Both of them are The Thing

Both of them are The Thing

the thing was killed in the explosion

Only the originating from Africa BLACK AS THE NIGHT dude is.

The viewer is the thing

The Thing never existed

>not subscribing to the theory that Maccready was the Thing all along
LMFAOing @ #allyounerds

You can see macreadys cold breath when he talks but you cant see childs'

That's the stupidest theory I've heard. Whats the reasoning behind it ?

Why would he be trying to kill the thing if he was the Thing?

What would have happened if everyone were to become infected right off the bat? Would they just sulk around like speechless automatons until the rescue team came along like when you enable noclip mode in a videogame and the enemies just stand there?

Because the thing we believe is the thing is actually the deterent of the actual thing set to kill them all.

I didn't enjoy this movie. I wanted all the characters to die already to get it over with.

How about you not use an analogy that only nerds would get?

Nah because you should be able to infer what it means

Fuck off nerd.

I don't play videogames.

go back to your capeshit.

we all have a little thing inside of us.

if you namsayn

>the thing is actually another thing sent to kill the thing we know about

thats seriously retarded
whats the basis of this theory? like what pieces of "evidence" convinced you?

It was all a dream.

you are one dumb son of a bitch
childs' breath does foam he's just sitting with his back TO A FUCKING FIRE that's why its less visible you retard

Both of them were.
Only one of them were.
Neither of them were.
It doesn't really matter either way for the characters present in the final scene. Both, or just one, are either dead already, or will die because they have no shelter from the weather of Antarctica

At that point who is who didnt matter, they would kill each other anyway

not that user but ive never heard someone refer to breaths condensation in cold weather as "foam" kek

Didn't Carpenter originally confirm that Childs was indeed the Thing because MacReady outsmarted him by giving him a bottle of gasoline to drink? If I remember right he retracted that statement and left it to the viewers imagination.

that guy wasn't me and I was being semi-facetious in the first place

Molotov theory. Plausible, and the best option out there.

well the shit posts have to come from somewhere i guess

Why does it matter?

Well the thing is the theory is flimsy since you can see him trying to take a sip out of it before Childs surprises him.

both john and kurt contradicted their own words every time someone asked them for 30 years, theyve been trolling the fans without stop

there is no official canon confirmation, other than: