Why does he even have to train her?

>The resistance was looking for Luke, not for someone to train the new girl that nobody even knows.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why does he even have to train her?
That's a story for another time.

What a story Mark. Hey catch!

She's such a mary sue, J.J didn't even think that far ahead. J.J. is a fantasy type of guy, in that regard he's like a twelve year old boy who imagines himself a Jedi, and that's what they did with Rey, all of them, Kennedy and Jar Jar Jew saw themselves as the Protagonist in this case their mary sued heroine.
She literally did more with the force than Luke ever did and surpassed all that Obi Wan did. That's like saying she wants Han to give her falcon flying lessens. She's literally a deus ex machina.

Don't remind me. J.J's a hack.

The absurd star has been destroyed, so everyone can take a vacation.

Only like 10% of the time they're together is going to be training, most of which will be him telling her how quickly she's advancing. The other 90% will be her convincing him he needs to get back into the fight.

>be me
>try to be a teacher
>dumbass nephew goes crazy and kills all the other students
>get ptsd
>fly away to another planet
>stay there for years
>at this point I'm the only jedi in the galaxy
>some qt3.14 flies in with my old friend's car
>she has my old lightsaber
>tell her to fuck off and go get the hand that was holding onto it
>she does and comes back
>now I have a student
I think he'd train her just because he knows there's an expiration date on him (he's already getting pretty old) so without him the jedi literally die forever. It's more like passing the torch than wanting to have an apprentice.

She doesn't have to advance, even if they have his character saying she has. She's literally master level after just hearing about the force hours before. She's beyond Luke. She could teach him about the Force.


It literally pisses me off that they've fucked star wars as badly as they have. Being a Jedi was like becoming a grand pianist. You have to first have a Piano (being force capable) and even if you could make simple melodies (Prescience) you still had to be taught to become a capable believable player (getting a master).

They've forever fucked it up And I hate them all!

>And I hate them all!
Not just the men, but the women, and the children.
Seriously though. It's like Kennedy didn't even see ANH or ESB. It took Luke years to even do anything with the force, yet Rey can retrieve a lightsaber with the force within hours of learning she was force sensitive.

Even revan had to cruise around dantioone for a bit if there going down the Amnesia route

I have to thank Kennedy though, her and J.J's fuck up has inspired me to do my own project to, if nothing else, recapture Lucas' vision. If you want to see a protagonist done right. Read Jeane Cavelos' Passing of the Technomages series. Fucking brilliantly written and methodically plotted. Cavelos is a physics professor I think so she came at it form a student becoming a master's point of view. Fucking love the shit outta that series. Haven't read it in nearly fifteen years. Next year I'm going to rebuy all of them and read the series again. Around the same time I rewatch Dune. I watch Lynch's Dune every few years too. Brilliant story tellers they are.

imagine a Nolan directed Star Wars film

I'm erect just thinking about it

So as long as Kennedy and Disney is at the helm, it doesn't matter who directs it. They decide everything. Kennedy and Jar Jar Jew said the force is female, and that the boys time is over, it is the girls time. Both misnomers if ever a contrarin phrase was said. Girls don't give a shit about star wars. Conventions are always twelve to one, boy to girl, Women who go to these events or to movies carries their male children, So men and young boys and younger boys are always going to be their majority of money givers. If they keep this up they'll alienate their majority fans. Kennedy and her dyke harem thinks they're some kind of trend setters. They'll fail. Disney will fire them and try to salvage it by bringing in some one like Nolan to bring back in the male demographic. Women do love star wars of course, but not that many women. And besides women don't give a shit about that girl power stuff. They're either there to enjoy the science fiction or get off to scoundrels like Han Solo. It's why female sports never make any money. Their intended audience literally doesn't give a shit about any of it.

who cares, star wars is dead creatively

Nothing can save Star Wars

If Nolan was given full creative freedom with the Star Wars franchise he could do something incredible. The reason TDKR flopped was because WB forced him to make it and had a ton of criteria it had to meet, whereas he could do anything he wanted with TDK and Interstellar.

Why the fuck would he cares if he dies when they have fucking force magic to talk from the other world.

Force ghosts can't interact physically with things, which means the First Order would be able to do whatever they wanted without repercussions or anyone to stop them

because 2 jedi are better than 1 you fucking retard

But they can already do that. so what difference does that make?

I think you do a discredit here. You're basiclly saying the majority of SW fans are gender sensitive thwats who get their panties in a bunch because the main character is a female. Thats retarded think as we have proof that these movies do well in places like China despite the fact there is next to 0 asian let alone Chinese characters in them.

Reality is a competent director, writer, and team without forced themes could write a female hero just as well if they focus on the story and hero aspects first. Would ANH have gotten less of a reception if Luke had been female instead? I don't think so.

We'll see in episode 8 I guess

Why didn't Kenobi or Qui-Gon Jinn went and bother Vader as ghost?

I think R1 did pretty good with a female lead. It didn't feel like they just put her in there for the sake of having a female lead.

You know that's a great question, where was Qui-Gon when Anakin was being a cunt? It's all his fault really

They might have but it wasn't shown on screen. Idk. The same could be asked about Vader not going as a force ghost to see Kylo.

shes training him biggot

luke has a lot to learn about gender identity, feminism and diversity. after shes done she will take luke to space prison because the force is female now and luke used xer without her consent for years which is RAPE

Because QuiGon was actually a sith

You are now manually aware that Qui-Gon -literally- shouts "ANIKIN NO!!!!" when he slaughters the Sand People.

Why wouldn't they want as many jedi as possible? Are you all autistic?


wtf luke should ditch Rey on that planet at wreck the first order in a day


Kennedy will never allow Nolan to bring back male heroes. She's on a power trip. And it won't stop until it all burns down and when it burns, Disney will blame her and her dyke harem and fire them all. By then, only Nolan could potentially bring it back. But it might be too little too late by that point. Kennedy is such a cancer she's trying to burn down 40 years of Lucas' legacy in as short amount of time as possible. Fucking Ridley fucked up big time with Covenant because he only heard fans complain and didn't have forums addressing what people hated.
Kennedy unlike Ridley wants to force an incompatible agenda that will blow up in their faces.

I'm saying they're boys and men who loves their shit male orientated. So when you say, Star Wars is Female Only. The Force is Female! You're the one discreminating. Lucas made the Stories about Father and son but at no time did he say, The Force Is Male Only. That's like me saying, The force is white male only, niggers, aliens, fags and bitches need not apply. Capitalism doesn't give a shit about your political correctness. Marvel Comics learned that the hard way. 80% of their audiences walked away because of their SJW shit. Most of star wars fans are male.

The Force ghosts don't give a fuck

I'm pretty excited to be able to play a qt tie pilot though

And people say the prequels weren't kino

>Help us, Christopher Nolan. You're our only hope.

Star Wars, for me, died when Lucas sold it to the white slavers. Who knew Disney would be as cancerous as we now know them to be. Every show of theirs is forcing Cultural Marxism. We need traditional values to return.

>>tell her to fuck off and go get the hand that was holding onto it

This game is EA shit and is gonna suck

Normies don't read the comics or the books so it would be nice to see some imperials that don't defect and still maintain loyalty to their beliefs and believe they are on the right side of the civil war

But only after Kennedy has gotten sacked. Happily Disney is run by Jews so when the shit goes broke they'll fire her because although they love the Cultural Marxism cancer that's fucking up the world, they're really in it for the money. Only after Kennedy and her dyke harem gets fired and they bring in Nolan who'll bring Star Wars closer to some semblance of familiarity. Look no further than Mass Effect. Sure it was always about fags, but you had to choose to be a fag, these fucks are removing freedom of choice. So your only choices are trannies, fags, feminist and cucked bitch men.
I surmise Lucas' games are about the same with Dyke Kennedy at the helm, your choices are trannies, feminist and cucked castrated males and minorities. You probably can't choose white anything anymore. It's like when those fuckers were saying that Star Wars will finally have a female in the lead, but what's Janeway?

>but what's Janeway?
Thanks for the laugh user

That would require competent writers. And competent writers can't work for people like Kennedy who wants you to focus on her SJW shit.

fuck I can't wait for kennedy to get fired

Sure it wasn't star wars but fuck, it was a female captain and boy, did she suck. So why go through the Janeway shit all over again, this time in a star wars series? Women don't belong in the military. I can't say that enough. Fuckers on tv complaining of women getting raped in record numbers. They don't belong there!

She's the only option

We need Nolan to head Lucasfilm. Every fucking film would be kino. Maybe he'll do a series that's centuries removed and we'll get to have a mara jade who starts a relationship with a young boy who is a clone of Luke Skywalker and she has to protect him only the boy is for reasons unknown, experiencing Luke Skywalker's memories. And he and Mara Jade enters a sexual relationship. It doesn't even have to be overtly sexual. Just Mara Jade using the force and looking into the boy's mind but instead of a boy she finds an old man who doesn't remember who he is, but she's in the guise of a little girl and the man reaches down and kisses this little girl who in actuality is a 51 year old mara jade, and the old man is Luke's clone who is only 10 years old. But in the boy's mind she's a 10 year old girl and somewhere's about the sex is implied between the four of them.

I didn't believe you. Now i do, and now star wars is going to die magnanimously. I'm done.

Nolan can save us

One can only hope. The Cognitive Dissonance Disney and Kennedy is suffering is out of this world. Don't they know they're destroying themselves?

>One of the highest grossing movies of all time
>Destroying themselves
The sooner you understand normalfags don't fucking care about gay shit like women as heroes or whitie being ebil the healthier you'll be

Why would he, though? If he wants to make a scifi framchise, he can do it all by himself, without execs, bitchy fanboys or having to put Zimmer to compete with Wiliam's score. He would also be free of annoying comparisons with the original trilogy. He'd also have full creative freedom over the lore and design. He wouldn't have to deal with the backfire of removing marey sue. Its a bad move overall. .

Phasma isn't evil. Hux is arguably brainwashed since childhood. Only snooke (looks like an alien btw) and Kyle thinking he would become more powerful after killing his dad.

It's not the point, the imagery speaks for itself with the Nuremburg-esque imagery even Jorge himself threw into his series, Star Wars has always been about WW2 and totalitarianism which just so happened to be a major thing in Europe (no one cares about Japan), nu-Wars just continues that trend to its logical conclusion of fuck borders and fuck white people

That's the problem with normal people who thinks. You're better off not thinking at all. Just let people who know better tell you better and then you digest their words. You do that on the regular obviously. The Jew publishes stories or tells you what to do through your Jew box, and you lap it up as facts. Do the same here. Unlike the Jew media, I'm trying to educate your ignorant ass. Star Wars Episode 7 was the most anticipated movie of all time. It was literally longed for, for decades. It almost doesn't matter what it was about. It would have made money. Look at Transformers. It's shit yet it makes over a billion yearly. Mark Hamil said of a mate, "I was told by a friend that Star Wars made 2 billion dollars, Well I brought up Transformers a billion per release performance. He said but it made box office gold. I responded, But was it any good. So you see, Hollywood isn't interested in telling good stories, they want to sell products. And that's all movies are now, products." If that wasn't a blaring rebuttal to your point of, but it made a gazillion dollars, then you're hopelessly lost.

Well they made me be open to be sympathetic to literally hitler.

You misunderstand, I know exactly what this shit is, I don't partake in it aside from shitposting in Star Wars threads, Star Wars popularity is a perfect example of why we deserve everything we get

You know when normies watch nu Star Wars they're smart enough to see that it's not shitting on white people but attempting to copy the aethstetic of the og trillogy. Middle aged faggots shat on the prequels so much that disneys afraid of doing something new

Force magic ghosts aren't that convenient, otherwise Anakin would have told Ren to stop worshiping him.

>You know when normies watch nu Star Wars they're smart enough to see that it's not shitting on white people
I can tell you right now they aren't smart enough to do anything than clap at dogshit

>implying normies lives revolve around Star Wars and just go to the premier b/c muh social media posting

>Implying Star Wars isn't a borderline autistic social cult of media
Are you fucking stupid? You could put out a scat film and bill it as Star Wars and faggots would line up for it

But it's not our doing. It is, and it isn't. Sorry about before. But it's kinda like when you want to have sex but all available to you is that one girl that everyone calls smelly, and greasy and narfy. So you say to yourself, it's either narfy looking or its my hand for the rest of my days. So you think, and then you say, Why Not?

You don't want what they give you, but what else is there? Jew wood is all about putting better films in vaults and making shit. Jew wood doesn't want to incite you or to revolutionize anyone. They're interested in selling shit as salad and getting you to pay for extras and for extra ranch. But what else is there? You want to do a movie in America outside of Hollywood, good luck. They literalloy signed Theaters to exclusivity contracts. They do the same with everyone, be they actors, lawyers, sound people, production assistants. Virtually all layers of entertainment the Jew has tied up. Even when it comes to broadcasting. You want your shit broadcast, you have to join this group, you want in that group, you have to do shit their way or your shit don't get broad cast. You want your own cable station, you have to deal with the same fucking Jews who signed deals with Cable providers to only let in people they've vetted. It's all monopolized. Congress can't do shit about it because they're lobbied not to peer or ask questions and its a conglomerate of industry heads. So it'd be like, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, and Huawei all joining forces to keep you out of the smart phone business by forcing all avenues thereof to ostracize you unless you do things there way. With the internet you should be able to still promote whatever picture or movie you've made but with the Jew owning more and more internet providers, they'll start blocking anywhere that doesn't do things there way. Welcome to the matrix.

Blame Judaism as much as you want, the cold hard fact is the main consumer group is white, nominally christian males. That speaks volumes. You could always just pirate shit like a great many people do, but no they choose to see it in a cinema and pay out the nose for it

He has been on a desolate planet isolated for decades

Now a woman shows up and wants him

Should be called "Star Wars Episode 8: The Celibate's Prerogative"

or "Star Wars Episode 8: Luke and Rei bang"

"Star Wars Episode 8: The Celibate's Prerogative"
sounds like bigbang theory episode

"Star Wars Episode 8: Luke and Rei bang"
is the always sunny episode

I've never seen this movie.

"Star Wars Episode 8: That Last Cum Shot

It's what Hitler saw. No one wants to openly admit it but it's what Hitler saw. They try to control all aspect of your life, what you see, hear, what is relevant, what is expunged and desisted, what's intellectual and what's a waste. They seek out the sources for all things and the best of all things and when they have it, the only outsource it to other Jews, excluding all else.

Watch it now. It's fucking amazing.