Purposefully select the incorrect captchas

>purposefully select the incorrect captchas
>make AI stupider

Other urls found in this thread:


>text captcha
>post different words with the same letter count

Just so you know before this thread gets deleted, by successfully completing Captchas you are programming Google's self-driving cars FOR FREE

no im making them retarded

How can you beat the text captcha now that there are two different images?


>select the vehicles

>it really wants you to select the signs

fuck you jewgle

whoops forgot to log in

>make self-driving cars stupid

Are we accessories to murder?

>tfw captcha just clicks and checks, no retard squares


>select all vehicles
>click on the signs
>it works
just killed some pedestrians in 2050 by shitposting

>use pass
>no captcha

Lol losers

I miss bebe, pls post bebes

this. good luck getting on the road with those things.

even with a Sup Forums gold account i can't understand why plebs don't switch to legacy captcha

>if there are none, click skip
>click skip
>but there are some
>it works

Don't know how


>finally buy my first Google iCar
>get in and tell it to go to the apple store

>drives into a street sign and disembowels me

settings at top. it's like the first setting.


>not using text captcha and typing only the small word

>select the cars
>there are none

>click boxes at random
>it works

every single time

>please solve another
>google is too scared to directly tell you that your answer was incorrect because not even they trust their system to be accurate