ITT: Movies you initially didn't want to watch because of CRITICS but then watched anyway and had a lot of FUN

ITT: Movies you initially didn't want to watch because of CRITICS but then watched anyway and had a lot of FUN.

Other urls found in this thread:

I didnt WANT to watch this because OF all the bad reviews, but was DRAGGED to watch it by a friend and LITERALLY had the best time of my life!

Glad you had FUN. Happy audiences=Best part of my job. People WANT r-rated raunchy comedy.

Currently 5/10 on IMDb.
There's NO way I'm paying to see THIS.

Good decision, I watched just once and had to leave because I started pissing myself because of the RAUNCHY r-rated summer fun

Fuck off Rock Salt.

Dwayne, that you?

>Take that society!

I'm considering giving it a try after all these threads on Sup Forums. How many empty bottles of Mt Dew should I bring ?

>another shitty forced maymay based on a single twitter screenshot
Reddit did it again xD

Holy fuck, this is the most shilled mvoie on this board this year. Stop trying already, your shit, uninnovative movie bombed. Let it go already.

He's spent like the last 2 days shilling his movie on twitter


LOL XD tons of fun for the family! Absolutely hilarious movie #ComedyGold
10/10 I'll definitely be going back to watch this again!

Awesome movie. Great length. Looks thick. Solid. Tight.


I Know You Guys Like To Goof Around, but Trust Me On This: The Movie Made Me Kek!

How many layers of false flagging irony is this on?

Try your meme in Facebook, you Reddit Tumblrina.

how many Piss Jugs should I bring while marathoning this film?

Dwayne "Hold on your bladder here comes the laughter" Johnson

I was Keking for days after i watch!!

Whatever you drink +2.

glad the mods turned the name filter back on

when i heard about it i was 'fucking no'
but i accidentilly saw the trailer and it looked pretty fun. Maybe im just turning into a normie

I pissed my pants while watching this. It was VERY FUN and as a fan, I rate it very highly.

this movie is great fun to watch with the whole family

You're the one throwing around these buzzwords like reddit, tumblr, and facebook unironically

Awesome movie, lots of hijinks, fun for the whole family. What more can CRITICS ask for #DONT MISS OUT

>dude who gives a shit if the movie sucks, just turn your brain off and have fun haha

I watched this movie last night.... and it was incredible!!!!

My whole family will be seeing it today, I guarantee them they are in for a laugh!

We're having a family reunion at the theater, we're all watching it together.

Lots of fun
Critics not welcome.

>websites are buzzwords

Do you even know what your memeing about?

hahaha i loved this film, it was truly hilarious.

LMAO what a great start to a fcking great Summer. This movie is what beach life is all about

Serious laughs from some of the best names in the comedy business and intense action that had me "hanging ten" on the edge of my seat

Lel @ at all the butthurt tomatocucks that more and more people aren't falling for their bullshit

This is the definitive film of summer 2017, if you don't like it, take a hike!

>not giving our lil' dirty rater R COMEDY a chance
Don't be a jabroni

How Can Reviews Be Real If Critics Are Biased


Goddamit, I missed another meme haven't I?

My wife just gave birth at the baywatch premier.
My whole family was there to witness the miracle.
We named him Rocky in honor of the Rock.

Popcorn on the house!

Baywatch film had me like @_@

Just got back from seeing it, hashtag #thrill ride

Required reading ffam:

I pissed myself watching this movie. That's how funny it was. If you don't like this movie you must hate fun and you're probably a candy ass.

Ha, yeah doesnt connect with the critics. But the audiences are LOVING this summer comedy. A dirty lil FUN film.


Go back to 9gag


Thanks famalam

.@theboulder life's a beach and then you die... LAUGHING! #kek #hang10

WTF I love sand now! #ForcePiss

I just had a fap, I'm drinking a beer and I'm ready to go see Baywatch and have MEGA KEKS