and I get aggressive and carried away very easily alongside a good dose of paranoia.

Frankly, this scenario is incredibly unlikely for me in the first place since I'd never be loitering in a public place.

I wouldn't have told them to shut up in the first place. There is like 8 of them, even if you sucker punched the faggot starting shut you have all of his friends to worry about. Probably should've asked a waiter to tell them to be quiet if you really wanted to do something about it.

If she said 'Ah those guys are so loud' I would've said 'Yeah you're right let's go somewhere else' bring her back to mine and fug

Louie lost the moment he decided to grow into a fat bald loser.

Think: what would Clint Eastwood do in this situation? The answer, of course, is that it wouldn't happen to Clint Eastwood because he doesn't look like a ginger Pillsbury Doughboy. Louie's life choicse led him to being the sort of person people talk like that to.

Had a similar situation happen to me.

>in my seat with my girl at the oriental in milwaukee for napoleon dynamite
>fucking faggots from the suburbs in the row behind me will not shut the fuck up
>casually lean back and say
Shut your fucking mouths.
>one teenage cunt snorts with contemptuous disbelief
>another somehow has the nerve to say
Dude, fucking relax.
>so i turn and grab the fucking faggot by the throat
>and i tell him
If I hear another sound from any of you, I'll shove something into your mouth at about 90MpH. It might be my fist, it might be my dick, but whatever it is, I guarantee you you'll never make another fucking sound again, you fucking bitch-made faggot
And then I watched the film in perfect and absolute silence.

>not walking around with a recreational nuke dressed like a baby in a stroller

>New York
Is it weird that I can't imagine this happening in the Deep South? I just can't picture a bunch of teenagers going up to a 50 yo man and threatening to beat him up in that type of culture. Maybe its because of le respect for elders or maybe it's because everyone has guns.

I'm not disagreeing with you, you illiterate mongol.

>or maybe it's because everyone has guns

Feels like the teenagers would have told him to fuck off, or would have fucked with him even more if he asked them extremely politely to be quiet.

If it was me I probably just wouldn't have asked them to shut up in the first place.

Having said that, if I was faced with with Louis was I'd probably have pussed out too.

Perhaps one solution is to lift so you look intimidating enough for the kid not to try it with you.
Maybe actually train in boxing or some shit so you can handle yourself.
Is the developing the ability to fight an obligation we should place on ourselves?

Was about to see TDKR with my girl and some assholes wanted to take our seats. I got angry and stood up. I was way bigger than the other guy and the theatre was packed, so things didn't escalate.
I still feel uncomfortable in those situations.

I don't know, the problem here is that New York City is a fucking city. You wouldn't encounter that type of behavior in a rural part of New York state.

larping bullshit. Although I've also found that teenagers are complete bitches when you get aggressive so maybe there's a sliver of truth in there.

>letting your ego control you actions
fucking degenerates I swear

Having been a dumb teenager and ruined lots of peoples days... it comes down to the crew youre with

Like when I'd get yelled at I'd be like, yeah fair enough I'm being an asshole, I'll shut up

But then you're with a friend who is a bit unhinged or his dad beats him or both and he gets in the persons face and might even hit the guy

t. watched my friends goto prison

Boxing is not helpful in a real fight unless you can pack serious power.

I fell for this meme. You need to be in a great physical shape to actually learn how to fight. Anyone can handle the cardio requirements but you actually need above average upper body strength to learn this shut, so you need to be lifting

Best reply.

lol idk, i'm 25 and i would have been up in his face telling him to swing

make my fucking day punk, i'd just stab his friends if they decided to gank me desu, i could easily defend that my life was in danger

>tfw can't carry a gun

canada sucks

Literally just lift your shirt and show you're strapped.

Well that, and don't look like a bitch.

Even white guys will try to mess with someone who looks and acts like a complete cuck.

Once he was at the table, I'm up in his face. Once he put his hand in the chick's face, I go brute force and believe a court would side with me. In TX, btw.


>not appreciating satire

>dad starts beating his ass
>Louie cuck tells his dad to stop
What the fuck why would he do this?

oh, my bad. please don't go to local high school then. hope you figure it out. I got a bit carried away reading the other posts

Because he's a beta that thinks hitting kids is never allowed, even when they are pieces of shit like the kid that threatened him.

cause hes a faggot who thinks violence is never the answer

like you can logically explain to a violent person to put down the knife

i think they see it on CSI Miami and believe it

Told him to fuck off maybe, but fucked with him even more? If they're just yelling stuff from across the room you can ignore them/leave. The reason this situation was so bad is because one of them walked over and directly threatened to beat the shit out of him. You may disagree with me, but I think the bullying was for their pride being threatened, not for having the audacity to ask them to be quiet.


>what would Clint Eastwood do in this situation?
probably actually get fucked up by the group of teenagers because he's a frail old man who's held onto his "I DONT TAKE ANY SHIT OFFA NO ONE YA HEAR?" attitude long past when his body could actually back it up