>White beta and alpha males on suicide watch.

BTW both critics and viewers LOVED the movie.

Both critics and viewers also loved the new Ghostbusters and look what happened.

It's transphobic. What about FTM?

Why would you take a page from Sony's handbook on alienating audiences and losing money?

>do something specifically generate outrage
It's all so exhausting

Women eat this shit up though tbqh and I am feeling a 80M opening weekend, its a good movie and the hype is growing. Don't think any men would literally not see this just because some chicks got a female only screening.

It's simple, just identify as a woman, and if they don't let you in they're a transphobic shitlord.

Since when does facial hair and testicles make you not a woman?

> Though Marston had described female nature as being more capable of submission emotion, in his other writings and interviews, he referred to submission as a noble practice and did not shy away from the sexual implications, saying:

> "The only hope for peace is to teach people who are full of pep and unbound force to enjoy being bound... Only when the control of self by others is more pleasant than the unbound assertion of self in human relationships can we hope for a stable, peaceful human society... Giving to others, being controlled by them, submitting to other people cannot possibly be enjoyable without a strong erotic element."

> One of the purposes of these bondage depictions was to induce eroticism in readers as a part of what he called "sex love training". Through his Wonder Woman comics, he aimed to condition readers to becoming more readily accepting of loving submission to loving authorities rather than being so assertive with their own destructive egos.

> About male readers, he later wrote: "Give them an alluring woman stronger than themselves to submit to, and they'll be proud to become her willing slaves!"

The media didn't like GB tho....think about it.

It's actually not just sexist. It's straight-up discrimination.

>About male readers, he later wrote: "Give them an alluring woman stronger than themselves to submit to, and they'll be proud to become her willing slaves!

He's not wrong (see: goytoy)

>purposely antagonize potential audience
It worked for Ghostbusters.

Any movie with a female or colored protagonist is going to get lauded. Wait till Black Panther comes out. And remember, it's not discrimination if it's against men, and it's not racism if it's against whites.

First World Problems...jesus christ aren't you people in war for the last two decades and get hit by terrorist every other week?
Get a fucking hold of yourselves, faggots.

Literally who flipped out?
Kek, can't imagine who's life is pathetic enough to get butthurt about some women seeking attention.

but ther only people interested in watching this are male beta perma-virgins.

nice job on another box office bomb, shitlords.

You weren't here yesterday, weren't you?

John camper shit all over gadots performance. The truth is starting to slip out about how bad the movie is.

>congratulations, you segregated yourselves

John campea


Fags will just call him a hater because he's been shitting on her since day one

It's DC. of coarse it's going to be good. It not some meme quip marvel garbage.

Wow...a literal who Marvel loyalist shits on a movie that is sure to have a great RT by default.
How brave...

She has always been a terrible actress, I don't think this should surprise anyone.

>We'll try distancing men that's a good trick!

Also,others are shiting all over the villains and the bad 3rd act

He only said "she didn't detract or add to the film" and now he's saying WB asked him to delete that

If that's true, they are only allowing people to say she's amazing?

He loved mos

>men are by far the largest capeshit movie-going audience
>let's make sure they don't feel welcome!

Is this a strategy that tends to play out well for Hollywood?

>now he's saying WB asked him to delete that
coff clickbait coff...

>both critics and viewers LOVED the movie.
they also usually love MCU and neo-SW stuff, it's probably a bad sign.

Can't trust reviewers on this movie. Many of them will be too afraid to criticize it at risk of being called a sexist.

It's not fair....IT WAS HER TURN!!!!

Now, we're fighting back

>they literally stop you from watching a bad movie
Why is DC so based?

Can we stop with the generated controversy stuff in everything, why does real life have to be a b8 post?

Isn't it just a single cinema chain making a "women's only" showing during one night?

Can we just exclude women and minorities from voting ever again?

I don't really care but from a purely objective point of view, how is literally disallowing a specific demographic group of people not discrimination?

No way. Pirates are more interesting than smelly snatch hos.

Discrimination = Racism + Power

Movie studios are clearly not racist, and clearly have no power.

>Being triggered by a cinema

Wonder Woman a cute y/n?

Can't wait to do the same with my theater. No blacks or women or gays.

Sure it'll go over swell

pick one

>Movie studios

It's one cinema in Austin.

A)I doubt even 1% of theaters will have girl only showing
B) literally no one "flipped out" other than people doing it as a joke

Looks like Marvel beta shit brains are on super suicide watch.

getting pretty obvious at this point


this "outrage" was the only reason they had fucking women only viewing
the movies shit so they have to go for the oppressed feminist angle.

I never see people complaining. Just article headlines about people complaining.

Outrage is just an advertising gimmick

Who cares? Is the movie good or not?


(((They're))) too obvious about it nowadays. What happened to when (((they))) were more subtle?

Id love for everyone to ignore this and let it happen. and next time men make something glorious or big they would turn that shit into guys only.

Nice Pepe image. What is this, 2014?

Gimme a break, it's 1 of only 2 "laughing" pics I have on my phone

But if there are no men, who the fuck is going to pay for the women to see this movie?

Seriously, women don't like going to the movies. The only exceptions are sexual movies like Magic Mike and 50 Shades of Grey. They don't like action or sci-fi.

I can't see this making more than 60m opening weekend.

This was the plan all along.

Make a female only anything, one or two guys says something in a calm manner, and then act as if all men are on some witch hunt.

It's become the norm now.

Its honestly going to be the silent majority which will fuck this movie. They'll keep excluding men and building this fake outrage and it will turn off a lot of people from watching the movie. It happened when Ghostbusters tried to rile up controversy and outrage every other turn.

They say there no such thing as bad publicity, but this is quite the example right here.

They have guy nights at my local cinema. You get free burgers and cheap beer, its great.

Forced controversy. They're not even trying any more.

Since the movie is pronbably pure trash, they're using reverse psychology and social engineering to sell their shit


Liberals are going full circle. First it was segregated areas for blacks and whites in colleges, now it's segregating men and women. So much for inclusiveness, I guess.

Just like Ghostbusters and Amy Schumer's entire career and Hillary Clinton.

It could literally be one comment they read in a youtube video's comments section.

The official announcement did actually say "female-identifying" people counted lmao.

Made by the author of the article.

It's a warmup for sharia law.

The only people who have the energy to be worked up about this are all on twitter anyways.

Nope. Maybe Reddit is more your speed.

what is reddit

Wonder Woman is such a progressive character for the 1930's

Isn't it techically illegal tho? If you cant refuse to sell cakes to gays how can you refuse to sell movie tickets to men?

it literally is sexist though.

I don't think its a huge deal, but it is sexist.

Feel free to file a lawsuit, nobody cares.

That's sexist

Why do they give a fuck? Only beta women go to the theater with other women.

>Why do they give a fuck?
Ad revenue from forced controversy, welcome to the thread.

>this is worth getting outraged about
It's fucking marketing and you shits are giving them all the publicity they need. Capeshit is rotting your brains.

It has a 73 on RT
That's pretty much what it would take to get me to go to a theater with the shit that's out this year.

>welcome to the thread.
Thank you. I was talking about those "outraged" men the headline speaks about. Frankly i doubt there was outrage. I even doubt the news was that popular.

It's like having a positive "gay" character in the 80s/ early 90s be extremely camp and pretty much their only defining feature. At the time seen as really progressive due how rare gay characters where and to how it didn't shy away from it at a time where gay people still legitimately had to fear for their well being if they came out as the norm.
Yet putting a gay character like that in a film/show today would considered very homophobic and stereotypical, suffering massive backlash.

I've seen too many people refer to Wonder Woman as a "cultural icon". To which I always ask in what way? The answer without fail is full off "umm"s and "ahhh"s followed by ...."because you know...she's a woman and super and stuff"
No one knows anything about her and she sticks out like a sore thumb compared to other dozens of other superheroes who just happen to be women. Is was needed at the time. Not now.

>I was talking about those "outraged" men the headline speaks about
Prove that they exist.

Are they assuming peoples' genders at these screenings?

Why should I? Even I doubt they exist, as I stated in the sentence exactly after the one you quoted.

the movie is so shit they're resorting to the marketing tactics from that south park episode where cartman gets an amusement park

>BTW both critics and viewers LOVED the movie

They said LITERALLY same thing about BvS and SS.

The feminists are the ones flinging rocks around in a glass house. How are you going to constantly complain about equality and then ban men from screenings of your movie
I can't wait to see this movie fail as bad as suicide squad

>DChomos constantly shit on Marvel for SJW shit
>Now they're doing it and Marvel is dialing it back

How is this meant to generate outrage? The only people upset about it are the oversensitive alt right retards from Sup Forums, no one else gives a shit.

>Women eat this shit up though tbqh and I am feeling a 80M opening weekend,

LOL, only someone who has never been near a woman would claim this.

Women like romance and dirty comedy (preferably from a female perspective), this is what draws them in.

Since when did critics love Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad?

You would think that more businesses would take advantage of the wimmin market.

They're privileged, childless, paid to do fuck all, believe anything as long as it fits the agenda -- why aren't the Jews all over this?

The only Marvel SJW shit is the comics, but I think that's just because nobody at Marvel really gives a shit about that department anymore

They said early critics loved the movie, even though it was exposed as lies as soon as the embargo ended.

I dont know anyone who was legitimately angry or even close to "flipping out" about this new Wonderwoman movie, these are the same headlines that media used for ghostbusters to give the movie some hope but look how that turned out.

Im predicting another

Marvel never did anything like this.

>Movie about a superhero who's sole purpose in leaving her homeland is to prove her people and the the ones of the lands she travels to, that men & women can live side my side as equals
>Cinema decides this is the one to have single gender screenings for.

You couldn't make this shit up I swear.